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Sports are very popular in all countries nowadays because it produces great profits.

As in any
company (because that’s what sports have become), money is always behind the issue.
Famous players earn a lot of money every year, and in some countries, even more than their
authorities. Is this really the reason why sports were made for? Just to become famous and
rich? Unfortunately, although sports’ benefits can be good for life and health, there is a dark
side that many people ignore. In this essay, we are going focus on the advantages and
disadvantages of sports.

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and nobody can discuss that. Who doesn’t have a
favorite soccer club? Every year, some of the most famous soccer competitions take place in:
The Champions League (for clubs in Europe) and La Copa Libertadores (for clubs in America).
Since these competitions are very popular, we cannot avoid that “money” be the main reason
why these competitions are organized. Therefore, our suspicions of a “fixed soccer match”
usually end up being true. Mafia is the only winner.

We know that fans of these soccer clubs can sometimes be really rude if their favorite club
loses. For example, here in Peru, two of the most famous soccer clubs are Universitario and
Alianza Lima. For decades, fans of these clubs have always been in a constant quarrel
sometimes causing even deaths between them. But what is the reason for this? As we
explained before, sports have become in a business. Even though the good desire of having a
good health inspired people to practice sports, the situation now is totally different. Ambition
and egoism have taken over sports.

However, to say that sports are bad in every way is also a foolishness. Whenever a person
practices a sport, he or she is getting a better quality of life. That’s why doctors always
recommend to do any kind of sport, especially people that is overweight. Another kind of
benefit that it’s very common in places where sports are more than a distraction is this: every
time a person with a great talent appears, the government supports him or her first to improve
his or her talent according to the sport they do and then, if they have made a great
participation representing his or her town, the government gives them a scholarship to study
whatever they want.

So what can we say? What causes us harm? Since ancient times, people believed sports were
an art, a lifestyle. However, the called “civilization” is what has transformed it in a “business”,
in just a way to make money. Sports have never hurt anyone, it is the change we have made in
how sports are handled that has caused all the damage to people.

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