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Teknik Geofisika
Nama : Ardinita Dwi Pradaisy
Nim : F1D319008

geophysical engineering
What is Geophysics?

Geophysics study program uses the ins and outs of the earth and its environment by using the rules of
physics and mathematical methods. Geophysics tries to find out and explain the physical phenomena
that occur on earth and its present and past environment to project phenomena that will occur in the
future. Physical phenomena are expressed in terms of measured physical parameters.
Why did you choose this course?

By discussing Geophysics, you will be able to solve phenomena that occur on earth deeper and clearer.
This study program is suitable for those of you who have great interest in earth science and physics, as
well as curiosity to study everything that happens in it.
Geophysics Department Course

1. Physics Concept

2. Contextual Mathematics

3. Context Chemistry

4. Contemporary Information Technology

5. Introduction to Geophysics

6. Calculus

7. Basic Physics

8. Computing Method

9. Basic Geology

10. General Biology

11. Mineralogy

12. Thermodynamics

13. Structural Geology

14. Electronics

15. Petrology

16. Geodynamics

17. Digital Signal Spectrum Analysis

18. Physics Mathematics

19. Mapping

20. Analytical Mechanics

21. Geostatistics

22. Wavy

23. Geophysical Instrumentation

24. Rock Physics

25. Meteorology

26. Tectonic Indonesia

27. Seismic Mode

28. Geoelectricity and EM Methods

29. Geophysical Analysis Methods

30. Stratigraphy

31. Global Positioning System (GPS)

32. Seismology

33. Gravity and Magnetic Methods

34. Volcanic Physics

35. Geology of Petroleum

36. Mechanical Rocks

37. Mechanics of Fluid

Appropriate Student Character

 Thorough

 Persevering

 Details
 Observan

 Structured

 Happy to count

 Broadminded

 Happy to analyze

 Happy to do research

Job Prospects of the Department of Geophysics

Geophysics study program which has broad employment prospects as a researcher at LIPI in
Geotechnology and Applied Physics Research Center, Climatology and Geophysics Meteorology Agency
(BMKG), petroleum and gas industry, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and many more.

GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Method

Ground penetrating radar or georadar method is one of the geophysical methods
that involves lower conditions based on electromagnetic properties using radio
waves with frequencies between 1-1000 MHz. Georadar uses electromagnetic
waves and utilizes the reflected radiation properties as in the reflection seismic
Measurement using GPR is an appropriate method to protect small objects that
are near the earth's surface (0.1-3 meters) with high resolution which means the
dielectric constant is low.
There are three types of measurements namely reflection, audible speed, and
transillumination. Measurement of reflection is usually called Continuous
Reflection Profiling (CRP). Sounding velocity measurement is called Common Mid
Point (CMP) to determine velocity versus height, and transillumination is also
called GPR Tomography.
Basic theory
GPR consists of a signal generator, transmitter and receiver antennas as a
detector of reflected EM waves. The radar signal is transmitted as pulses which
are not absorbed by the earth but are reflected in a specific time domain. Modes
regulating the transmitting and receiving antennas on the GPR consist of
monostatic and bistatic modes. Monostatic mode is when the transmitter and
receiver are combined in one antenna. While moded bistatic if the two antennas
have a separation distance.
EM wave frequency transmitters at certain frequencies according to the
karaketristik antenna (10 MHz - 4 GHz). The receiver is set to perform normal
scans, but 32-512 scans per second. Each scan results on the monitor screen (real
time) as a function of two-way travel time, i.e. the time it takes EM waves to
propagate from the transmitter, target and receiver. This display is called a
The success of the GPR method depends on subsurface variations that can cause
waves to be transmitted. The ratio of reflected energy is called the reflection
coefficient (R) which is determined by the difference in electromagnetic wave
velocity and more fundamentally is from the relative dielectric constant of the
combined media.
In all problems, determine R between -1 and 1. part of the energy transmitted is
equal to 1-R. The above equation is applied to normal surfaces on flat surfaces.
Assuming no signal loss is agreed with the signal amplitude.
Large georadar amplitude recording r (t) will appear on the georadar recording
section in the form of color variations. Reflection or transmission around the
boundary that causes energy to be lost. If later found objects that have the same
dimensions as the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave signal, this object
causes random distribution of energy.

