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CHAPTER 8 – ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS Point-of-sale transaction processing system.

purchase of items at the checkout stand updates a
TPS, MIS/DSS, and special information systems store’s inventory database and its database of
in perspective. A TPS provides valuable input to purchases.
MIS, DSS, and KM systems.
data editing: Checking data for validity and
batch processing system: A form of data completeness to detect any problems.
processing whereby business transactions are
accumulated over a period of time and prepared data correction: Reentering data that was not
for processing as a single unit or batch. typed or scanned properly.
Batch versus online transaction processing (a) data processing: Performing calculations and
Batch processing inputs and processes data in other data transformations related to business
groups. (b) In online processing, transactions are transactions
completed as they occur.
data storage: Updating one or more databases
online transaction processing (OLTP): A form with new transactions.
of data processing where each transaction is
document production: Generating output
processed immediately without the delay of
records, documents, and reports.
accumulating transactions into a batch.
enterprise system: A system central to the
Example of an OLTP system Hospitality
organization that ensures information can be
companies such as ResortCom International can
shared with authorized users across all business
use an OLTP system to manage timeshare
functions and at all levels of management to
payments and other financial transactions.
support the running and managing of a business.
Integration of a firm’s TPS When transactions
Enterprise resource planning system. An ERP
entered into one system are processed, they
integrates business processes and the ERP
create new transactions that flow into another
best practices: The most efficient and effective
transaction processing cycle: The process of
ways to complete a business process.
data collection, data editing, data correction, data
processing, data storage, and document ERP software Microsoft Dynamics is an ERP
production. solution that is very popular among small
Transaction processing activities. A transaction
processing cycle includes data collection, data supply chain management (SCM): A system
editing, data correction, data processing, data that includes planning, executing, and controlling
storage, and document production all activities involved in raw material sourcing
and procurement, the conversion of raw materials
data collection: Capturing and gathering all data
to finished products, and the warehousing and
necessary to complete the processing of
delivery of finished products to customers.
Sales order entry window. Sales ordering is the
source data automation: Capturing data at its
set of activities that must be performed to capture
source and recording it accurately in a timely
a customer sales order.
fashion, with minimal manual effort and in an
electronic or digital form so that it can be directly customer relationship management (CRM)
entered into the computer. system: A system that helps a company manage
all aspects of customer encounters, including
marketing, sales, distribution, accounting, and discrete manufacturing: The production of
customer service. distinct items such as autos, airplanes, furniture,
or toys that can be decomposed into their basic
Customer relationship management system. A components.
CRM system provides a central repository of
customer data used by the organization. process manufacturing: The production of
products—such as soda, laundry detergent,
SAP Contact Manager Contact management gasoline, and pharmaceutical drugs—that are the
involves tracking data on individual customers
result of a chemical process; these products
and sales leads and accessing that data from any
cannot be easily decomposed into their basic
part of the organization.
product lifecycle management (PLM): An
enterprise business strategy that creates a
common repository of product information and
processes to support the collaborative creation, business intelligence (BI): A wide range of
management, dissemination, and use of product applications, practices, and technologies for the
and packaging definition information. extraction, transformation, integration,
visualization, analysis, interpretation, and
product lifecycle management (PLM) presentation of data to support improved decision
software: Software that provides a means for making.
managing the data and processes associated with
the various phases of the product life cycle, data visualization: The presentation of data in a
including sales and marketing, research and pictorial or graphical format. This scatter diagram
development, concept development, product shows the relationship between MSRP and
design, prototyping and testing, process design, horsepower.
production and assembly, delivery and product
word cloud: A visual depiction of a set of words
installation, service and support, and product
that have been grouped together because of the
retirement and replacement.
frequency of their occurrence.
computer-aided design (CAD): The use of
conversion funnel: A graphical representation
software to assist in the creation, analysis, and
that summarizes the steps a consumer takes in
modification of the design of a component or
product making the decision to buy your product and
become a customer.
computer-aided engineering (CAE): The use of
The conversion funnel. The conversion funnel
software to analyze the robustness and
performance of components and assemblies. shows the key steps in converting a consumer to
a buyer.
computer-aided manufacturing (CAM): The
online analytical processing (OLAP): A
use of software to control machine tools and
method to analyze multidimensional data from
related machinery in the manufacture of
components and products. many different perspectives, enabling users to
identify issues and opportunities as well as
CAD, CAE, and CAM software. In perform trend analysis.
manufacturing, the model generated in CAD and
data cube: A collection of data that contains
verified in CAE can be entered into CAM
software, which then controls the machine tool. numeric facts called measures, which are
categorized by dimensions, such as time and
PLM business strategy. PLM powers innovation geography.
and improves productivity.
