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About the Authors - = Walia G, Prieto, PhD, ross AS and SSE segeed. Ou Lasse, ae aceon ow erent be Ua 3 NELIA G. PRIETO, LPT, PhD VIOLETA A. VEGA, LPT, PhD ELIZABETH F, FELIPE, LPT, MA, MD JULIUS L, MENESES, LPT, PhD Ce) -) real eee WRITE Published by <«& ©2019 ISBN 978-424-005-54-4 eS ‘This book on Science, Teehraloay and Sabiy is designed in ne wth CHED CMO No. 20, sven of 2013, As an isictiona tol Is ‘Peant to “engage slutents to conont reales brought about b) Siena, Technology and Society" ‘Tee took i ded ilo six choplers te sever iacons Uno sath Chapiee | desis wih the General Concops and. stones Developments iniedes tree ltsens on ties about realtey nd vents whch changed the course of Sdlnce and Technology, thle sole naan bulding and goverment laws poles, plns and projet eae ta Science and Technclogy, ‘Chapter hich consists of four lessons focuses cn the Human Flourishing in terns of Science and Techiology, technology ac 2 way of ‘revealing the Good We and when Techoolagy and Memaniy Crass Chapter IM discusses Specie ‘aflecing the Philppines. Another section ‘elaborates on energy ersis as well ae ts couses thu preseniing possiblg ‘solutions to ‘Chapler V talks abou! Envionmental Awsrenass which fs of utmost ‘concer ia al of us. The lessons incude the promotion of ervienmenial -edoaton, is benefits and ballets and convictone that we eld ante ‘Chapler VI presents a discussion an Alemative Eneray Resources, ‘The chapler distinguishes the two lems: iemolve and renewable energy. I unher shows the seyrees ef both types of nergy. It ts hoped that this book will assist cach leamer schieve the Jeaming outoomes and develop hier poieiiis to the fvlest™ = The Authors Fe seen Tectatoy me ect Table of Contents LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 {Chapter il) © LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 LESSON § General Concepts and Historical Developments... Historical Anlecedents which Changed the of Scence and Technalogy... ‘Seience-and Technology and its Role in Nation Bulding Goverment Laws, Policies, Plans and Projects Pertaining to Science and Technology nncrnrommrn Scionce, Technology and Society and the Human Condition 25 ‘The Human Flousishing in Terms: of Scienos ard Technology ..28 Specific Issues in STS won. ‘The information Age... Gene Therapy versus Stem Cell Therapy. ‘The Role of Genes in Heredity... Blodiversly and Healthy Society “The Nano Wot anne Developments - [Chapter iv! Climate Change and Energy Cris8 os icsunmennnennnn BB Schaperv? Environmental AWARENESS GH aovatve erry recarss bp teplened scence tel icuogy could wo acyees enc tap e,bet l ‘development A. History of Sclence and Technology in the Ward: ‘Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages: ‘Science and lschaclogy has Been around trom te baginning ot time 2 cess wanes ersaiag Sow ly fy vied & Serenseg thet physical or cwnical somposiion. ‘Science ani! teenelagy can be traced fram the origin of human lif 2 the evidence of emaring tenon, ial Coenen erase Oneegomre 4 ‘vi sien Toor acy , oh a Coan ae Ore During the same periad in the Nile Valley of Egypt, ifermatan an the catculatod value fr which i ell used to tis very day. 3000 B.C. gave rise to the Bronze Ape in tie search for fing pigments ‘used 10 olor the human skin, copper was ciscovered, hen it was reared that ‘aloying copper wit tn resulted ito bronze wich in those days ware used to ‘make swords and alher weapons. Today, we use It to bud machinery, medals, ‘satuas, belts and shoe buckles. By 3800 B.C, in Mesopotamia, two-wheeled carts had bean crealed and 1 became the mas! Irequany uted mode of vansponting heawy goods from one ‘During the Midee Ages (250 = 1450 A.D.) gare bith to many scenic and lechnological development, Also dunng the Middle Ages foften cafed Dark gp) war ad leproved oman ‘analomy, coud formations, plans for stes, miliary invendons, tanks, fying mastines end eubmarnes. Copemicus rediscovered what some of the ancient Greeks hed known Harry, the navigator, to travel around South Aviea, Portugal, 1 reson Inala. ‘was around the same time Columbus discovered the Americas. Modem Seience and Technology around 1600 A.D. lin constructing his own spyglass, but went on to fuld @ secard one with the 2 Smee wemagy ate Seca magnification stopped up by wight, and fly tity timas