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Name Lastname

School Year 2010 – 2011

 Write. 6th Grade

t-shirt pants sweater shirt gloves jacket dress socks

 Complete.

1. Her blouse is _________________.

2. Her skirt is ____________________.

3. Her socks are __________________.

4. Her shoes are __________________.

too big too tight too short stripped

 Complete.
1. This t-shirt is more ____________________ than the other one.

2. My umbrella it the ______________________.

3. My dress is the most ___________________________.

4. This tennis shoes are too _________________.

*colorful *expensive *oldest *beautiful

Dictation Spelling
1. ________________________ 1. ____ ____ ____ ____
2. ________________________ 2. ____ ____ ____ ____
3. ________________________ 3. ____ ____ ____

 Listen, draw and color.  Bonus

Draw a line from A to B to C, and so on. Color.

What’s he wearing?
He’s wearing __________________________

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