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Nowadays watching too much TV became a very widespread problem.

We can
see TV in every home, even the parents begin to teach their children to watch
TV in early childhood, because they think that is a good way to develop a child.
Sometimes people forget that the TV does not always carries only positive
aspects. As a consequence, TV affects human physical, mental and social health
in a very destructive ways. One reason why people should not watch too much
TV is reduction of mental capacity. Because when people watch an excessive
amount of television they do not look for new solutions of any problems. As an
another reason, excessive TV watching leads to emotional frustration in families
and problems with relatives. Rather than spend time with family and friends,
people are worried about fictional characters. Also watching too much TV is
harmful because the human brain is filled with redundant information. A huge
stream of advertising, TV shows, TV series and news releases emotional cripple
person. Thus it can be said that in the modern time watching TV is an attribute
of a limited world view and lazy lifestyle, which leads to many psychological
and physiological problems.

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