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Songwriting Project:

Due: February 12th


- Must be at least 16 measures long

- Must include at least 2 instruments (voice, piano, guitar, flute, etc.)

- Must use at least 2 different chords

- Must include 4 different note values (whole, half, quarter, eighth, whole

rest, half rest, quarter rest, eighth rest, etc.)

- Must include a reflection (2 paragraphs) about your piece on a separate

piece of paper (written or typed):

- What did you like about it/ what did you not like about it?

- Why you chose your specific instruments?

- What would you do differently if you had to do it over again (if


- What were some of the most challenging moments of this project?

- Will be using “​​”

- Bonus points for lyrics

Songwriting Project

Does not meet Approaching Meets Score

Expectations Expectations Expectations 0-10

0-3 4-6 7-10

At least 16 0-7 measures long 8-15 measures long 16 or more

measures measures long

Includes at Does not include any Includes only 1 Includes 2

least 2 instruments instrument instruments

Includes at Does not include any Includes only 1 Includes at least 2

least 2 chords chord different chords

Includes 4 Includes only 1 note Includes 2-3 note Includes 4 note

different value values values
note values

2 Paragraph Does not include Includes only 1 Includes 2

Reflection reflection paragraph of paragraph reflection

Includes Does not include Includes lyrics for Includes lyrics for
lyrics lyrics half of the piece the entire piece


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