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Unit 5 : Traffic and driving regulations

Means of Transportation

Answer the questions:

1. What is there?


Traffic and driving regulations

1 – How often are you caught in a traffic jam?

2 – How do you feel when you get stuck in a traffic jam?
3 – What do you do when you sit in a traffic jam?
4 – What causes traffic congestion in your opinion?
5 – Can you remember a very long tailback you were stuck in?
6 – What's another word for GRIDLOCK?
Unit 5 : Traffic and driving regulations
7 – How do you feel when you experience lengthy delays owing to tailbacks?
8 – How do you face lengthy delays?
9 – What do you do to avoid the traffic?
10 – Can you beat the rush hour?
11 – What's your attitude toward speed limits?
12 – How often do you break the speed limit?
13 – Why do people so frequently don't drive the speed limit?
14 – Have you ever been caught on a speed camera?
15 – Have you ever been stopped for speeding? What happened?
16 – Have you ever jumped a red light?
17 - Can people be arrested for drink-driving in your country?
18 – Do you know anybody who has been charged with DUI (driving under the influence)?
19 – When are people banned from driving in your country?
20 – What conditions disqualify people from driving?

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