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The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is a series of trade negotiations being
carried out mostly in secret between the EU and US. As a bi-lateral trade agreement, TTIP is
about reducing the regulatory barriers to trade for big business, things like food safety law,
environmental legislation, banking regulations and the sovereign powers of individual nations.

Trump was following an "America First" policy of economic nationalism. He threatened the
EU and other trading partners with tariffs on steel and aluminum.


The main advantages for the united states and the European union are a bigger economic
growth, boosting the EU's economy by €120 billion, the US economy by €90 billion and the rest
of the world by €100 billion it also has a lead to increased wages, and more business
As for the less important advantages we can state lower prices for us products in the EU market
and vice-versa, with what would come a wider offer of products available for the consumer.
Without forgetting lower trade tariffs.


He thinks they will hurt American workers and undercut US companies. His stance on trade is
protectionist: he has vowed to shield Americans from the effects of globalized trade by slapping
hefty tariffs on cheap Chinese imports of up to 45pc.
Trump believes that the number of jobs and amount of wealth and income the United States
have given away in so short a time is staggering, likely unprecedented. And the situation is
about to get drastically worse if the Trans-Pacific Partnership is not stopped
Trump’s decision will forfeit the opportunity to promote American exports, reduce trade
barriers, open new markets, and protect American invention and innovation.

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