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Welcome to our eBook mini guide to getting started with bitcoin and

to getting your first FREE bitcoin "bits" - we are SUPER EXCITED

to share this journey, and honoured to introduce bitcoin to you.

We are blessed to get to share tomorrows technology (currency,

financial platform, store of value) with you today...

...and to be able to give you the chance to get in on the ground floor
of bitcoin too - to get involved while it is still in it's infancy.. and if
you doubt this or think you are late to the party then we've got good
news for you - take 10 minutes to read this short eBook and you'll
see that you are just in time :)
Everyone is talking about bitcoin, it is growing in adoption, being used by more and more
businesses, and increasing in value.

In this quick report we will explain quick what bitcoin is, what it's future potential could
be,but most importantly; how you can claim THOUSANDS of "bits (bitcoin units) a day, for

It's not too late to join the growing trend of bitcoin, to invest, or to simply get hold of some
for free and become a part of the future growth of bitcoin!
Chapter 1: What is bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a digital currency. It is open-source and decentralized which means it isn't owned
by any government, or controlled by any bank.

Nothing can be hidden/manipulated due to how transactions are verified on a sort of global
spreadsheet called the "Blockchain" (trying to keep things super simple but if you want to
read the ins-and outs you can find the full "bitcoin white paper" which goes into depth in
how transactions are confirmed and "minded") in which 1000s of computers verify each
purchase transaction and bitcoin send on the network.

This means that essentially this spreadsheet is duplicated and synced live all around the
world by 1000s of people - similar to a peer-to-peer system which has no focused
centralization to control (or manipulate) it.

You can send bitcoin from your computer, tablet, smart phone or other device, to anyone,
anywhere in the world, day or night.

The transaction fees are either 0% or a tiny fraction compared to the cost of a credit card
payment or a bank transfer (especially internationally). And the time taken is dramatically
reduced - on average, a transaction completes in 20-30 minutes (once it has been
How is bitcoin "printed?"

It isn't.

No one prints bitcoin in the same way that regular national currency is printed.

Whereas a bank can simply produce more money to cover the national debt, thus
devaluing their currency and causing inflation..

Instead, bitcoin is created digitally, by a community of people that anyone can join. Bitcoins
are "mined" using computing power in a distributed network. This "mining" is the method of
processing and securing each transaction - locking them into the "blockchain" ledger.

Miners earn bitcoin as rewards for using their computing power when they verify
transactions and solve the complex mathematical formulas associated - this now requires
quite significant (and growing!) computing power.

There's a limit to how many bitcoin will be created

The Bitcoin protocol - the code and mathematical rules that bitcoin is based on state that
there will only ever be 21 million bitcoins created by miners.

This finite number means that bitcoin is deflationary rather than inflationary like all other
national currencies; i.e. because the bank is constantly printing more money to cover debt
and to fill new loans, the value of the currency as a whole falls - thus we have inflation.
However with bitcoin, only 21 million can ever be created, so the currency is deflationary -
as it becomes used more and more in demand, the price will rise as there is a fixed,
definite, limited supply.

Now 21 million might not sound like enough if it is really to be adopted and used as a
worldwide currency and accepted in all online shopping.

But it is :)
Breaking down a bitcoin (bits and satoshis)

This is where things start to get really interesting :)

Understanding the make-up of a bitcoin will help you to see just how valuable the
thousands of bits that you can get for free TODAY really could be in the future.

Each bitcoin can be divided down into 8 decimal places - so each bitcoin contains 100
million units, each called a 'Satoshi', (named after the mysterious founder of bitcoin
Satoshi Nakamoto) - here 1 satoshi is represented:


However, more recently the unit of "bits" has been adopted.

There are 1 million bits in every bitcoin - this takes the decimal placing to only 6 spaces
out of the available 8, leaving 2x 00s left over on the end, which will be used as decimals.
Here one bit is represented:


The measurement in bits has been created with e-commerce in mind. We are simply used
to thinking in whole numbers, so rather than thinking of the price of something being 0.06
of a bitcoin, we write this price as 60,000 bits.

Looking at bitcoin like this makes it much easier and more realistic to see how it will be
used and how it really can go mainstream right! ;)

And right now, you can still get THOUSANDS of bits for free every day!

If you did this 4 years ago...

So if you had spent a little time each day 3 years ago getting some free bitcoin using the
free bitcoin faucets I'm going to show you, if you acquired just $1 a day for a year - then
that $365 value would now be worth $182,500*
*math assumes from perspective of bitcoin being worth $1 3 years ago to being worth $600 today.

... yes... WOW!