which i now known 235 the talascope. le was able to ciscowe craters and meuntains on the moon. He laler invented the microscope and tha thoemometer Isaac Newton was bom in 1642: Ho helped cafine the laws of gravity end planetary mation, co-ounded csiculss, and explained tha laws of Want anc color. ‘Apert Einsiain became the mast famous scievst of the 20" century. His Work ha! profeund impact on everything tam quantum theory to nuclear power land the atom bom, and came up alsa win the ames equation @ = mc used in Calicut. in terms of modern technology, te Indvsirial Revolution beought SboUt the beginning of factanes baing built io produce goods at massive quand. nthe late 1800, the light bulb began to replace: candies and oil lamps. “The 20° century gave birh to the radia, the fret car to-nun with engine power. The frst man wen! to space in a rocket. I mas also the beginning of ‘communication, electronic and eamputer era. Selnce and Technolgy nthe Patna A Histerical Perspective ‘Tormoes isa sphsbcaled paduct of engines by te Spanish Fliinas. Spanish Colonial Period The colonizaton of te Philspines conitbuled to the growth of scence ‘greullze were Laugh la te nalives, Later the Spaniards establshed colleges ‘and universes inthe scieao ineluding University af Santo Tomas. ‘sorsiruciing goverment bulldogs, churches, roads, Bnoges and fri, ‘The Jesulls promaied metzamingical studies and founded the Mania “Obsarialory at tha Aieree Municipal dé Marla mn 1865, Caper Geel Cerca aie Dense 3, Lien 1 dered ee used Cree Sena Teo American Period and Post Commonwealth Era ‘The progress of sclence and technology continued under Ametican rule, On July 1, 1901, the Phifppine Commission established the Bureau of Gavernment Laboratories which was placed under the Department of Inti. ‘The Bureau replaced the Labaraiono Aluricjpal which was established during the Spanish era. On October 26, 1905, the Bureau of Govemment Laboratories Bureau of Science became the primary research center of the Phil World War il nnd, Scienca dsing the Amarcan period was inched towards apicutire, food processing, fet, medcine, and grarmocy. Nat rue focus was en on the deveopmn! of indutlafchrology due to eo ado pally wih fe Uni State fic nurtured an economy geared fonrds agro and ‘rode, in 1048 Be Bursa of Science was replaces by be Irate of Scanch. tn 1958, cing to regime of Precdent Caro P Garca, the Prlppne Congress passed to Science Act of IG68 which eslaleed fh Natoma Seanoe Development oar Marcos Era and Martial Law Selonca was gwen importance during the Marcos Regime. ln the ‘amended 1973 Prilppine Constiution, Arie XV, Section 8 (1), he decared ‘hat the “advancement of science and technology shall have priory in national “Development. in his two terms of presidency and during Martial Law, mary Jawa were enacted promoting science and technology (On January 23, 1987, he declared thet science was necessary for the rected the Department of Eduestion to fe puble end pile High school and oalege scence teachers. Traning rogram and sculrships were awarded 10 groduata and underracuate Eelanot torte. “The Nationa! Seionce Development Boor cslabshed the Philpine Geveopment Mangos assisted 107 Inetusons in underiaking rudear encioy work By sending scientists, engineers, doctors and technicians to study nuclear sclenoe-and technalogy abroad. Seen Tetlgy an Soc Major development projects to raforn education were done and. which sionea education confers, and sgreulural coteges and. vocational high schools. The Phifapine Counal for Agrautural Research was also established to suppor the progressive development of agrculue, foree¥y, and tsheras for he county. The Counell was atached tn the Department of Agriculture sg ‘Natural Resoureas for edminiswative purposes, ‘Another agency was astabished by Presidential Decree No. 48. s. 1972 ‘and this isthe Philppine Atmosphere, Grophysieal and Astronomical Services PAGASA) under the Deparmant of Nalensl Dofonse. fe function was 10 Jronds environments! protecion end in vlize scenic knowledge to orevre ‘hn safety offre peop. ‘The Phinppine National Oil Compony wes slao created to promote indvetial and coonomic devetopment through fede and ficient use of ‘energy souroes (PD. No, 386s. 1973). In 1876, the Notions! Academy of Science and Technology was tablished and was composed of scanists with “fipovalve achirvement