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“A study report issued by Internet Live Stats, states that there are
over 1.9 billion live websites and about 70% of users click on
the very first page of search results.”

Want the correct tips to jumpstart your content marketing results? Follow our points to know
more, and we bet at the end of this read you will find the apt solution to develop your content
search results.

Correlation between content marketing and SEO

When it comes to content marketing promotions, most of the marketing teams face big
challenges in constructing a solid content marketing tactics and content marketing strategy that
will enhance the SEO that will result in more website audience. People generally attempt a huge
mistake considering SEO and content marketing as two separate aspects, whereas in reality both
of them are closely related. In other words, SEO involves in building good quality links, content
marketing is an element to attract inbound links from targeted readers.
Basic content marketing tactics
➔ Repurpose promoted content
Good quality content that has already been created is a gift that readers keep on receiving, rather
than creating new content, remarketing old content is quite quick and cheaper, these content
marketing tactics repurposes the existing content from a set of the net target audience in a new
format. This content marketing strategy expands your reach goal across various channels
enabling cross-promotions.

➔ Publishing better content with linkbacks

Most readers find irrelevant pieces of content on the very first page of Google. This is a golden
opportunity for you to market your content and outrank those links with better content upgrade
materials. After publishing a better content, try to create internal links for that post.
➔ Optimizing Meta description and title blog
Improving click-through rate in Google can lead through increased rankings. Optimizing Meta
description and title blog can enhance the readers before they decide to read it by clicking the
link. You can make your headlines catchy by inserting keywords and hyperlinks. The meta
description should be appealing and persuasive for the readers.
➔ Auditing content
Try to reduce unwanted pieces from your content that provides no value and incurs more harm to
your site rather than good.
➔ Leveraging network influences
Leveraging influencers for content promotions involves more than sharing content. By
encouraging influencers in sharing your content can make you ready-made in the community.
Aligning your website with other experts can boost your visibility in SEO. The smoother
engagement is, the more opinion and advice does the link of the content perceive.

➔ Running paid retargeting ads on social channels

Running paid ads is another content marketing tactic that can be effectively utilized for
establishing new audiences for your blog or site. Promoting paid content on channels helps you
to speak directly with your targeted audience. Retargeting your most appreciated content can
help in building up a platform for loyal customers more promptly.

When it comes to content marketing and SEO, it is evident that both of the concepts are co-
related and go hand in hand for more online growth.

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