Green house
Greenhouse (green house) is a house made of glass. Greenhouse is often used in
the field of agriculture, especially in subtropical countries. For example for crop
cultivation or crop research. The greenhouse temperature can be set to be warm
enough so that the plant can grow well. The heat/sunlight that enters the
greenhouse will be reflected by the glass areas (walls and roofs). Thus, the
incoming heat will be trapped in it, reflected repeatedly can not penetrate into
the outer glass, and warm the contents of the greenhouse.

The events in the greenhouse are similar to the events on Earth. Naturally, some
sunlight entering the earth will be reflected back by the Earth's surface to the sky.
Some of the reflected sunlight will be absorbed by the gases in the atmosphere
that envelops the Earth. The gases are called greenhouse gases. The rays
absorbed by the greenhouse gases will be trapped within the earth. This event is
called the "greenhouse effect". The greenhouse effect is what causes the earth to
be warm and worthy to be occupied by humans. If there is no greenhouse effect,
then the earth will be cold and no living creatures are able to stay in it.

Greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide,
and other gases. These gases can arise naturally in the environment. However,
the gas can also arise due to human activity. Moisture is the most atmospheric
greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. The water vapor comes from the seas, lakes,
and rivers. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide is the second most greenhouse gas in the

Carbon dioxide comes from a variety of natural processes such as volcanic

eruptions, animal and human breathing, and the burning of organic materials. In
addition, the burning of fossil fuels (oil, gas, and coal) that occurs in power
stations, motorised vehicles, air conditioning, computers, and cooking activities
can also produce greenhouse gases. The combustion and ignition of land also
turned out to produce carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen oxide gases

Magnetic Method
Performed based on geomagnetic anomaly measurements caused by differences
in contrast of susceptibility, or the magnetic permeability of body traps from the
surrounding area. The difference in relative permeability is caused by the
distribution of ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, and diamagnetic minerals. This
method is sensitive to vertical changes, commonly used to study intrusion bodies,
bedrock, hydrothermal veins which are rich in ferromagnetic minerals, geological
structures. And this method is also very preferred in geothermal studies because
ferromagnetic minerals will lose their magnetic properties if heated to near Curie
temperatures and are therefore used to study areas suspected of having
geothermal potential.

The exploration method is preferred because the acquittition data and the
proceding data are done not as complicated as the gravity method. The use of
mathematical filters is generally done to separate the anomaly based on the
wavelength and depth of the source of the anomaly magnetic that you want to
investigate. In the market many geomagnetic tools with high sensitivity are
offered such as PROTON MAGNETOMETER pieces and others.

The magnetic method is based on measuring variations in the intensity of the

magnetic field on the earth's surface caused by variations in the distribution of
magnetized objects below the earth's surface. Measurable variations (anomalies)
are in the background of a relatively large field. The measured variations in the
intensity of the magnetic field are then interpreted in terms of the distribution of
magnetic material below the surface, which is then used as the basis for
estimating possible geological conditions. The magnetic method has the same
background in physics and the gravity method, both methods are based on the
potential theory, so they are often referred to as potential methods. However, in
terms of the magnitude of physics involved, both have fundamental differences.
In magnets must consider the variation in direction and magnitude of the
magnetization vector. whereas in gravity only a large variation of the gravitational
acceleration vector is observed. Magnetic observational data show more complex
residual properties. Thus, the magnetic method has a much greater variation in
time. Measurement of magnetic field intensity can be done by land, sea and air.
Magnetic methods are often used in preliminary exploration of petroleum,
geothermal and mineral rocks and can also be applied to the prospecting of
archaeological objects.
A. Earthquakes

