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Date: 13-02-2020

Group: 14

Time: 2h (6:30- 8:30 a.m.)

Course: German

Professor: Keiby Caro

I observed my German class from fourth semester at Universidad del Atlántico

whose professor was Keiby Caro. I have this course on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursday
and it takes places in room 504 H. The classroom has approximately 25 students, 17 are
girls and 8 are boys. This room has long tables with chairs that do not facilitate moving
around the place and prevent activities such as round table discussions, playful and
dynamic activities that strengthen the teaching and learning process. It has air conditioning.
On the other hand, the classroom has video beam but does not have internet access, so the
teacher must connect their mobile data to it and bring speakers in case they are going to
watch a video or do some listening activity.

The German teacher started the class by asking questions related to the topic of the
previous class; the students had to participate to find the correct answer earlier than their
classmates. Hence, the professor promised a good grade to the first person who found the
answer. Immediately, all of them started to search for it keeping in mind the reward
previously mentioned. After that, the professor employed a well-known game to introduce
the students to the new topic; the students were led by the feeling of experimenting with
this game using a different language. They were having fun during this activity and
participated actively.

Later, he explains the topic related to the connectors and the declination of some
verbs in the dative, some students find it difficult to understand the subject by which the
teacher gives copies to practice and reinforce the given topic as well as give several links
where they can review.
At the end of the class, the teacher takes assistance and explains how the final exam
will be both the oral one that will be a book that students should choose and the writing that
is all given in the semester.

To finish the teacher says goodbye to the students and wishes them a happy

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