A data cube. The data cube contains numeric self-service analytics: Training, techniques, and
facts that are categorized by dimensions, such as processes that empower end users to work
time and geography independently to access data from approved
sources to perform their own analyses using an
drill-down analysis: The interactive endorsed set of tools
examination of high-level summary data in
increasing detail to gain insight into certain Importance of data management. Modern data
elements—sort of like slowly peeling off the management requires a true balancing act
layers of an onion. between enabling self-service analysis and
protecting sensitive business information.
linear regression: A mathematical procedure to
predict the value of a dependent variable based on CHAPTER 10 – KNOWLEDGE
a single independent variable and the linear MANAGEMENT AND SPECIALIZED
relationship between the two. INFORMATION SYSTEMS
Simple linear regression. This graph shows a knowledge management (KM): A range of
linear regression that predicts students’ final practices concerned with increasing awareness,
exam scores based on their math aptitude test fostering learning, speeding collaboration and
score. innovation, and exchanging insights.
data mining: A BI analytics tool used to explore explicit knowledge: Knowledge that is
large amounts of data for hidden patterns to documented, stored, and codified—such as
predict future trends and behaviors for use in standard procedures, product formulas, customer
decision making. contact lists, market research results, and patents.
Cross-Industry Process for Data Mining tacit knowledge: The know-how that someone
(CRISP-DM): A six-phase structured approach has developed as a result of personal experience;
for the planning and execution of a data mining it involves intangible factors such as beliefs,
project. perspective, and a value system.
The Cross-Industry Process for Data Mining Knowledge management processes. Knowledge
(CRISP-DM) CRISP-DM provides a structured management comprises a number of practices.
approach for planning and executing a data
mining project. shadowing: A process used to capture tacit
knowledge that involves a novice observing an
key performance indicator (KPI): A metric that expert executing her job to learn how she
tracks progress in executing chosen strategies to performs.
attain organizational objectives and goals and
joint problem solving: A process used to capture
consists of a direction, measure, target, and time
frame. tacit knowledge where the novice and the expert
work side by side to solve a problem so that the
dashboard: A presentation of a set of KPIs about expert’s approach is slowly revealed to the
the state of a process at a specific point in time. observant novice.
Category management dashboard for total U.S. community of practice (CoP): A group whose
region. This dashboard summarizes a number of members share a common set of goals and
sales measures. interests and regularly engage in sharing and
learning as they strive to meet those goals
Category management dashboard for Northwest
region. This dashboard summarizes a number of organizational network analysis (ONA): A
revenue measures. technique used for documenting and measuring
flows of information among individuals, intelligent behavior: The ability to learn from
workgroups, organizations, computers, Web experiences and apply knowledge acquired from
sites, and other information sources. those experiences; to handle complex situations;
to solve problems when important information is
Organizational network analysis. Each node in
missing; to determine what is important and to
the diagram represents a knowledge source; each
react quickly and correctly to a new situation; to
link represents a flow of information between two
understand visual images, process and
manipulate symbols, and be creative and
metadata: Data that describes other data. imaginative; and to use heuristics

business rule management system (BRMS): The 20Q Web site 20Q is a game where users
Software used to define, execute, monitor, and play the popular game 20 Questions, against an
maintain the decision logic that is used by the artificial intelligence foe.
operational systems and processes that run the
perceptive system: A system that approximates
the way a person sees, hears, and feels objects.
enterprise search: The application of search
expert system: A system that consists of
technology to find information within an
hardware and software that stores knowledge and
makes inferences, enabling a novice to perform at
enterprise search software: Software that the level of an expert.
matches a user’s query to many sources of
Brain-machine interface. Honda Motors has
information in an attempt to identify the most
developed a brain-machine interface that
important content and the most reliable and
measures electrical current and blood flow
relevant source
change in the brain and uses the data to control
electronic discovery (e-discovery): Any process ASIMO, the Honda robot.
in which electronic data is sought, located,
Components of an expert system. An expert
secured, and searched with the intent of using it
system includes a knowledge base, an inference
as evidence in a civil or criminal legal case.
engine, an explanation facility, a knowledge base
artificial intelligence: The ability to mimic or acquisition facility, and a user interface.
duplicate the functions of the human brain.