Earthquakes are vibrations or shocks occurring on the Earth's surface due to

the sudden release of energy from the inside that creates seismic waves. Ordinary
earthquakes are caused by the movement of the Earth's crust (earth plate). The
frequency of an area, refers to the type and size of earthquakes that are in nature
over a period of time. Earthquakes were measured using the Seisthermometer
tool. Moment magnitude is the most common scale in which earthquakes occur
for the whole world. The Rickter scale is the scale reported by the National
Seismological Observatory measured at a scale of local magnitude 5 magnitude.
Both scales as long as their number range is valid. Earthquakes 3 magnitude or
more are almost invisible and large of its 7 more potentially causing serious
damage in a wide area, depending on the depth of the earthquake. The largest
historical earthquake magnitude has been more than 9, although there is no big
limit. The last major earthquake of magnitude 9.0 or greater was 9.0 the
magnitude of the earthquake in Japan in 2011 (as of March 2011), and it was the
biggest Japanese earthquake since the recording began. Vibration intensity is
measured on modification of the Mercalli scale.

B. Earthquake mechanism

In simple occurrence of earthquake can be explained because "broken", or

because of faults (also called fault or also commonly called "Fault" by geologist).
What is broken?, broken is rocks, layered rocks that compose the Earth's surface.
Maybe the rocks can be layered and can be broken, even before it is broken it is
unfolding. Below I tried to show some pictures that showed it was around us
even though we rarely noticed it.

In general there are three types of fault or fault, according to the

mechanism, a thrust fault (or reverse fault), a flat or a shear slip, and a normal
fault (no-charge). In general, the earthquake can be said to occur when rocks are
broken, whether they are broken and up, broken and shifted, or broken and
Faulting occurs because rocks are experiencing pressure or traction
continuously. When the elasticity of the rocks is saturated, the rocks will be
broken to release energy from the pressure and pulling. While receiving rock
pressure will be neglected, and after releasing the force of the rocks will return to
its original form, this is known as "ElasticRebound Theory".

Thus increasingly explaining why the subduction zone is an earthquake

line, or where the epicenter occurred. The subduction zone is a zone where the
two plates are themed, hence the place that has suffered continuous pressure for
millions of years ago today. By the time the pressure energy is getting bigger and
the elasticity of the stone is saturated then he will be broken to release the
pressure energy, so the earthquake happened "NOT" because the collision two
plates like 2 colliding cars that originally each other Then suddenly collided with
each other so that there was a crash, indeed for the subduction of the earthquake
zone occurs because of the interaction between two plates that press each other
so that accumulated considerable energy, the earthquake itself occurs because
the condition The rocks on the plates and/or the lithosphere are broken to
release the pressure energy that has been stacked there for a certain period of
time. The earthquake release mechanism is also diverse and still an interesting
research for researchers in the field of Geosience and uproing.

The earthquake that occurs in the subduction zone in Indonesia can be

shallow earthquake, intermediate (intermediate earthquake), and deep
earthquake. I will not be discussing this in this description because the third
mechanism of this type of earthquake is different and needs a description of its
own for the Improvement of How to earthquake on the ground?. The basic
concept is the same, it occurs due to the pressure or pull of the Earth's tectonic
conditions, geological conditions as well as morphological conditions.

On the ground, it can also appear as a result of a new fault of the tectonic
earthquake and the result of a geological process resulting in a new fault
(Quartular fault) Whether it is due to landslide or due to a large volcanic
earthquake, or the Other geological.
How for a fault that is already in the land, such as long Sumatran fault stretches
and divided several segments?, for the fault that is already on the land, it will be a
weak zone. This means that the area becomes an earthquake prone area because
the stem has been broken, so it can be shifted back when it gets pressure or pull.
Plus the earthquake in the fault area could be triggered by another earthquake
that gave enough pressure on the fault area. Earthquake activity in Indonesia one
of the most high-level in the world, if from readers who have a visit to the
National Earthquake Centre BMG 3rd Floor Operational Building there can be
seen Indonesia seismotectonic map, which shows Seismic activity in the region of
Indonesia. It can be seen there that Indonesia has a high vulnerability to the

Basically, experts divide the process of earthquake or the origin of earthquake

into two large groups:

1. Fault Shifting theory

2. Elastic theory of elasticity or elastic rebound theory.

According to the experts, a lot of earthquakes occur due to the shifting of the
plates along the fault and occur suddenly or known by the term sudden slip. This
happens to be a layer of Earth's crust. Furthermore, experts argue that the main
cause of the earthquake disaster process is preceded by a movement style that is
in the interior point of the earth. This style is also known as the convection style
coat. This earthquake process starts from the convection style of the coat which
then suppresses the part of the Earth's crust, also known as the outer layer. This
crust has a fragile nature, thus when it is no longer able to withstand the
convection style of this coat then as a result the fault will be shifted and perceived
by man as an earthquake. This one earthquake process goes into this type of
tectonic earthquake. Of course if the type of earthquake is volcanic, artificial,
collision and debris, then the process will be different.

