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I chose dancing as an artwork that I familiar with because I can dance a little bit.

And the example that I

chose is Tambourine dance and it's all about praising God through dancing and the reason why I chose
this is because I am part of this kind of dance.

In dancing you can express your feelings and people will based on your movement so that they can
understand what you want to say or what your message is. Tambourine dance is all about praising and
adore God, also we express our thanksgiving to Him through dancing is it also a variety of different
reasons including joy, rejoicing, celebration, gladness and singing. Everytime I dance I internalize the
song so I can express the true meaning of the song so I can tell to the people what I want to say to them
and facial expressions is very important in dancing because people will know what your feelings.

In the end, I considered this artwork as an work of art because "Art can be able to explore his/her own
emotions and at the same time, create something beautiful out of it" as the quotation said that
emotions can create a beautiful meaning out of it and I think dance/ tambourine dance is a one of an

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