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How to use Ngrok for Termux

What is Ngrok?

• Ngrok is a multi-platform tunneling and reverse proxy software that

establishes secure tunnels from a public endpoint such as the internet
to a locally running network service while capturing all traffic for
detailed inspection and replay.

How to use Ngrok?

1. Open Termux and type command pkg update && pkg upgrade && pkg install python2
and press Enter, click y and press Enter asked to continue.
2. Login or Sign up Visit this website to Login/signup
3. Go down and there will be a Connect your account heading. Copy your AUTHtoken.
4. Download .zip file Linux(ARM)
5. Now go to downloaded file folder and click on ‘Share’
6. Select termux
7. Now type command ls to see the downloaded .zip file components.
8. Now type command unzip that will unzip the .zip file.
9. Type command. /ngrok (your AUTHtoken here)
10. Type command. /ngrok http 8080
11. DONE

Press ctrl+c to cancel (Alternative "Vol-down"+c)

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