However, according to experts, of all the total earthquake occurring around the
world, this type of tectonic earthquake dominates. Even this type of volcanic
earthquake alone reached only 7% of all the total earthquake that occurred. The
process of volcanic earthquake starts from the movement of material in the fluid
channel. This movement is usually felt shortly before a volcano erupts. For the
type of artificial earthquake that uses dynamite for example, the process occurs
because there is pressure sourced from the dynamite. The devastating explosion
of dynamite will make the target area shaken and there is an artificial earthquake.

Meanwhile, the process of earthquake collision always starts from the existence
of space objects that succeed to the surface of the Earth. This object comes at a
tremendous pace so that when it reaches the Earth, the pressure will be
destroyed in the form of movement or vibration. The level depends fully on the
strength of

Geophysics exploratory
What Is Geophysics exploratory?
Exploratory geophysics is an applied branch of geophysics, which uses physical
methods (such as seismic, gravity, magnetism, electricity and electromagnetism)
on the surface of the earth to measure the physical properties of subsurface,
along with anomalies in these properties. It is most often used to detect or infer
the existence and position of economically beneficial geological deposits, such as
ore minerals; fossil fuels and other hydrocarbons; geothermal reservoir; and
groundwater reservoirs.

Exploratory geophysics can be used to directly detect the target force of

mineralization, through measuring physical properties directly. For example, one
might measure the contrast density between iron ore and stone silicate walls, or
might measure the conductivity of electrical contrast between conductive sulfide
minerals and hard silicate minerals.

The main techniques used are:

 Seismic methods, such as seismological reflection, seismic refraction, and

seismic tomography.
 Geodesy and gravity techniques, including gravity gradiometry.
 Magnetic techniques, including aeromagnetic surveys.
 Electrical engineering, including electrical resistivity tomography and
polarization induction.
 Electromagnetic methods, such as magnetotelurics, ground penetrating
radar and transient / time-domain electromagnetic.
 Geophysical boreholes, also called well logging.
 Remote sensing techniques, including ITT imaging.
 Many other techniques, or methods of integration of the above techniques,
have been developed and used today. However this is not as usual because
of cost effectiveness, widespread application and / or uncertainty in the
results produced.

Exploratory geophysics is also used to map subsurface structures of an area, to

explain the underlying structure, the spatial distribution of rock units, and to
detect structures such as faults, folds and intrusive rocks. This is an indirect
method for assessing the possibility of ore deposits or hydrocarbon accumulation.
Methods designed to find mineral or hydrocarbon deposits can also be used in
other areas such as environmental impact monitoring, subsurface imaging of
archeological sites, groundwater investigations, subsurface salinity mapping, civil
engineering site investigations and interplanetary imaging

Exploratory hydrocarbons
Seismic reflection techniques use the most geophysical techniques in
hydrocarbon exploration. They are used to map subsurface
distributions of stratigraphy and structures that can be used to describe
potential hydrocarbon accumulations. Well logging is another
technique that is widely used because it provides the necessary high-
resolution information about rocks and fluid properties in the vertical
section, even though they are limited in area. This limitation of area is
the reason why seismic reflection techniques are very popular; they
provide a method for interpolating and extrapolating also log
information in a much larger area.

Gravity and magnetism are also used, with sufficient frequency, in oil
and gas exploration. This can be used to determine the geometry and
depth of closed geological structures including uplifts, basin subsidence,
faults, creases, igneous intrusions and salt diapirs due to unique
densities and signatures of magnetic susceptibility compared to
surrounding rocks.

