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Assignment for IWT

Full Marks: 10
All Questions are Compulsory

1. Describe the HTTP Request and Response Model with example. What are the HTTP Response
Codes and what do they mean?
2. Describe the new INPUT types introduced in HTML5 and how they help the web developer.
3. Describe various ways in which CSS can be used in an HTML file.
4. Write javascript to create a Point object having two properties: xcoord and ycoord. Then create
a function GetDistance(p1, p2) which takes two point objects as input parameters and returns
the distance between them.
5. Create a web page with 5 text boxes (maxlength=”4”). The user will type a 4-digit number each
of the text boxes. Upon submission, the next page should show the sum, average, max and min
of the 5 numbers entered by the user.

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