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Name : Mirna Aryani Sofia

Class : IIIA


HOMELESS : Nefrotik Syndrome

A. Opening One Liner

This is Mr. X a 20 years old man. Hospital day #1 being treated nefrotik syndrome with
B. 24 Hours Event
- Already given adequat nutrition
- Fluid balance
- Education about nefrotik
- Blood laboratory in the laboratory
C. PE Remarkable For
- Mr. Uwi said better than before


- Mr. uwi looks oedema on his face

- There’s a pitting oedema
- Vital sign :
Blood pressure= 110/80 mmHg
Pulse = 86x/minutes
Respiration = 25x/minutes
Temperature = 36ͦͦC

D. Labs and imaging remarkable for

Blood Lab
Nilai Nilai Normal
HB : 14,1 gr % HB : 14-16 gr %
Leukosit : 6.900 nm³ Leukosit : 5000-10.000 nm
LED 11  mm/jam LED 10-20 mm/jam

E. Assessment and Plan

Fluid Balance
1. Monitor vital sign as well as central venous pressure
2. Note presence of neck and peripheral vein distention along with pitting oedema
and dyspnea
3. Monitor intake and output.
4. Monitor lab studies

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