Relationships between data, information, and
IBM Watson. IBM Watson is being used to knowledge. A knowledge base stores all relevant
develop treatment options for cancer patients information, data, rules, cases, and relationships
based on the DNA of their disease that an expert system uses.

artificial intelligence system: The people, rule: A conditional statement that links
procedures, hardware, software, data, and conditions to actions or outcomes.
knowledge needed to develop computer systems
IF-THEN statement: A rule that suggests
and machines that can simulate human certain conclusions.
intelligence processes, including learning (the
acquisition of information and rules for using the inference engine: Part of the expert system that
information), reasoning (using rules to reach seeks information and relationships from the
conclusions), and self-correction (using the knowledge base and provides answers,
outcome from one scenario to improve its predictions, and suggestions similar to the way a
performance on future scenarios). human expert would.
explanation facility: Component of an expert functions or how it reacts to situations based on
system that allows a user or decision maker to feedback it receives.
understand how the expert system arrived at
certain conclusions or results. neural network: A computer system that can
recognize and act on patterns or trends that it
knowledge acquisition facility: Part of the detects in large sets of data.
expert system that provides a convenient and
genetic algorithm: An approach to solving
efficient means of capturing and storing all the
problems based on the theory of evolution; uses
components of the knowledge base.
the concept of survival of the fittest as a problem-
knowledge user: The person or group who uses solving strategy.
and benefits from the expert system.
intelligent agent: Programs and a knowledge
knowledge engineer: A person who has training base used to perform a specific task for a person,
or experience in the design, development, a process, or another program; also called an
implementation, and maintenance of an expert intelligent robot or bot.
multimedia: Content that uses more than one
knowledge user: The person or group who uses form of communication—such as text, graphics,
and benefits from the expert system. video, animation, audio, and other media.
robotics: A branch of engineering that involves Audio-editing software. Audacity provides tools
the development and manufacture of mechanical for editing and producing audio files in a variety
or computer devices that can perform tasks of formats.
requiring a high degree of precision or that are
virtual reality system: A system that enables one
tedious or hazardous for humans.
or more users to move and react in a computer-
Robotic surgery. The arms of the Da Vinci robot simulated environment.
assist in a kidney transplant. A surgeon controls
Large-scale virtual reality environment. The
the robot remotely from a corner of the operating
room. CAVE2 virtual reality system has 72 stereoscopic
LCD panels encircling the viewer 320 degrees
vision system: The hardware and software that and creates a 3D environment that can simulate
permit computers to capture, store, and the bridge of the Starship U.S.S. Enterprise, a
manipulate visual images. flyover of the planet Mars, or a journey through
the blood vessels of the brain.
natural language processing: An aspect of
artificial intelligence that involves technology assistive technology system: An assistive,
that allows computers to understand, analyze, adaptive, or rehabilitative device designed to help
manipulate, and/or generate “natural” languages, people with disabilities perform tasks that they
such as English. were formerly unable to accomplish or had great
difficulty accomplishing.
Voice recognition software. With the Naturally
Speaking application from Dragon Systems, Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking employs a
computer users can speak and have their words number of assistive technology systems to support
transcribed into text for input to software such as his activities.
Microsoft Word.
game theory: A mathematical theory for
learning system: A combination of software and developing strategies that maximize gains and
hardware that allows a computer to change how it minimize losses while adhering to a given set of
rules and constraints.
informatics: The combination of information illustrate what a company is doing well, where it
technology with traditional disciplines, such as can improve, what opportunities are available,
medicine or science, while considering the impact and what environmental factors threaten the
on individuals, organizations, and society. future of the organization.
Informatics. Informatics represents the The strategic planning pyramid. The strategic
intersection of people, information, and planning pyramid is a top-down approach to
technology. identify initiatives, program, and projects.

