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! XG Mail-Panousakis x (4 EIK- Employee In’ x | @ State: om/mail/search/id/AAOkAGMyNzVhNTNiLTBIOGItNDR|Mi04ZDE2LTFhNzFlYzlv Re: Type 1 diabetes - Connor Baron, Tess (Elizabeth Vale Primary Schoo!) ‘Mon 30372020 1700 ‘Ta Panousakis, Sopa (Biabeth Vue Frimary Scholl «Sophie FancucaksSTSMPschooks sa nduau> (Ce Mpg de (Babe Yai Primary Schaod ‘Sent: Saturday, 7 March 2020:11:32 ‘To: Baron, Tess (Elizabeth Vale Primary Schoal) (Ce: Murpiy, Julie (Ellzabeth Vale Primary School) ‘Subject: Type 1 diabetes -Cannar HiTess, Last yeas, | taught my class about Type 1 diabetes to help educate them about Connar and his story. ‘The lessons and PowerPoint helped my students ta understand: ‘haw the body uses carbohydrates from foad, which are converted inta glucose, far energy ‘what happens inside the beely when carbohydrates are metabalised ‘Connor enjayed sharing his story with the class and it provided a berter awareness and understanding of why I would sometimes stop to de an intervention with Connor. I think it would be (great to educate students in your class, as well as across the schoal, about type 1 diabetes. | did some activities after presenting this information to my students. Please let me know if you need aay help. Kind regards, ‘Sophie Panousakis, Jumiae Primery Teacher - Reception Elizabeth Vole Primary Schoo! 7: 8255 1307 * management of type 1 diabetet = hunaniuramis and hinershirsen

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