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Diploma III Keperawatan.

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Listi Puji Nur ‘Ameliani (18.082)




The disease that is perhaps most feared by many people is cancer. The
reason is, this disease can attack anyone indiscriminately. Ranging from toddlers
to elderly, women and men, even those whose lifestyles are quite healthy. As
stated by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in Basic Health Research (Riskedas)
released in 2018, the prevalence of tumors and cancer in Indonesia reaches 1.8 in
every 1,000 population. So, an understanding of cancer and the process of growth
of cancer must be encouraged.

Cancer is a name for several types of similar diseases. Cancer can appear
on any part of the body because it comes from cells in the human body. So, there
are many types of cancer found in humans. For example, leukemia, bone cancer,
breast cancer, skin cancer, uterine cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer.

Cell changes in the body

The human body holds trillions of cells spread to every organ and part.
These cells will continue to grow and multiply into new cells, following the
growth and human needs. While cells that are too old, not healthy, and no longer
function will naturally die.

The human body has its own central system that is able to regulate how
many cells the body needs and which cells are already unhealthy. This system
will give orders for cells to divide and multiply or to kill themselves.

Cancer cells can be born if there are errors in the system so that damaged
cells do not die by themselves. The cell actually continues to divide until the
number can no longer be controlled. These changes can trigger the appearance of
cancer cells.

The growth of cancer in body cells

In healthy cells there is a nucleus that functions as a central system. The

nucleus itself holds chromosomes formed from DNA sequences. In DNA, there
are thousands of genes that will give cells instructions to carry out their functions
in the organs of the body where the cell lives. So the nucleus, which is home to
thousands of genes, will determine what types of cells a particular organ needs,
when cells need to divide, and which cells must die and be replaced.

Unfortunately, this process does not always work out perfectly. When
cells divide, there is a risk that new cells born from division will contain too many
damaged or duplicated genes. This change in gene structure in cells is called a
gene mutation. When gene mutations occur, cells can no longer take orders and

instructions from the central system so that these cells will grow out of control
and produce abnormal proteins. Abnormalities in the protein produced will
further trigger the division of new cells with imperfect genes. In other cases, the
protein needed to stop the birth of new cells is not produced at all.

Usually, different gene mutations that have occurred more than five times
will potentially grow into cancer cells. The process can last for years until the
cells divide and form a large enough cancer cell. Only then the symptoms begin
to appear and cancer cells appear when your body is scanned.

However, in cases of childhood cancer gene damage has occurred since in the
womb or since birth. They do have inherited defective genes in body cells so that
the process of cancer formation does not require a long time.

Spread of cancer

The main cells that are damaged by genes and grow into cancer usually
only attack one organ or body tissue where these cells live. However, if not
controlled by cancer cells can spread and attack other organs or body tissues
through the blood or lymph nodes. The process of spread of cancer is referred to
as cancer metastasis.

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