CHAPTER 11 – STRATEGIC PLANNING vision/mission statement: A statement that

AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT communicates an organization’s overarching
aspirations to guide it through changing
strategic planning: A process that helps objectives, goals, and strategies.
managers identify desired outcomes and
formulate feasible plans to achieve their mission statement: A statement that concisely
objectives by using available resources and defines an organization’s fundamental purpose
capabilities. for existing. vision: A concise statement of what
an organization intends to achieve in the future.
issues-based strategic planning: A strategic
planning process that begins by identifying and core value: A widely accepted principle that
analyzing key issues that face the organization, guides how people behave and make decisions in
setting strategies to address those issues, and the organization.
identifying projects and initiatives that are
objective: A statement of a compelling business
consistent with those strategies
need that an organization must meet to achieve its
organic strategic planning: A strategic planning vision and mission.
process that defines the organization’s vision and
goal: A specific result that must be achieved to
values and then identifies projects and initiatives
reach an objective.
to achieve the vision while adhering to the values.
strategy: A plan that describes how an
goals-based strategic planning: A multiphase
organization will achieve its vision, mission,
strategic planning process that begins by
objectives, and goals.
performing a situation analysis to identify an
organization’s strengths, weaknesses, Drivers that set IS organizational strategy and
opportunities, and threats. determine information system investments.
Planners must consider many factors in setting IS
The goals-based strategic planning process.
organizational strategy.
Goals-based strategic planning is a multiphase
process for strategic planning. tangible benefit: A benefit that can be measured
directly and assigned a monetary value.
Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model: A model
that identifies the fundamental factors that Projects must be related to goals and objectives.
determine the level of competition and long-term Objectives define goals that in turn identify
profitability of an industry. projects consistent with those objectives and
Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model. This model
can be used to determine the level of competition intangible benefit: A benefit that cannot directly
and long term profitability of an industry. be measured and cannot easily be quantified in
monetary terms.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
Threats (SWOT) matrix: A simple way to
core competency: Something that a firm can do project milestone: A critical date for completing
well and that provides customer benefits, is hard a major part of the project, such as program
for competitors to imitate, and can be leveraged design, coding, testing, and release (for a
widely to many products and markets. programming project).
project scope: A definition of which tasks are project deadline: The date the entire project
included and which tasks are not included in a should be completed and operational—when the
project. organization can expect to begin to reap the
benefits of the project.
sponsoring business unit: The business unit
most affected by the project and the one whose slack time: The amount of time an activity can be
budget will cover the project costs. delayed without delaying the entire project.
quality: The degree to which a project meets the critical path: All project activities that, if
needs of its users. delayed, would delay the entire project.
Revised project. A change in any one of the Program Evaluation and Review Technique
project variables (cost, time, scope, or (PERT): A formal method for estimating the
expectations) can impact the other variables. duration of a project using three time estimates
for an activity: shortest possible time, most likely
project management: The application of
time, and longest possible time; working with
knowledge, skills, and techniques to project
those estimates, a formula is used to determine a
activities to meet project requirements.
single PERT time estimate.
project stakeholders: The people involved in the
Gantt chart: A graphical tool used for planning,
project or those affected by its outcome.
monitoring, and coordinating projects; it is
scope management: A set of activities that essentially a grid that lists activities and
include defining the work that must be done as deadlines. A Gantt chart depicts the start and
part of a project and then controlling the work to finish dates for project tasks.
stay within the agreed-upon scope.
work breakdown structure (WBS): An outline
functional decomposition: A frequently used of the work to be done to complete the project.
technique to define the scope of an information
predecessor task: A task that must be completed
system by identifying the business processes it before a later task can begin.
will affect.
cost management: A set of activities that include
The nine project management knowledge areas.
the development and management of the project
There are nine areas associated with the science budget.
of project management.
