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What does the research say?

Widescale research suggests that members of the LGBTQ community generally experience worse mental health
outcomes than their heterosexual counterparts. This is possibly due to the stigmatisation they receive.

Countries that support same-sex marriage:

Netherlands, Belguim, Canada, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Argentina

Why same-sex marriage can be good for everyone

 A more accepting society

 LGBT Empowerment
 Governments should not discourage people from their identity
 It's not like it hurts anyone.
 There is not logical reason for it not to be legal.
 What Public Reasons Could Justify Same-Sex Marriage?
 My third argument concerns the development of justice in citizens:

A just society requires that citizens obey mutually-shared principles of justice. Therefore citizens should not
support laws that tarnish those principles of justice, such as those that discriminate or invade privacy.

 At least three public reason arguments can be identified to support same-sex marriage: arguments from non-
discrimination, from privacy and from the development of justice in citizens:

The argument from non-discrimination contends that confining marriage to heterosexuals arbitrarily
discriminates against homosexuals and bisexuals.

Marriage is indeed a special contract for the purpose of establishing a conjugal and family life. LGBT couples
with or without children constitute a family too and should have access to marriage to serve as their
Jesus Nicardo Falcis III

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