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Look at the pictures write the verbs with “going to”: Verb to be + going to + infinitive

snorkel swim rollerskate shoot wear be

drink take
build surf skateboard dance prepare spy
study play

Bart He _________________ Maggie ______________ He _________________

_________________ __________________ ___________________ a ___________________
________________ with this summer. sandcastle. some photos at the seaide.
his new flippers.

She _______________ He _______________ She _______________ They _____________

_________________ with __________________ __________________ __________________ a
Bart. with his new camera. on the Beach. barbeque in the garden.

He _______________ They ______________ He __________________ She _______________

__________________ __________________ _____________________ _____________ her new
video games. a water gun. in his house every morning. bikini for going to the beach

She _______________ She _______________ She _______________ He _______________

__________________ a __________________ __________________ __________________ a
vet with her cat. one hour everyday. with her friends. milkshake every evening.

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