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Nan Khatai

Ghee/butter - half cup

Powder Sugar- half cup
Maida - half cup
Baking soda- half tsp
Besan - 2tbsp
Ilaichi powder- a pinch
Egg yolk - 1
Nuts of ur choice.
In a bowl, add ghee/butter and powder sugar and mix together until nicely incorporated.
Add ilaichi powder, baking soda, maida, besan and knead well. It should form a nice
smooth dough. Not runny or too hard. If the dough is sticky because of the warm
weather then cover and put it in the fridge for 5mins and once hardened, immediately
make small round balls, place nuts of ur choice on top and place on a cookie sheet in a
baking tray. Brush off with well beaten egg yolk. Set the oven to 350F and let it bake for
around 25-30mins or until the bottom of the cookies changes colour. Serve with garma
garam chai! ☕️ 🍪

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