Work breakdown structure (WBS). Development
time management: A set of activities that
of a WBS leads to definition of a project schedule
includes defining an achievable completion date
and budget.
that is acceptable to the project stakeholders,
developing a workable project schedule, and quality management: A set of activities
ensuring the timely completion of the project. designed to ensure that a project will meet the
needs for which it was undertaken.
project schedule: A plan that identifies the
project activities that must be completed, the quality planning: The determination of which
expected start and end dates, and what resources quality standards are relevant to the project and
are assigned to each task. determining how they will be met.
quality assurance: The evaluation of the risk management: A deliberate and systematic
progress of the project on an ongoing basis to process designed to identify, analyze, and
ensure that it meets the identified quality manage project risks.
risk owner: The individual responsible for
quality control: The checking of project results developing a risk management strategy and
to ensure that they meet identified quality monitoring the project to determine if the risk is
standards. about to occur or has occurred
human resource management: Activities Projects must be well linked to an organizational
designed to make the most effective use of the goal and strategy. Objectives, goals, strategy,
people involved with a project. and projects should be aligned.

forming storming norming performing procurement management: A set of activities

adjourning model: A model that describes how related to the acquisition of goods and/or services
teams develop and evolve. for the project from sources outside the
performing organization.
Tuckman’s forming storming norming
performing adjourning model. Forming an make-or-buy decision: The act of comparing the
effective team is a challenge in itself. pros and cons of in house production versus
outsourcing of a given product or service.
project steering team: A group of senior
managers representing the business and IS fixed-price contract: A contract in which the
organizations that provide guidance and support buyer and provider agree to a total fixed price for
to a project. a well-defined product or service.
project champion: A well-respected manager cost-reimbursable contract: A contract that
with a passion to see a project succeed and who requires the buyer to pay the provider an amount
removes barriers to the success of the project. that covers the provider’s actual costs plus an
additional amount or percentage for profit.
project sponsor: A senior manager from the
business unit most affected by a project and who time and material contract: A contract that
ensures the project will indeed meet the needs of requires the buyer to pay the provider for both the
his or her organization. time and materials required to complete the
subject matter expert: Someone who provides
knowledge and expertise in a particular aspect project integration management: The
important to the project. coordination of all appropriate people, resources,
plans, and efforts to complete a project
technical resource: A subject matter expert in an successfully.
IS topic of value to the project.
Project organization. A project steering team is
critical to the success of any project.
waterfall system development process: A
communications management: The generation,
sequential, multistage system development
collection, dissemination, and storage of project
process in which work on the next stage cannot
information in a timely and effective manner.
begin until the results of the current stage are
project risk: An uncertain event or condition reviewed and approved or modified as necessary.
that, if it occurs, has a positive or a negative effect
system investigation: The initial phase in the
on a project objective.
development of a new or modified business
information system whose purpose is to gain a existing system, determining the requirements for
clear understanding of the specifics of the the new system, considering alternatives within
problem to solve or the opportunity to address. identified constraints, and investigating the
feasibility of alternative solutions.
joint application development (JAD): A
structured meeting process that can accelerate Internal and external sources of data for system
and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of analysis. JAD sessions, direct observation, and
the investigation, analysis, and design phases of a surveys are often used to uncover data from the
system development project. various sources.
JAD session. JAD can accelerate and improve System requirements must be checked for
the efficiency and effectiveness of the consistency so that they all fit together.
investigation, analysis, and design phases of a
system development project. data-flow diagram (DFD): A diagram used
during both the analysis and design phases to
feasibility analysis: An assessment of the document the processes of the current system or
technical, economic, legal, operational, and to provide a model of a proposed new system.
schedule feasibility of a project.
Data-flow diagram. A data-flow diagram
technical feasibility: The process of determining documents the processes of the current system or
whether a project is feasible within the current provides a model of a proposed new system.
limits of available technology.
Entity-relationship (ER) diagram for a customer
economic feasibility: The process of determining order database. Development of ER diagrams
whether the project makes financial sense and helps ensure that the logical structure of
whether predicted benefits offset the cost and application programs is consistent with the data
time needed to obtain them. relationships in the database.
legal feasibility: The process of determining New system security and control requirements
whether laws or regulations may prevent or limit must be developed within the organization’s
a system development project. existing policies, standards, and guidelines.
operational feasibility: The process of Pareto principle (80–20 rule): An observation
determining how a system will be accepted by that for many events, roughly 80 percent of the
people and how well it will meet various system effects come from 20 percent of the causes.
performance expectations.
system design: The stage of system development
schedule feasibility: The process of determining that answers the question, “How will the
whether the project can be completed within a information system solve a problem?”
desired time frame.
