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PROT IARS OPOOD OGPCOBDRY? PGI OTIWAV> soTav> (= 2 VY Trem ou & D2 konthip Va rt THE Wee Keele we CARLOS! Men evolve in a completely predictable pattern | Men's Identity |@ The Nature of Men |@ | THE STAGES: |@ fl On Dating: |e HIS CAREER: |@ i FATHERHOOD: |@ | "MIDDLE AGE CRISIS" |@ T-Time |@ i When he does, he malfunctions He cannot deviate from it (— Many women think all men are frogs up front These ara easy to spot and avoid Then try to kiss them into being princes This CAN work - but not wall And that is not what you have assumed it means? \( The opposite works much better men have a perfectly good reason for everything he does? Men evolve in a completely predictable pattern je Men have a strongersense of selfthan women — Womenare more adaptable — which leads to a weakened identity Will only raveal their TRUE selves - Who they REALLY are - Man have a strong sense of self-but —) _ m7 spacial situations ‘Your best skill will ba the Long Listen Linear Maen go through stages of development (= Utterly focused on the one thing = Which makes us unstoppable at solving problems They seem “limited” = But he's really just intense Men's Identity Men are Laser Focused- — Interrupts this focus: "HELPS =) Beware crying wolf He's honored to help someone he admires. Men are direct - but not necessarily simple Which is why he takes them so seriously Values Opinions come from: = Man identify with their opinion = Information He defends them because they are an expression of self Disrespecting a man’s opinion is disrespecting HIM The Nature of Men |e THE STAGES: | i On Dating: |@ i HIS CAREER: |@ i FATHERHOOD: |@ "MIDDLE AGE CRISIS" |@ T-Time |@ i Men evolve in a completely predictable pattern oy Men's Identity |@ It isn't him? Maybe it's a function of how they are treated? What if i's something that happens in the way that women interact and treat men? Unfair? == Whatif- =) Adynamic — But what if ifs TRUE? WHAT IF: = He's just responding to you with the way he behaves? WHAT IF: © He's naturally heroic, honorable, loyal, emotionally generous How to bring out the BEST in men ‘Common observation given for guys Perversaly visual Women think: ©/ Superficial Economy of data Figure things out from appearance Sometimes women don't like what mencan sea (~ Shiny hair — Fertile © Nice butt/shapely hips Most women know this about men healthy, fat in diet Jealousy But when they talk about it, it's as if he “shouldn't be that way” liwomen don't have 17+% body fat, you stop ovulating | Appreciating and indulging in a single pleasure WITHOUT neurotic second-guessing and guilt WHAT HE SEES: — Sexual energy = "He's VISUAL” The Nature of Men Men are actually visuat © Itdoas not = Sexual attraction is not tha end-goal — Enchantment = \ Buy the lingerie that tums YOU on (- Sleep more Aggressive or receptive = Don't abandon your bady Remember the magic formula for attraction: == High levels of sexual atiraction!chemistry: = This is when he does all those "romantic" things ie = = = { Sherrie's comment © | like my weight When you're feeling sexy is when he's most tumed on Nurture your sexual energy - Can't be exhausted and sexy We look for softness in features Women’s faces take ona look depending on her that talls us she isn’t judging already demeanor The eyes are the most important Many women lose touch with their bodies Body image issues emotional disconnection Sexual anergy + Sensuality = Femininity This only makes him want to have sex with you Make him call you back Make him fall in love with you Make him want to commit Make him want to spend time or money with you Creates a blinding hunger in men Makes you feel creeped out Put him down Makes you respond from a fearful place - poorly == [ Put hi is place” x Not understanding why and what it does to a man in this state ‘You respond with fear, amasculating and diminishing him & angering him You're sexually attracted to him! = Workplace poster = Then you ignore the rational signs and jump in It's only sexual harrassment if she doesn't like you back! Quick sax UNLESS... = Blame the guy © Afterall, ha. was a jerk - he just wanted sex If itturns out badly © OR - blame yourself: — What's wrong with me that man only want sex Embracing sex too early= = Short circuiting the men’s natural need to chase & conquer What this means to you: > Man see your assets and strengths... Two kinds of attraction: @) What man say: @ He is Paradox @ HIS REALITY: @ HISNEEDS: @ Storytelling: @ Men's body language ® "MIDDLE AGE CRISIS" And ignore the stuff you think is working against you Men evolve in a completely predictable pattern ay Men's Identity |e What if- @ How to bring out the BEST in men “He's VISUAL" & ‘Obvious Sexual — == when you have ONLY this - he's just in it for the sex, nat relationship bedazzied captivated bewitched UNDER YOUR SPELL Want to get some coffee? A bite? Spend time with you = Ride with me to. Are you hat? Cold? (Adjusting climate) Take care of you Can | make you something to eat? I don't like that guy... Protect you = You should stay in Overland Park, it's safe \, The best place to put your monay is in the 401K Where would you like to go? Do? SIGNS: = Make youhappy © What do you want for? Can | get you anything? | can fix that. Provide for you = Can you let a man take care of you? Two kinds of attraction; = Enchantment = Can you fat a man protect you? QUESTIONS: — Can you let him make you happy? Can you let him provide for you? Women don't know how to receive from men You don't deserve it Deserving and obligation issues (= ‘You'll now be “in his debt" Self sufficiency © Independence REMEMBER: He's never saying YOU can't do this or that - Only that HE wants to do it to feel like a maniusefulla part of your life Women are mostly annoyed by men who want to contribute to them = You haar: "You're too dumb to know this, being 2 woman, so let me tail you..." He says: "Advice advice advice...” What he's really saying: (© "Let me give to you -let me be useful" The Nature of Men “Won't you be cold?” “Are you cold? Take my jackel..". = This takes away the chivalry of the moment and deflates him \, Receive... Aman tells you: "You don't look happy..." I don't know if f can make you happy HUGE REDFLAG: — TRANSLATION: — fl can't make you happy, I need to leave REMEMBER: = Mon leave women they can't make happy When you have this ONLY - he's a big-brother type, guardian Available men who feel both types will want to have a relationship with you listen with sympathy and compassion not enough to be willing to go shopping with them, and bring the cash. | have to want to go shopping.” Why don't you compliment us? May come across as insensitive We speak our minds because we actually care © Think about tha things you wish your giffriends would have told you mora directly Never punish our good behavior Usually through comments Unleash yourself in the bedroom = Men suspact women and distrust you when you hold back \ He's brought up to believe in self-fulfillment and self-reliance What men say, © Relationships often appear contrary to this Remember man's dilemma: =} Death of choice Death of fun Death of adventure i.e., sports Men always value and trust MEASURABLE success © So we fear and seek {o avoid vague endeavors Always give him credit and recognition = Orhe'll leave. Fathers are just as important as mothers Respect him as Father = Most male insight is not respected |. Honor his experience and direction for raising kids MISTAKES @ He is Paradox @ HIS REALITY: @ HISNEEDS: @ Storytelling: @ Men's body language @

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