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A Model For Prediction of Turn Around Condenser in Thermal Power Plant

A computational Process Report

Condenser is one of prominent device for heat transfer particulary in Thermal Power
Plant Which is used to condensing steam exhaust from turbin. Heat transfer occured in
condenser is generated steam exhaust to become liquid so that could be returned to used
again in the cycle. Currently, The Thermal Power Plant has 32.000 tube, meanwhile 500
tubes have been shutted. This causes to vacuum pressure value below -88 Kpag. If the
vacuum pressure value attained 83 Kpag that it could created failure all processing in
the Thermal Power Plant. Vacuum pressure decreased could be disadvantage in
economic aspect because the power which is produced by turbine become curtailed. To
solve this problem, we used Aspen Hysys V8.8 for process simulation. Through this
simulation, we report from flow mass 45.000 Kg/h could knew the amounts of the tubes
which has good funcionate are 5000 tubes. The flow mass of each tubes is 1,56 Ton/h
so that the amounts of the tubes which has malfunction are 3200 tubes. We also studied
the effect of mass flow of sea water on power production. The result of graph line show
the number of power at the turbine has increased linearly. Our resulst show that every
year there are 500 damaged tubes so that the tubes replacement time is about 6,4 years
and mass flow of sea water has affect significantly to produced power in turbine.

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