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1. Okay, Please introduce yourself briefly?

My name is Dewi Chintiya, I'm 21 years old. I graduated from the University of
Indonesia, majoring in medical specialty surgery. My current activity is only to
study to enter work in an overseas hospital
2. What department do you apply and why do you interested on it?
I want to apply for the surgical nursing department especially the head of the
nursing team in the operating room, I am interested in working in that position
because that is where my expertise is and from my previous experience I always
do it in the operating room
3. Why did you leave your previous job?
I left my previous job because I wanted more challenges and new experiences,
especially abroad
4. what if in this new place you feel the same as you did in your last work/office?
It is okay for me, because I think it will be different from my previous job, also
as I mention before, I love to gain new experience.
5. When were you most satisfied in your work?
I feel never satisfied, so that I never stop learning and mastering new skills,
because if I succeed with the team for healing patients I feel I always want to
succeed in every patient treating
6. What are your strengths, please specify each of three?
my strength is that I enjoy learning new things, I can work with a team and it's
easy to adjust, can be a good leader for my team by making firm decisions but
also listening to the advice of my members, and I also like pursuing my target
7. What are your weaknesses, please specify each of three?
My weakness is, I often forget because I have overcome it by noting what I do
and remember more. Furthermore, I sometimes work on my own reports without
asking for help from others, and I am too much a perfectionist, so sometimes it
takes me a long time to complete a job like a report because I want to complete
it perfectly.
8. Why should we hire you? 
Because I have enough experience in this field and even this field is my
specialist, so I have a strong passion for this field.
9. How much salary do you want in every month?
I hope my salary is the same as the one offered on the job opening letter
10. Do you have any strategies to increase our business income?
I will do a very good job in treating patients so that it will add a good hospital
11. What course did you attend?
English language courses
12. Do you have working experience in this position? 
yes I have worked at the hospital Dr. Cipto Mangun Kusumo as a team member
in the operating room for 1 year, then last worked at the hospital BMIC in Bali
for 4 years and just stopped in 2019 because I wanted to try working abroad,
there I was as head of the medical nursing department especially in the operating
13. Can you work with a team and under pressure?
Yes, I can, I also don’t think it’s a pressure because it’s the responsibility of my
work and it’s also a great change to improve the quality of myself.
14. What three positive things would your last boss say about you?
yes he said I was a good team leader, doing work with great ambition and I
always put patient safety and healing first

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