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Premiere Sponsor $1,000

 Entry Fee for a team of four in the golf tournament

 Company logo and link on Evans Army website and tournament banner
 Eight BBQ tickets
 Four #Evansarmy T-Shirts with your company name displayed as a Premiere Sponsor
 Option to contribute promotional item with logo to golfers
 Name recognition during awards ceremony

Platinum Sponsor $500.00

 Company name advertised on the tournament sponsor board

 Four BBQ Tickets
 Two #Evansarmy T-Shirts with your company name displayed as a Platinum Sponsor
 Option to contribute promotional item with logo to golfers
 Name recognition during the awards ceremony

Champion Sponsor $250.00

 Company name advertised on the tournament sponsor board

 Two BBQ Tickets
 #Evansarmy T-Shirt with your company name displayed as a Champion Sponsor
 Name recognition during the awards ceremony

Lunch Sponsor $150.00

 Logo/Name advertised at each table

 Business verbally recognized during the lunch
 Option to set up a table inside the Clubhouse advertising your business
 Name recognition during the awards ceremony

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ
Jesus for you."

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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