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Romulo R.

Marquez Date: February 19, 2020


Facemask nation--today, that’s how our country can be defined. People are being paranoid and
desperate in buying facemasks and sanitizers just to ensure themselves that they will not be infected by
the Novel Corona Virus. But let me ask u this, do you really know what does NCOV really about?

According to The 2019 Novel Coronavirus is a virus identified as the cause of an outbreak
of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China. Previous reports have said that the virus came from
large seafood and animal-market suggesting animal-to-person spread. However, a growing number of
patients reportedly have not had exposure to animal markets, indicating person-to-person spread is
occurring. At this time, it’s unclear how easily or sustainably this virus is spreading between people.

Based on the article written by Gillan Ropero, a journalist from the Abs Cbn Network,

The novel coronavirus can be transmitted from person to person, primarily through contact with an
infected person's respiratory droplets, for example, coughs or sneezes. Symptoms include runny nose,
sore throat, cough, and fever. It can be more severe for some persons and lead to pneumonia or
breathing difficulties. More rarely, the disease can be fatal.

As of today, there is still no specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat the new coronavirus.
Antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment as these only work on bacterial

To protect ourselves, Frequent hand washing, practicing

cough etiquette, maintaining distance from those who are coughing, sneezing and have a fever, and
avoiding consumption of raw or undercooked animal products are recommended in preventing
contraction of the new coronavirus.

Let us all maintain a healthy living and have a proper hygiene. I am Romulo Marquez, your speaker for
today. That would be all Ladies and Gentlemen Thank you very much

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