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Ideas to incorporate 

movement into school work 

at home 
Many kids benefit from daily movement and it can assist with learning academic 
information. Feel free to use or modify any ideas that work for your family/student and 
come up with your own! 
● Toss a ball back and forth while counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, etc 
● Toss a ball back and forth while spelling sight words 
● Toss a ball back and forth while saying the ABC’s 
● Dribble a ball with hands while counting, spelling, etc 
● Jump up and down in place, jumping jacks, or over a book on the floor while 
counting or spelling 
● Write sight words (or alphabet letters) on post-it notes: 
○ Place around the house for your child to find and read/use in a 
sentence/sound out the letter sound 
○ Place against a wall or the couch and have your child kick a ball to each 
post-it note and read/use in a sentence/sound out the letter 
● Place math problems on post-it notes, place one to each chair, and play musical 
chairs. When the music stops, have your child answer the problem on the chair 
where they sit. 
● Have your child read while lying on his/her belly 
● Use masking tape or painter’s tape to create a hopscotch or ladder pattern on the 
floor. Have your child move through the course while recalling one detail from a 
story after each jump. 
● Tape your child’s worksheets to the wall so your child can stand while 
completing the worksheet. 
● If reading a short paragraph to your child, have your child hold a wall-squat or 
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. 
Erica Huber, PT DPT  Educational Services Unit 
Physical Therapist    20 Pioneer Blvd Westampton, NJ 08060 

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