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Section Purpose Verb Tense Elements

Abstract Mini version of the Simple past – refers 1. Background/Context
paper to work done 2. Main objective/s
3. Methods used
4. Major results
5. Main conclusions
Introduction Provides the rationale Present tense –refers 1. Nature and scope of the
of the study to established problem
knowledge in the 2. Review of relevant literature
literature (10)
3. Synthesis of review of related
4. Research questions
5. Approach used and
justification of using this
6. Principal results
7. Main results
Methods and Describes what was Simple past – refers 1. Description of materials used
Materials done – procedure, to work done 2. Description of procedure in a
model and analysis logical order
3. Explanation on the choice of
the interviewees,
respondents, text for analysis
4. Sufficient detail so that the
data can be produced

Results Present the data, the Simple past – refers 1. Your results
facts – what you have to what was found 2. Your observations
found, discovered and observed 3. Results of analysis
and observed

Discussion Shows the Present – emphasis 1. Trends shown by the results

relationship among on established 2. Relationships shown by the
facts knowledge, present results
results 3. Generalizations shown by the
Puts your results in results
context of previous 4. How your results
researches agree/disagree with previous
studies and why

Conclusion Summarizes your Present – emphasis 1. Conclusion should relate back

principal findings on what should not to the introduction
be accepted as 2. Summary of evidence
established supporting each conclusion
knowledge. 3. Implications, the significance
of your findings or any
practical applications

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