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Planning and Curriculum Goals

Submit 4 learning experience plan summaries, each plan will support a different developmental
domain from WMELS. Include the following information in each learning experience plan
*For the remaining domain you will write and implement one full (long) activity plan.
Observation Domain: Language and Communication Development
Name and type of learning experience: Get to Know you Balloons
 III.A.EL.1 Derives meaning through listening to communications of others and sounds in
the environment.
 III.A.EL.2 Listens and responds to communications with others.
In 3-5 sentences, a description of the teacher’s role during the learning experience and what the
children will be doing.
 Give each student a balloon (not blown up) and slip a paper. Ask them to write a get-to-
know-you question on their paper.
 Have the children put their question inside the balloon, blow it up, and tie the balloon.
 When everyone is ready, have them gather on the rug and on my signal, toss their balloon
up in the air. Give them a couple of minutes to play around with them.
 Have each student grab one balloon and come sit in a circle.
 Going around the circle and one at a time, have the student pop their balloon, read the
question inside, and answer the question.
In 2-4 sentences, explanation why the learning experience was chosen and how the activity
supports child development specific to the developmental domain.
 This activity will help children talk about some of their favorites and chances to get to
know each other a little bit more.
 This activity will also help students learn to work together, listen carefully, communicate
clearly, and think creatively.

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