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Free the Nipple, one of the many campaigns fighting

for women equality, oppression and empowerment.

The ‘Free the Nipple’ campaign has even produced
a film in 2014 inspired by true events in New York. It
is based around informing people of the movement
to let women have a voice and express how they are
being mistreated in everyday situations. It is just one
of the many campaigns out there helping to make
the world a better place for everyone. Free the
Nipple, now not only seen as a movement, but as an
advocacy and a way to publicly support the
wellbeing of anyone facing gender inequality.This
research report will explore the multiple ways our
media-dominated society has contradicted the
female body over and over again while getting away
with it. Where women all over the world, especially in
third world countries are getting beaten, killed and
taken to jail for the many reasons. All women want is
a balanced system of legal rights, is that too much to

Women’s equality, this is an important issue to

address because otherwise people will just rely on
others to bring out legal, economic and cultural
change. To improve and respect the wellbeing of
women all around the world. “Gender inequality
remains a major barrier to human
development.” (
gender-inequality-index-gii). We need more people
to contribute and reassure people to stand for
themselves and not listen to the typical stereotypes
floating around. The

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