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Automation Anywhere


1. Web Recorder
2. Standard Recorder
3. Object Recorder – Works on coordinates of the screen

Smart Recorder- Object Recorder or Standard Recorder

Note: Supporting chrome now, earlier it was only IE

VB scripts, JavaScript, Macros,

Migrated from .net to Java

Variable- prefix will be ‘v’

Object cloning- for extracting data from a web page

Shift down+f11+ shift up – will create a new spreadsheet in the existing one

Alt down +H+O+R+ alt up- Renaming the sheet

Delay: 50ms (Good practice)

Prompt assignment – default user defined variable but before utilizing it you need to clear it first as
there are chances of getting error without clearing it

Vbscript- for creating excel sheet at run time

Log to file- command to create log files

Shift+home- select the whole line

Use error handling approach


Scanned pdf- Image format only

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