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Marriott Data Breach

In late 2018, Marriott hotel announced to the world that hackers have had access to one
of its reservation systems. This story started when Marriott acquired Starwood back in 2016.
They did not migrate the Starwood hotels to Marriott’s reservation systems but rather kept the
reservation databases separate for nearly two years. And during that time, they were still using IT
infrastructure that was passed on from Starwood. In September of 2018, Marriott received an
internal security tool flagged as a suspicious database query (Kim 2018). This led to an internal
investigation where they discovered that the hacker had copied and encrypted information and
attempted to remove from the Starwood systems. Then, they learned that there had been
unauthorized access to the Starwood network which extended back to 2014 (Kim 2018). This
breach is so different because the attackers were undetected for four years. The Marriott breach
exposed private information on “up to 500 million guests” who made a reservation at a Starwood
property (Gressin 2018). The information that was exposed included extremely sensitive details
like passport numbers, travel details, and in some cases, credit card information. The most
worrying part was with credit card numbers. This is because they stored the credit card numbers
in encrypted form but also stored the encryption keys on the same server which were also
compromised in the breach. 
I think that data breaches are a constant threat to all organizations because there will
always be a skilled attacker who can compromise any number of strategies or defenses. But they
can avoid the costly impact of a breach by putting a proactive plan in place and by adopting
tactics that maximize retention. It is very good to keep the company operating system and
application software up to date, practice good password security habits, and guard against
equipment theft and phishing attacks. If the Marriot company upgraded its system and IT talent,
then they could have detected the data breach years earlier. It’s also an excellent idea to ensure
any business against data theft. In the Marriot case, the company had cut its losses to a mere $1
million because of the cyber insurance which covered much of the initial costs regarding the
breach (Isidore 2019).

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