io the bask plied sconces” Io serve 9 a reservar of scientific and ‘anf encrdialin of selon and tachnalogical research and development. ‘Tha Mindanao and *Visayas campuses: of the Philpgine Scions High School ware established in 1965 to encourage careers in science and twchnelogy and io ba mora accessible to the inenied students in tha Mindan ‘an Visayas areas in accordance with Executive Crder No, 1080, s. 1986, Fifth Republic - During Corazon Aquira's presidency, the Notional Science end ‘Technology Authority wat Taglaced by the Depertment of Seance and ‘Technology. siving ha Bepertment a vepreseniation In fre cabinet, Under he Modium Teen Phiippins Oavelapment Pian forthe years 1997-1892, sctence and iechrology's len economic recovery ond sustained eecromis growth teas highighted. Soence and tecinology was one of fo Sree Rants oF he Govemment towards A Ecanamic mecovey- ‘cag? cert orca aed Depts avon pa tenons anes bec SR Tea ‘The first Solenoe and Technology Master Plan or STM was foisted on August 8, 1888 is goal was forthe Fhlippnes to actiove newly Indusrlied county status for te year 2000. ‘During Prosicent Corazon Aquincs term, she encouraged eentsts and invenions to bring tre Phlipenes to ts trmer pesitan ex secons to Japa in ‘sconce and technology andto achieve te sists 63 an indusiaieed cour ln 2000. RA. 6655 oe te Free Pubic Secondary Education Act of 1968 opened {fee education at the secondery lavel Together with this was lmpleenentod the “Science for the Masses Program which aimed al scioniifc and tectnslogica .Meracy among Falpinos. President Fidel V. Ramos" Term ‘There ware noticeable improvernents regarding science and technology ‘during Prasident Fidel V. Ramos’ term. There was.a sonst screase in [personnel speeislizing in science and technology. In 1836, the Philippines wes ‘astmated to have around 3,000 competent scantits and engineers. During te Ramos sdminisvation, the Degartmant af Scieace and Anather Sciancs and Techroiogy ramnar plan ened ‘Corpstence, Competitive Conscienen: the Mesure Pian of the Deparment of Steen apd Techetogy (19082006) te (8) fagshp programe ae 5} § &T intervention program for te poor, wuinerablo and Wsabied, and '6). Comprehensive science and technology pragtam far Mindanao. President Rarios bobeves that science and tachaciogy was one of the means wherein the Philippines could atain the siatus of new indusviaized country (NIC)..During his term, he was atle to establish programs that ware signfcant to the field of sclence and technology. In 1993, Seienice and Technology Agencia for National Development (STAND) was established. (6 Searcy Sty ‘Among its priorities were; (1) exparing winners identified by the OT1, (2) arangemenis, President Joseph Estrada's Term Owing the term of Presigent Jaseph Estrada, two raj leisietions that bie signed wore the Phiippine Clean Ar Act of 1996 (Republlc Act No. 8749 ‘which was designad to protect and preserve the environment and ensure the tural mseurves, and Electronic Commerce Act ‘at 2000 (Republic Act No. ‘oppertuiies for new Businesses emerang trom the inlemel-riven New ‘Economy, Aside fom these, he launched a full-scale pmgram based on cost- bling the Philippines to bean innovation nud in Ala, ‘The Science, Tachrology, and innovation (STI) was éevesaped further by ‘saga of botuels thoughout the county, This polentaly enebles a cheaper attra to gavoine as a medum in poducig energy. Also, tis benefis the ater Gn end a Bora 7 ta a once te Sat Sao ean femeronment since it boasts a cleaner emission compared to regular ful. Yel, ‘setbacks guch 88 lack of raw materials is oing the hil implementation of the lows since inporGng tho necessary materials are imported mate. Ch one hand, ‘roughe-oe rice waa loo highly encouraged to be used during ber tern. Ths ‘enables farmers to produce rice despite the envearenental hazards that sans Fstop the production President Benigna C. Aquino 14, mente procut (GOP) increased by 815%. The prose vahe acd (OVA) in egret an sting went up by 1.60% and ie aecured fr 10 of te increase. ‘The Hatmanizes Agenda for Science and Tachnology was presented to President Aquino in 2014 and it included two crucial issues, inclusive growth and disaster risk reduction, Nish i ie fot Hee. eon far Ot Aa ror te naonal ET devaogmont agenda, Sclence Education in the Philippines ‘Science is important to everyone. School science education should support the development of scientific ct iin a scienlfc inquiry schools, values, and ates, such as abectvy, curs, and fonestwans habs of mind inlvding ental thinking. 