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Thank You my PATREON!!!

This is one-day workout for your forearms. Don`t do this more than once every 5 days.
Do some stretching after this and remember control over everything. Do pauses at
the end of movements make your hands work!

Stay Strong And Love Armwrestling!


70% 3-5 reps left (Light Pump work)

80% - 2 reps left (Heavy pump work)

90% - 1 rep left (Max Effort)

100% - 0 reps left (Till Failure)

Exercise Video REST SETS REPS Intensity

1 Wrist extension with dumbbell or barbell 60s 3 10-15x 80%

2 Knuckle up training with dumbbell 60s 3 10-15x 80%

2 Decline barbell or dumbbell wrist curls 2-3 5 5x 90%


4 Wrist flexion by standing on table 1,5-2 4 8-10x 90%

5 Low cable wrist curls 1 min 4 15x 80%

6 Barbell Wrist curls (Full range of motion) 1 min 3 15x 90%

7 Forearm Destroyer 1 if you have conical handle 3 min 3 AMRAP 100%

then 2.0.
8 Light stretching after all this

All I ask from You is to use hashtag #coachrayx and #globalarmwrestling if you share some of your
workout on social media.

And If you not to lazy give me a follow on Instagram and Facebook, YouTube.

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