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Better Ways To Study

We know that studying can be a struggle for some people, and of course, this includes me. We
learn in every stage of our lives, and in every stage, the level of difficulty is not the same. Math,
History and Science are some of the most common subject we learn at school and though
these subjects can be easy for most of the people, we know not everybody has that ability. In
this essay, I’m going to explain the methods and ways I took to improve my study habits and
how this keeps helping me until today.

One of the subjects I rally hate a lot is Math. I remember when I was at school all the
headaches this caused me when I had to do homework since when the teacher explained us, I
just could understand a few things, and it wasn't until I failed a test that I decided it was time
to do something about that. Watching videos on internet about the topics you don’t
understand can be really helpful, and that was what I did; every day after school I watched a
couple of videos and then started to do some exercises, and little by little I realized that it
wasn’t so hard as I thought, everything depended on me. This is a method I still use today in
each topic I don’t understand in class.

One of the things I know is that it’s not so hard to focus on a subject you like. For example, I
love History, and I can’t remember any difficult moment I had spent studying it. Same happens
to me now with the course I’m taking: English. Of course, learning language is a little hard,
especially when we focus on the right pronunciation. I have to admit that I had several
problem with this, so what I did in order to improve not only my grades but also my ways of
studying was by imitating. I can’t remember the great many times I imitated the right
pronunciation of a word from audios, movies, among others, but the result was what I
expected and this is something I haven’t stopped doing although time has passed.

To conclude, it all depends on finding the best way to study for us. We have to find in what we
are the best and turn it into a study technique. For example, if you enjoy watching videos, you
can watch documentaries. Or if you like reading, you can read books about the topics that are
a little hard for you. Remember everything depends on you. Nothing is impossible.

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