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As an individual it is normal to us to have or to engage into relationship and dating towards our opposite

sex or even as well as to people having same sex to us because it is part of our social interaction towards

other people. For as not being able to engage to other people is not normal. However for those persons

having disabilities there are limitations and boundaries that they must consider in having realtionship

and dating because there are some things that we normal people can but those who have disabilites


People with disabilities could have a hard time engaging to other person. There are some of them who

have difficulties in interacting to other because there situation might hinder there relationships. So there

are some aspects in their lives that must be limited and boundaries must be set for example are their

physical and social aspects as well us their emotional aspects also.

Persons with disablities have emotional problem that must be consider in dealing into relationships

because if it is not, it may cause them danger and harm and aso to there partners. They are tend to have

a hard time controlling there emotions and may affect their relationship towards their partner. For

examle a person with behaviorial disorder he or she may have a mental illnesses are medical

conditions that disrupt a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others

and daily functioning. They are tend to become hyperactive and aggressive or could

have a self injurious behavior. So in order to have a successful realtionship they

must know how to control there emotions. Thy must set controls to their feelings to

avoid mood swing or anxiety because it may affect their relationship that may
casue anger and fight. They must now And for them to be fully in control with their

situation they must unergo psycchoteraphy and counseling.

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