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 Mobile phones help :)

See if phones were banned there will be no help if you are in danger and you will be shut off from
the world. Mobile phones can also help you learn in school . We also need them because you need
to keep in touch with parents and siblings .

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 No, only during class

Mobile phones should be banned during class, but not from schools altogether. There is still some
need for students to have contact with family while at school especially at the higher levels. The
classroom is not an appropriate place for phones but between classes or after school should be

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 Mobile phones should not be banned

All we know children"s mind is like a clay. Isn't it? So, good things should be taught for them. Mobile
can also be used in areas like for calculating as a calculator, for the purpose of learning as internet.
& even children can use it for contacting in emergency cases. So, they should have cellphones with

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 No, only during class


Mobile phones should be banned during class, but not from schools altogether. There is still some
need for students to have contact with family while at school especially at the higher levels. The
classroom is not an appropriate place for phones but between classes or after school should be

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 Phones should not be banned

When it comes to our modern society, phones are now a part of this, Banning them in schools would
cause a child to feel like they have lost part of their identity. It is also incredibly difficult for a school
to enforce such a ban and do some good limiting what the child can do at school. Freedom and
personal responsibilty is needed to be allowed.

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 Cell phones shouldn't be banned

They are not just phones, They provide students electronic dictionary, Magazines, Maps, Novels,
Reference books, And scientific and musical instruments through applications. 
Most schools don’t have enough money to provide electronics for school. It seems
counterproductive to ban the use of the computers that children have in their pockets, Bearing in
mind that today’s mobile phones are considerably more powerful than computers were only a few
years ago. 
One study published by the London School of Economics traced the impact of banning mobile
phones at schools on exam scores. Researchers found that students in schools with phone bans
earned higher test scores and that low-performing students benefited the most. “Restricting mobile
phone use can be a low-cost policy to reduce educational inequalities, ” concludes the study.

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 Kjnjkn/h. Jklclvxjkosd d d

Because nhbjb jbjbjbjbjbjkb jkbjbjb/kj hu gy ygy v yb b hu bh bh ubh ubh hbh njnh bg v fyv v tv tv b
hn hn hb guvtugy9ygvgbjin jnhbugbvgtvtgv tgvtgyhb ihubnujun uj nyu bgyuvbt ygv tgvv gv tgvghb ji
ni jmiunuubyytvt7vtvtvt t v hb jnnb huby hyb b bb bb

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 Giohtiu ui ig u gi

G uugi guiuig gui gu g g h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h io h uiho uih uhi uhi uiho hu uhi hui hui hui uh
uhiuhi hu iuhouhi huiuih huihu hui iu hhuyyy y y y y t t y

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 Don't ban them

Most schools can’t afford their technology or simply just that they are low on battery or don’t work
so if anything like that happens your phone could help you with that nearly everything works on a
phone so
they would be a really helpfull tool and you can take pictures with each other and create memories

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 Mobile phones should not be banned

Banning mobile phones at school isn't necessary at all, First and foremost, Using mobile phones
nowadays became indispensable for all of us, Banning mobile phones in school won't guarantee
that a student will be able to focus more on studying. The point here is that we shouldn't ban mobile
phones at school, However the school administration must strictly imposed a rule wherein mobile
phones must only be used for recreational activities and if it is only needed. Depriving the right of a
student in bringing mobile phones brings no good impression on schools essence.

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