User interface design. Analysts can develop
system investigation report: A summary of the screen mockups and simulate how the user moves
results of the system investigation, with a from screen to screen.
recommendation of a course of action.
disaster recovery plan: A documented process
System investigation recommendation. The to recover an organization’s business information
system investigation report summarizes the system assets including hardware, software, data,
results of the system investigation and networks, and facilities in the event of a disaster.
recommends a course of action.
mission-critical process: A process that plays a
system analysis: The phase of system pivotal role in an organization’s continued
development that focuses on gathering data on the operations and goal attainment.
hot site: A duplicate, operational hardware system performance begins to degrade and to
system that is ready for use (or immediate access identify and eliminate any issues that prevent the
to one through a specialized vendor). system from reaching its required service-level
cold site: A computer environment that includes
rooms, electrical service, telecommunications user acceptance testing (UAT): Testing
links, data storage devices, and the like. performed by trained system users to verify that
the system can complete required tasks in a real-
The system design report is a more complete and
world operating environment and perform
detailed version of the system investigation according to the system design specifications.
user acceptance document: A formal agreement
system construction: The phase of system
that the organization signs stating that a phase of
development that converts the system design into
the installation or the complete system is
an operational system by acquiring and installing approved.
hardware and software, coding and testing
software programs, creating and loading data into user preparation: The process of readying
databases, and performing initial program testing. managers, decision makers, employees, other
users, and stakeholders to accept and use the new
technical documentation: Written details used
by computer operators to execute the program
and by analysts and programmers to solve site preparation: Preparation of the location of a
problems or modify the program. new system.
user documentation: Written descriptions installation: The process of physically placing
developed for people who use a program; in easy- the computer equipment on the site and making it
to-understand language, it shows how the operational.
program can and should be used to meet the needs
of its various users. cutover: The process of switching from an old
information system to a replacement system.
Database preparation tasks creating and loading
a new database can take considerable resources. direct conversion: A cutover strategy that
involves stopping the old system and starting the
unit testing: Testing of individual components of new system on a given date; also called plunge or
code (subroutines, modules, and programs) to direct cutover.
verify that each unit performs as designed.
System cutover strategies. Cutover can be
integration testing: Testing that involves linking through direct conversion, phase-in approach,
all of the individual components together and pilot start-up, or parallel start-up.
testing them as a group to uncover any defects in
the interfaces between individual components. phase-in approach: A cutover strategy that
involves slowly replacing components of the old
system testing: Testing the complete, integrated system with those of the new one; this process is
system (hardware, software, databases, people, repeated for each application until the new system
and procedures) to validate that the information is running every application and performing as
system meets all specified requirements. expected; also called a piecemeal approach.
volume testing: Testing to evaluate the pilot start-up: A cutover strategy that involves
performance of the information system under running the complete new system for one group
varying yet realistic work volume and operating of users rather than for all users.
conditions to determine the work load at which
parallel start-up: A cutover strategy that friendly manner, closing out contracts, and safely
involves running both the old and new systems migrating information from the system to another
for a period of time and closely comparing the system or archiving it in accordance with
output of the new system with the output of the applicable records management policies.
old system; any differences are reconciled. When
agile development: An iterative system
users are comfortable that the new system is
development process that develops the system in
working correctly, the old system is eliminated.
"sprint" increments lasting from two weeks to
system operation: Involves the use of a new or two months.
modified system under all kinds of operating
conditions. scrum: An agile development framework that
emphasizes a teambased approach in order to
monitoring: The process of measuring system keep the development effort focused and moving
performance by tracking the number of errors quickly.
encountered, the amount of memory required, the
scrum master: The person who coordinates all
amount of processing or CPU time needed, and
the scrum activities of a team.
other performance indicators.
product owner: A person who represents the
system review: The process of analyzing a
project stakeholders and is responsible for
system to make sure it is operating as intended.
communicating and aligning project priorities
system maintenance: A stage of system between the stakeholders and development team.
development that involves changing and
enhancing the system to make it more useful in The Scrum agile software development process.
achieving user and organizational goals. The Scrum agile approach develops a system in
sprint increments lasting from two weeks to two
slipstream upgrade: A minor system upgrade- months.
typically a code adjustment or minor bug fix; it
extreme programming (XP): A form of agile
usually requires recompiling all the code, andin
so doing, it can create entirely new bugs. software development that promotes incremental
development of a system using short
patch: A minor system change to correct a development cycles to improve productivity and
problem or make a small enhancement; it is to accommodate new customer requirements.
usually an addition to an existing program.