Even if you are only getting small amount of $ value worth of bitcoin today, and it might
seem like you have missed the boat from when the price was $1 or less, to it now being
worth $600 - but this is far from the truth.

Please keep in mind that there is HUGE investment going into bitcoin right now (so far in
2014 there has been over $250million invested by venture capitalists into bitcoin start-ups
- this is approximately the same amount as went into Internet business start-ups in the whole of
1994, the start of the Internet boom).Right now you can invest in bitcoin (or get free bitcoin)
BEFORE it really goes mainstream
- before Wall St gets the regulation it needs to be able to trade it and offer it in ETFs and
funds for investors (rumoured to be coming at the end of 2014 / early 2015), before it gets
implemented into mainstream banking, and before it gets really mass adopted as a
payment currency online and offline (this is already well under-way and new merchants
are accepting bitcoin every day - including Expedia, New Egg, Overstock and Tiger

The THOUSANDS of "bits" you are getting for free right now will have real value in the
future - the thought of needing to acquire a whole bitcoin will be laughable, it is the
decimals, the bits which will be used.

It is right now which is the critical time to invest in, or get involved in bitcoin - or get a LOT of bits for free,
while you still can!

Especially because you can do so for 30 minutes in your lunch hour instead of playing flash games, or
even on your smart-phone as you sit on the toilet!

Imagine 10 years from now when bitcoin really is adopted and used in the
mainstream, being able to say to people you made 100,000 bits while sitting on the
toilet back in 2014 :)
Chapter 2: Claim 2.7 MILLION Satoshi in 10
This is where we get started get some free bitcoin.

Follow the 3 steps below and signup for the 3 free bitcoin wallet services (they also
happen to be the largest companies, and the SAFEST to store your bitcoin. - you can
earn $5 worth of bitcoin from the first 2 (90,000, and 15,000 satoshi from the 3rd -

This will take you 10 minutes - 2.7million satoshi in 10 minutes :D Nice!

1. Bitalo: For a limited time they are giving $5 in free bitcoin to all new members -
just signup to get your free bitcoin wallet with them. They are also THE safest online
wallet. They take security more seriously than any other and FORCE 2 factor
authentication (i.e. you have to enter your password AND get pin code from your
smartphone to use your wallet.
2. Coinbase (The USA's largest and most trusted exchange): They also offer $5 in
free bitcoin when you join, and have a lot of security features - they are generally
seen as the market leaders in functionality, ease of storage and buying bitcoins.
3. Xapo - They give 50 bits free when you join INSTANTLY and a further 100 bits if
you share on twitter and facebook (a total of 15000 satoshi) :)They are also the first
service to offer really solid online "VAULT". This goes deeper and offers more layers
of encryption and authentication - especially when you come to move or withdraw
your bitcoin. 1 They also offer a debit card! You can top-up your debit card using
your bitcoin, and spend it in $s in retailers around the world.

There are many sources to get your wallet from but we recommend these 3, they are the
SAFEST and most trusted, and of course, they offer free bitcoin when you join :) but in the
interest of variety here are 2 more online wallet services which are really safe and trusted:

1 Bitfinex - A personal favourite actually (because you can earn INTEREST on the
bitcoins you hold in there + save l0% off your first month's fees with this link.) - A very simple, but functional online wallet (not an exchange you
can't buy bitcoins here, only store them).
Chapter 3: Faucets list — Claim 5.000 Satoshi
This is where you can really get a lot of satoshi daily - the above exchanges you can only
join once and get your $5 in bitcoin once but these websites give you free satoshi/bits
every day or every hour.. some payout every 5-15 minutes!

Here is our top 10 list of free bitcoin faucets which you can claim anywhere from 100-300,
or maybe even 1000s of bits/satoshi, all you have to do is simply enter your bitcoin wallet

At present estimate, you can earn up to 5,000 satoshi an HOUR using JUST these 10

* Or if you need it then here is a quick walk through video, of me showing you how to use 4
of the faucets listed.. you will soon get the idea, it's pretty simple :)

Site Name Frequency Payout (satoshis)

BitCoinKer 15 Minutes 100-300
Moon Bitcoin 5 Minutes 100-300
Bitcoin Zebra 1 Hour 100-400 1 Hour 300+
Pizza Faucet 1 Hour 100-300
Coin Giveaway 1 Hour 100-300
Daily Bitcoin 1 Hours 250 - 1200
Coin Check In 5 Minutes 15-300

We hope you have enjoyed this guide, hope you have a lot of fun along the way learning
about bitcoin - and hope you can get involved and make an investment that might just
change your life in the future when the investment and adoption into bitcoin really starts to
come into fruition in the years to come!

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