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Awalukin Arianto 6511418080

Ayu Zahya 6511418065
Yunita Wulandari 6511418084
Yuliana Indra Hapsari 6511418075
Hanum Huwaida 6511418059

Host : Awal ,Yuza
Guest speaker
 Yunita : Obesity
 Salma : Food Hygiene
 Yuliana : Healthy Diet For Children
 Hanum : Healthy Diet (Life Style)

Awal : Good morning all, come back again with us in agenda healty for life life for healty. My
name is awalukin
Yuza : and i am yuza. What are we going to discuss today?
Awal : We well discuss about popular problem healty, so what do you think what would we
discuss today?
Yuza : Maybe this is the most liked by women, this time the topic is related to the ideal body
Awal : Of course, and to day we are with beautiful guest speakers, and more understands with
our theme today.
Yuza : Let's open this event with theme
Yuza awal : healthy for life ,life for healthy
Awal : So we jump to our guest speakers
Yuza : Before we started this event, we got acquainted with our cool resource person
Awal : Start from nearest me
Yunita : assalamualaikum , My name is Yunita and I work as a doctor at ______ hospital.
Yuza : Yes, next to the mrs. Yunita there is Salma. Please introduce yourself.
Salma : yes good morning everyone, I am salma, my profession is a food expert. now I work at
Awal : Ok, and here the third and fourth speakers are nutritions specialist. Introduce your self
Yuli : yes my name is Yuli. But I am more specialist about children's nutrition
Hanum : yes my name is Hanum, I am a nutritionist as well as Sis Yuli
Yuza : This is for all of you, lately there are still problems with obesity and other health
problems. Now, what do you think the problem clients often complain about their
Awal : And maybe can explained to us what cause of this problem, and should can starts from
mrs Yunita first
Yunita : I often handle clients with obesity case since I’m a specialist in dietitian. Even elder is
the most risky step in experiencing obesity, it actually can happen in every age such as
adult, teenager, or even kid. It might happen because of the unhealthy way of life. Based
on some of my clients’ experience, they often eat junk food or eat a lot and they don’t
work out to burn the Calorie.
Yuza : If according to Salma, what are the things?
Salma : if the problem that I often find is mostly the problem of food poisoning. there are still
many cases of poisoning because food in the hospital too. the cause itself is usually
because the food they consume has been contaminated with bacteria or when making
food does not meet health standards.
Awal : Next
Yuli : from my own client, mostly complaining about the health problems of their children.
Many of my clients ,their children suffer from malnutrition or obesity. The cause is
usually from the knowledge of their own parents who do not understand the food intake
needed by their children. and their children also likes to buy food carelessly on the side
of the road whose food is not hygienic.
Yuza : Well, just go to our last resource person.
Hanum : if I did, it was because I opened my own practice, I did not work in a hospital
environment, so most of my clients complained about how to do a good and correct diet.
Awal : What the usually the first factor from this problem that happens in society?
Hanum : i want to answer, usually the main factor is an unhealthy lifestyle due to not
understanding the community about lifestyle and consumption of unhealthy foods.
Salma : yes most of them also consume a lot of junk food because it is considered more
practical and easy when buying it.
Yuli : in my opinion there are also many people who still believe too much in the beliefs and
myths that develop in their environment
Yunita : Yes ! I extremely agree with Yuli’s statement. Unfortunately, some of those myths are
not really true
Yuza : oh, maybe we will switch topics a little. namely diet to get the ideal body. but i heard,
drink before eating, wear pants that are a little tight, wear contrasting colors and also
make a quiet atmosphere when eating can reduce weight?
Salma : to drink before meals is recommended because naturally digestion does require
encouragement before re-digesting the heavy food that enters. And for the selection of
cutlery with contrasting colors according to research if we eat using cutlery that tends to
be monotonous it can increase appetite by 22% or so it is better to reduce the portion or
excessive appetite the researchers recommend using eating utensils that have a color
that contrasts with the food.
Yunita : using a tight pants is not a must, but using your pants above your hips might help you
to give a signal when your stomach is already on the limit. Make no sound when you are
eating is also can help you to control your appetite. Some of my clients are already tried
it and it helps.
Awal : this topic can entered to tips, for mrs Hanum and mrs Yuliana maybe you have
another tips to share with us?
Hanum : my tips related to a healthy lifestyle. The first tip is breakfast using fruits and
vegetables. Because vegetables and fruit can help to supplement the nutrients needed
and also the fiber contained can balance the intake of food in and out. second is eating
nutritious foods. if you want to lose weight consume foods that contain minerals and
antioxidants. The third drink about 2 liters of mineral water every day. The fourth one
eat steamed or boiled food. Fifth rearrange the menu that will be consumed. Complete
your dinner plate with rice and side dishes. The sixth is that you can do physical
activities to help reduce your weight by removing fat through sweat after doing enough
physical activity.
Yuli : I will add from kak Hanum, but this is more focused on providing insight to parents
about giving food to their children. First, choose high protein foods such as seafood,
meat, and eggs, because protein itself has a very important role for the body. Secondly,
eat foods that are made from seeds because they can help facilitate metabolic processes
in the body. Third, drink milk to make it more complete because it can help children in
the process of growth, especially in the growth of bones and teeth. In addition, avoid
using excessive sugar, because it will cause negative effects on the body such as
obesity. And also avoid foods that contain saturated fats that can cause high blood
pressure, cholesterol, cardiovascular disease and others.

Awal : So from all our discuss today we must keep our healty our body for prevent the
Yuza : of course, because it cam help us in every daily activity
Awal : ok, the time will be end and maybe what we have do today can give us benefits, see you
next time
Awal Yuza : Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

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