DevOps: The practice of blending the tasks
release: A significant program change that often performed by the development and IT operations
requires changes in the documentation of the groups to enable faster and more reliable software
software. releases.
version: A major program change, typically DevOps is part of a continuous deployment
encompassing many new features. strategy in which releases can be launched daily
DevOps blends tasks performed by development
System-maintenance efforts. This chart shows staff and IT operations groups
the relative amount of change and effort
associated to test and implement slipstream request for information (RFI): A document that
upgrades, patches, releases, and versions. outlines an organization’s hardware or software
needs and requests vendors to provide
System disposal: A stage of system development
information about if and how they can meet those
that involves those activities that ensure the needs and the time and resources required.
orderly dissolution of the system including
disposing of all equipment in an environmentally
Software package implementation eliminates Trojan horse: A seemingly harmless program in
several of the phases of the waterfall approach. which malicious code is hidden.
Recommended table of contents for a request for logic bomb: A form of Trojan horse malware that
information. The RFI outlines the desired system executes when it is triggered by a specific event.
and its requirements, identifying key pieces of
blended threat: A sophisticated threat that
data that the software vendor must include in the
proposal. combines the features of a virus, worm, Trojan
horse, and other malicious code into a single
performance evaluation test: A comparison of payload.
vendor options conducted in a computing
spam: The use of email systems to send
environment (e.g., computing hardware,
unsolicited email to large numbers of people.
operating system software, database management
system) and with a workload (e.g., number of Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited
concurrent users, database size, and number of Pornography and Marketing (CAN-
transactions) that matches its intended operating SPAM)Act: An act that states that it is legal to
conditions. spam, provided the messages meet a few basic
bring your own device (BYOD): A business Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans
Apart): Software that generates and grades tests
policy that permits, and in some cases
that humans can pass all but the most
encourages, employees to use their own mobile
sophisticated computer programs cannot.
devices (smartphones, tablets, or laptops) to
access company computing resources and CAPTCHA is used to distinguish humans from
applications, including email, corporate automated bots.
databases, the corporate intranet, and the Internet.
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack:
exploit: An attack on an information system that An attack in which a malicious hacker takes over
takes advantage of a particular system computers via the Internet and causes them to
vulnerability. flood a target site with demands for data and other
small tasks.
zero-day attack: An attack that takes place
before the security community and/or software Distributed denial-of-service attack. A DDoS
developers become aware of and fix a security attack floods a target site with demands for data
vulnerability and other small tasks.
ransomware: Malware that stops you from using botnet: A term used to describe a large group of
your computer or accessing your data until you computers, that are controlled from one or more
meet certain demands such as paying a ransom or remote locations by hackers, without the
sending photos to the attacker. knowledge or consent of their owners.
virus: A piece of programming code, usually zombie: A computer that has been taken over by
disguised as something else, that causes a a hacker to be used as part of a botnet.
computer to behave in an unexpected and usually
undesirable manner. rootkit: A set of programs that enables its user to
gain administrator level access to a computer
worm: A harmful program that resides in the without the end user’s consent or knowledge.
active memory of the computer and duplicates
advanced persistent threat (APT): A network whose goal is to provide for a “safer, more secure
attack in which an intruder gains access to a America, which is resilient against terrorism and
network and stays there—undetected—with the other potential threats.”
intention of stealing data over a long period of
time. U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team
(US-CERT): A partnership between the
phishing: The act of fraudulently using email to Department of Homeland Security and the public
try to get the recipient to reveal personal data. and private sectors; established to provide timely
handling of security incidents as well as
Example of phishing email. Phishing attacks conducting improved analysis of such incidents.
attempt to get the recipient to reveal personal
data. risk assessment: The process of assessing
security-related risks to an organization’s
spear-phishing: A variation of phishing in which
computers and networks from both internal and
the phisher sends fraudulent emails to a certain external threats.