18 Seimoe, Teal un Scty In tha Pilppines snd around the work, people ore taking about @ science and techrolegy-based word and @ knowledge-based economy. Given the expesiasons and aks required fo Ive suocesstly In auch an erwonmert fd vat roe of ace eat nh cou, ond fo Sia fi cr el ec ms Cente mh Si In basic education provide avenues. for students 12 engage in science and oncourage them i he eierea teat careers? ‘The imalementaon ofthe K-12 basic sduoaion program does nat bode voll for scianos education, Sclence education stats any in rac 3 which is ot comfong fr the enprovement of scarce and math educatien. Chast} Gener Concerts ad Hiri Grapes ncn Het tacts Wie ange Be Coes Scere me Teciogt —— ‘A Discussion Questions, 4. Deserve briny how science end testnology evelved during each pariod In histoy, 2, Wnte your oat impression on the current sclence education in the Phiiprinas 3. In groups of § members each, find aut what eenerete products in science you ‘500 in the society taday, (@yeeoo B, Propare @ personal writien reparl en your own reactiowlmpression of our We fossy with tre advancoment in science and technology. Use the space given below, 10 Seen tenets ny science and technology brought progtess not any in cut eaurlsy ita development dstermites 1 3 large exlent Be soel-ssancen reas ofa county, ts a wet-known feck inat & s dteelyassectated wi mode-rty isan eitantal tal lr fap development and progress ots erty. it roa ang Sclence and Technology Defined Selene and techstagy Is a Kid of endeavor upon which @ twe-way interaction opersias between the two, Importance of Science and Technology to National Devolopment [Development st any phase is aways inked win technology and technology happens when Mero is advancement in science. Modorrization in every aspect of Be it the estes exaraple ofthe implementa of seine and technelogy in avery satin. |Win nooducton of modem oadgels ia every walt of fe, ite has become sirpie and this is possible only because of Implementing science and Yeehnology together. Without having, modern equipment ial eter, be iL in medion, Infastucure, evan, ecoty, ifornaftan teemrolegy ot any other fold, the advancement snd bene®ts that wwe face today would not ave been pocsible ‘A nation's development and prosperty ls judged to = large extent by te etatus of science and technology of that naiion, Science and technology are Kay avers to Govelopment, because lechnalogcal and scant. meveulans undsrgn. sconce Sovancss, mpraveet in health systems, education and infrasncture ‘Today, courkies are clase 96 developed ong developing aunties. The ror catngofzaiian is based on le economy and tte application of sclonce end Technolog. Counties which fave # strong basa In science end tachnology are the ‘ones that develoged fasiey, A few exemples are countries tke Japan, Russ, Brazil, oor piles. om dcipine and na advancement, But wilh Bie inroduetion and proper implementation of science end technology an effective manner, they made great -edvncoments acress ine gabe, ‘The foip the! science and technology hae played in improving the ie of people across bie glade fs vivit and has made lia a lot easicr and 2 lot Balter with fr advancement in medicine, remarkable develoornent in educston, communication, egyieusure, businacs and industry. Science and tech! nation. Technology slays q eal tha key to the progress and development of any ental role in weoaith eroaton. improvernent in the ‘owe and Uansfarmasion 2 sry society. wie i not abla to prosper in thesé aspects would rover be able 12 a jd may Nave tr depend on cther nations. Without proper implementation ‘ef seenea and technology, no ralon could grow and af tase nations tial wore lated ‘35 [ow in growth have proven were they sland today and all tal happened because of sdlence and technology. Imponancs of Sclence and Technology Todey, we cannot expect ou is woul eeienee ang tchnalogy resolving around it every single scoomd. Science and ehnclogy are extemely escent our everday ite asthey have made tisgs more Sele fat, and secured pirsos| eveything the wa aa atund us Is the git of science and technology Be @ the smanghenss, fan, whee, vehides, Ch, pager, loohirush, secs microwave, vehicles, radio, television, teptops, etc, everything is the result of science and ecrnaigy. 