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Persuasive Speech

Should Human Cloning be Allowed?

By Halle Telen

Cloning was and is possible. Scientists and people alike were surprised and mixed
about the success of cloning Dolly the sheep by scientist in Scotland in1996, several other
mammals have been cloned after such as dogs, cats and pigs but were unsuccessful for
primates like monkeys and us. But after a few years, Hua Hua and Zhong, the cloned
macaque monkeys in China was completed. But they were the only living births from six
pregnancies experimented. Even though this will improve later on in time, I still won’t stand
for human cloning when it comes. It is banned in many countries and a declaration by the UN
called on all states to prohibit is as “incompatible with human dignity and the protection of
human life” since 2005, so why should we worry. Well right now we don’t have to, but what
if a million years in the future when cloning is now legal? What now is the difference of a
living human being or a fleshed out copy paste of someone. I am personally not ready for the
consequences of messing the natural flow of life. Human cloning for me is waste of an
experiment and material resources, abnormal, unethical and immoral. The ratio of more
failures than success hopes me than it will not attract anyone to this idea and be legalized. But
what if it had a 100% survival and success rate?

To supply soldiers in battle they could just duplicate them for manpower. They could
even let the duplicates duke it out while the originals could live safe especially for important
figures. Organs from the duplicates can be used to replace the damaged organs of the
originals with a higher rate of compatibility, success and longevity. Endangered bloodlines
or race could be repopulated by cloning to ensure it will live on for more generations. Your
duplicates can do the chores or work you don’t want to do or let them take the responsibility
for you to be at ease. I won’t deny that there are benefits in this duplication, but with its
benefits there are its cons and people who’ll realize this will abuse its power. Divide in
society between duplicates or clones to the original people will clearly tear its way in the
people’s mind. A social standing that the originals are higher than the duplicates. They will
be used as meat shields and puppets in war, slaves in doing the original’s work and don’t
receive credit. A criminal would probably secretly clone humans as merchandise for
unsavoury reasons like sex toys, experiment subjects, torture victims for show, a meal on a
plate for cannibals and so much more I don’t want to state. Because of this divide and
difference in treatment, the duplicates will realize and will start to revolt. Slowly then surely,
a revolution, against their literal selves. Another intelligence in this close minded world will
create a divide, discrimination then war. We’ve seen this so many times in history,
colonisation, the treatment of black or brown people, and each one not successfully getting its
equality and respect without shedding blood. But wouldn’t the people just accept them as
another human being with no labels like duplicate or original? We could, but how long will
we get there. Up until now people are still getting insecure, discriminated, prejudiced,
mistreated, misunderstood, marginalized, bullied, made fun of, misrepresented and
unaccepted because of their skin color, religion, race, body shape and etc. Indeed here is
already peace between white, black and brown people, Muslims praying to their god
peacefully but for how long in history did we reach this peace. Longer than the life span of a
slave to see the peace today. It’s not even complete peace when wars in Syria, Ukraine and
Russia and discrimination, prejudice, sexism, colorism is still alive and awake. With this, is
humanity really prepared for the duplication of life?

Paul Ramsey an ethicist said “The good things that men do can be complete only by
the things they refuse to do”, and cloning is one of those we shouldn’t allow nor do. Human
cloning is not even clearly defined as a human being because it’s created from a transferred
nucleus from a human cell. It’s not clear if they are considered like us or a clone. It’s the
same scenario as what if artificial intelligent robots are everywhere? But instead of metal
figures we are dealing with actual flesh and bones with human feelings and intelligence. It
would be immoral to shut them off like robots. Science is capable of advancing humans pass
our limits and see where it will take us for the better, but it can also bring disastrous
consequences we did not expect or underestimated such as war. Religion, morality, insanity
and the value of life has kept us in check of our humanity, if we ourselves are still human.
We haven’t even touched on the topic of human experiments on cloning, what will happen to
the failed ones when their whole life and all they’ve known was to be in a lab? I’m a realist
and even that I don’t want to know the answer.

Movies like Frankenstein or cartoon or show episodes where they featured what
would it be like to have a clone of themselves. It always started out well or the idea of it
would be wonderful and will bring an incredible advancement in the medical world, but it
always end up in a disaster either killing the hand made life or ceasing the existence of the
clone which is not pretty. That’s why I kindly ask you to not support human cloning. Life has
a natural flow with a seal fate but disrupting it would bring bigger consequences than we are
prepared. To prevent this you could check for your local area and join in anti-human-cloning
campaigns. Through this you will help preserve the value of life and prevent immoral
experiments on humans. You spare a life from the suffering it will come and did not deserve.

We live in a world with infinite possibilities but for a short life span. That’s why we
make the most out it, cherish and value it while regretting on those wasted days and tears. We
only got one shot but what if there are too many shots than you can handle? Life is thrilling
and exciting because of the unknown which is valued but when it’s taken away by human
cloning, then what’s the purpose if clones could just take it over from us. Along the line they
could even decide the gender of a child, everything that makes life meaningful would be gone
and both humans and clones would be treated as cows. Pope John Paul II once said
“Abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, for example, risk reducing the human person to a
mere object: life and death to order, as it were!” Are we right to play as Gods?

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