organization’s employees.
reasonable assurance: The IS security concept
smishing: Another variation of phishing that
that recognizes that managers must use their
involves the use of Short Message Service (SMS)
judgment to ensure that the cost of control does
not exceed the system’s benefits or the risks
vishing: Similar to smishing except that the involved.
victims receive a voice mail message telling them
security policy: A statement that defines an
to call a phone number or access a Web site.
organization’s security requirements, as well as
identity theft: The theft of personal information, the controls and sanctions needed to meet those
which is then used without the owner’s requirements.
permission, often to commit fraud or other
firewall: A system of software, hardware, or a
combination of both that stands guard between an
data breach: The unintended release of sensitive organization’s internal network and the Internet
data or the access of sensitive data by and limits network access based on the
unauthorized individuals. organization’s access policy.

cyber espionage: The deployment of malware next-generation firewall (NGFW): A hardware-

that secretly steals data in the computer systems or software based network security system that is
of organizations, such as government agencies, able to detect and block sophisticated attacks by
military contractors, political organizations, and filtering network traffic dependent on the packet
manufacturing firms. contents.

cyber terrorism: The intimidation of A security dashboard provides a comprehensive

government or civilian population by using display of all vital data related to an
information technology to disable critical organization’s security defenses.
national infrastructure (e.g., energy,
antivirus software: Software that scans a
transportation, financial, law enforcement,
computer’s memory, disk drives, and USB ports
emergency response) to achieve political,
regularly for viruses.
religious, or ideological goals.
virus signature: A sequence of bytes that
Department of Homeland Security (DHS): A indicates the presence of a specific virus.
large federal agency with more than 240,000
employees and a budget of almost $65 billion
security audit: A careful and thorough analysis Fourth Amendment: This amendment to the
that evaluates whether an organization has a well- U.S. constitution protects individuals against
considered security policy in place and if it is unreasonable searches and seizures and requires
being followed. that warrants be issued only upon probable cause
and specifying the place to be searched and the
intrusion detection system (IDS): Software persons or things to be seized.
and/or hardware that monitors system and
network resources and activities and notifies Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act
network security personnel when it detects (COPPA): An act, directed at Web sites catering
network traffic that attempts to circumvent the to children, that requires site owners to post
security measures of a networked computer comprehensive privacy policies and to obtain
environment. parental consent before they collect any personal
information from children under 13 years of age.
Intrusion detection system. An IDS notifies
network security personnel when it detects filtering software: Software used to help protect
network traffic that attempts to circumvent the personal data and screen objectionable Internet
security measures of a networked computer content.
Sample privacy notice. The BBB provides this
managed security service provider (MSSP): A sample privacy notice as a guide to businesses to
company that monitors, manages, and maintains post on their Web sites.
computer and network security for other
organizations. ergonomics: The science of designing machines,
products, and systems to maximize the safety,
computer forensics: A discipline that combines comfort, and efficiency of the people who use
elements of law and computer science to identify, them.
collect, examine, and preserve data from
Ergonomics Developing certain ergonomically
computer systems, networks, and storage devices
correct habits can reduce the risk of adverse
in a manner that preserves the integrity of the data
health effects when using a computer.
gathered so that it is admissible as evidence in a
court of law. morals: One’s personal beliefs about right and
SOCIAL ISSUES OF INFORMATION law: A system of rules that tells us what we can
SYSTEMS and cannot do.
Computer training. Training helps to ensure Steps involved in the decision-making process.
acceptance and implementation of policies and Most of us have developed a decision-making
procedures. process that we execute almost automatically,
without thinking about the steps we go through.
The NSA’s Utah Data Center. This data center,
code-named Bumblehive, is billed by the NSA as There are many factors to weigh in decision
the first Intelligence Community Comprehensive making.
National Cybersecurity Initiative (IC CNCI) data
center designed to support the intelligence code of ethics: A code that states the principles
community’s efforts to monitor, strengthen, and and core values that are essential to a set of people
protect the nation. The data center was designed and that, therefore, govern these people’s
to handle the vast increases in digital data that behavior.
have accompanied the rise of the global network Legal versus ethical. Just because an activity is
and the NSA data-collection programs. defined as legal does not mean that it is ethical.

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