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3/9/2020 adv_camera | Flutter Package

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adv_camera 1.0.0+1
Published Jan 6, 2020 6 likes


Readme Changelog Example Installing Versions 85

Advanced Camera About

An advanced camera with features
This is our custom Camera that enabling you to tap Repository (GitHub)
focus, zoom, ashlight. View/report issues
API reference
Note: This plugin use android.hardware.Camera, I have
tried to migrate it to android.hardware.Camera2 in
development branch, but with lack of understandings I
found out so many inconsistency and nd it kinda waste License

of time since Android is developing their new camera BSD (LICENSE)

CameraX. So until CameraX has released its stable Dependencies

version, I think I will still use this. utter

There's still so much feature that I haven't include such More

as video recording, auto white balance, etc. Packages that depend on

And please note that Flutter have their own camera
plugin, but they haven't include focus and ashlight
feature there.


First, add adv_camera as a dependency in your

pubspec.yaml le.

iOS 1/2
3/9/2020 adv_camera | Flutter Package

Add two rows to the ios/Runner/Info.plist :

one with the key Privacy - Camera Usage

Description and a usage description.

and one with the key Privacy - Microphone Usage

Description and a usage description.

Or in text format add the key:

<string>Can I use the camera please?</string>
<string>Can I use the mic please?</string>

For Android's permission, you have to con gure it
yourself (using Dexter, etc.), or you can manually turn on
its permission at setting.

This plugin is made to support my other plugin

adv_image_picker, you can see that its permission is
handled there.

You can nd the full example, here

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