Remote sensing techniques, specifically ITT imaging, have been used to

detect hydrocarbon microseepages using spectral signatures of
modified geochemical soils and vegetation.

Magnetoteluric and controlled electro-magnetic sources can provide

pseudo-direct detection of hydrocarbons by detecting changes in
resistivity. It can also complement seismic data when imaging under

Geophysical coverage
Geophysical coverage includes the following:
1. The composition of the earth's interior can be known based on the physical properties of the
earth (geophysics). As we know that the earth has physical properties such as the force of
attraction (gravity), magnetism, electricity, propagating waves (seismic), and other physical

2. Seismology
Seismology comes from the Greek language, which is seismos which means vibration or shock
and logos which means science. The Greeks called the earthquake with the words seismos ges
test which means the earth shakes or shakes. Thus, seismoogi can be interpreted as a study of
earthquakes. In addition, the understanding of seismology is the study of earthquakes and
other ground vibrations.
3. Vulcanology and geothermal
Vulcanology comes from Latin which consists of two words, namely vulcano (volcano) and logos
which means science. So, the notion of vulcanology is one branch of earth science that studies
volcanoes or mountains formed by the accumulation of eruption and / or melt material that
comes out of the earth through a pipe (‘vent’). Geothermal is geothermal energy which is
commonly used in the field of electricity generation where the exploration method is by drilling.
4. Hidrology
Hidrology is the study of water on earth, events, chemical and physical properties and their
reactions with living things.
5. Oceanografy
Oceanography is science and scientific exploration of the ocean / sea and all phenomena
related to the sea.
6. Geomagnetism
Geomagnetism or geomagnetic method is one of the methods used to investigate the condition
of the earth's surface by utilizing the magnetic properties of rocks.
7. Geodesy
Geodesy is the study of measurements of the shape and size of the earth including its weight
and density. In practice geodesy makes careful observations and measurements to determine
the position of points on the surface of the earth to map (map).
8. Geodynamics
Geodynamics comes from two words, namely Geo (earth) and dynamics (power, strength,
always moving, developing and able to adapt adequately to the situation). So, geodynamics is a
condition in which the earth can interact with its surroundings so that it is able to maintain
balance, related to changing circumstances.
9. Atmosphere
The atmosphere is a layer of gas that surrounds a planet including the earth, from the surface
of the planet to fall in space.

What Is Learned in Geophysical Engineering ???

The discussion in Geophysical Engineering is based on the principles of
geology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, hydrology, and informatics.
Overall the field of geophysical studies includes geophysics of solid
earth including seismology that studies earthquakes, volcanology,
geodynamics that studies the dynamics of plate movements on earth,
and explorations used in the search for potential natural resources.

First year students will study science and mathematics which form the
basis for learning geophysical methods. The second year students are
introduced to the basics of Geophysical Science, computing, and
geology which will be the foundation for advanced geophysical

The third year students will study advanced geophysical methods such
as the Gravity, Magnetic, Geoelectric, Electromagnetic and Seismic
Methods and their applications in Energy Exploration and Natural
Disaster Mitigation.

Students will have the opportunity to apply what they learn in the
classroom to measuring the physical properties of the earth in the field.
In the fourth year students apply and integrate the Geophysical
methods that have been learned in solving a real problem that has
been designed. Students are required to integrate with other disciplines
in completing a given project. In this fourth year, students are also
equipped with presentation skills and preparation for entering the
what is the difference between Geological Engineering and
Geophysical Engineering. Didn't they both learn about the earth ???

Basically, these two sciences have the same field of study, namely the earth.
However, geological techniques only study the outer earth, for example, by
conducting direct research on existing rocks on the surface through outcrops in
the form of structure, composition and characteristics.

The results of a geological research are generally still conjecture.

The geophysical technique, studying the earth in more detail based on data in the
surface obtained based on the exploration method so that the appearance of
structures beneath the surface can be known.

The work of a geophysicist can provide a value that is close to certainty about the
state of things you want to find such as the content of precious metals, the
location of geothermal reservoirs and so on.

A geologist and geophysicist have an important role in handling exploration

activities in natural resources. Therefore, the two majors must work together well
in order to be able to provide extraordinary benefits to the surrounding

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