12 Seees Renecogy an Boney Here-are What Science and Technology da for us: 4. tt helps us save ume. and meney. Various conttatios of scence and ‘echicingy have belpod ws: ava fe and meney. While science has given we ihe knowledge why beted or steamcookae foot ls bene: than the ted or oy food, tnchrclogy fas glhied us with microware and staer-cockers that help Us bakn and steam cock our food. Vbious objects tke computers, modes of tears, washing machines hola save tina and enstgy. 2, Education, Scionea and technoteny have made sgnfieant canouton nthe seucalion fel as wel. Technology hes made education ell easier. has baviged us eptons the smart cisests, mulimedia devs, elbrades, e-books, 3. Intemet. Information tachaciogy, Including intemet, Is an excellent gi of we da not get only immense knowiedse on ‘also get lo stay cannectes wit cur fiands aves for eemnforable stesping, quick cooking and fast Commute. Wit he help of cbjoxs like AC micromave and vehicles, slence Sra ehmoigy nove Meso ou eecing. cooking, and conimutng proses fosorand taser ital us lve beter a, Wile scitoe nes msds sgnifeantsonbatons fn heath by proving leiment for varoue chars eases, technology has ‘benefiled us in receiving those treatments through various ways and devices: Ika Ky, tan mathines, operon devices, pecemter, and many rnare, Wi cng equprmar, varoue heath 08, ‘in doctor ane cher trings tat help us mana good heath ad ie. Impact of Technology on Society ‘Technotagy by tse fe ot rare! to sociaty, but the-way society uses technoingy ta achioww spootic goals Is what recuits into negative impacts of technology on tha society. Humans need lo use energy to process products in factories, to run cars, to light Homes and also run techological machinas like comoutars, Out the oly way We can do this without affecting the erwiranment and society bs by shifting foen exhawetble energy sources to reneiabie and inexhaustible eneray sources lke solenhwind energy. ‘Teetnology hes contdbuted much to various aspects of Hla (hngeuerwwust-of- tecnnologyloamvsocietyimpact-tach-scciaty! + Technology has improved ‘ransportaion. Transporiion is one of the basle ‘areas of technological activity. Both sociely and businesses have benefted from the new transportation reelhods. Transporation provides motily for the maon. Teehnalagire Ike autamebias, busas and vucks have improved the way humans move ané how thay transport ther goods trem ons place to another, Chale selon eres Deepens 13, esa Sos aa Eon a soi BS ‘© Technology has improved communication. Communication Is used for a number of purposes. Both socialy and ganizations denend on ‘communication to transfer information. Peapls use technology to communicate with each other. Electronic media tke radios, teavslone, Inemet, socisl ‘media heve Improved the way wa exchenge kisas which can develop cur ‘societies. In many couninas, radios and televisions are used fo volce the ‘eernmunication technology to Grow and impr The World Wide Web has proved fo be an enormous information base from Which infonmston can be rebieved by mearss af sesrch engines, Informaton ‘rom al around the werl is housed en the wab, Wth the development of Web technology, the Information can be organized in an ergenized manner and relevant svommation can be relrieved on supplying search stings te web ‘ghee, Daitzation of information has been a major breakthrough in ot infarmabon tachnotogy. learn how te intarpret informatie, ‘technologies in thee choot ‘The Role of Science ané Technology in Nation-Bullding lis @ wel-estsblshed fact thet science end technology impacts all assecls of our lives es well ]& Me planet we live on, The changas induced by science and technology hava for the most por benefited mankind glinough thera is many a case where science land technology-based innovatons have been used for the detriment of maniind, puriued for ether weal and power or balh. It isthe rosponsiity of all eancemed ta ln the science and technology aspects, Counts . inte ragion have echieved much Uvough solksnce and technelogy and sland out as 44 omen ferroopy 2a San, heving demonsraed the abso impetance of scarce end techlagy fr economic Bowlh, Thase counties a exampe for the cevelping counties, the Impact of 'echncogy on seein withaut doubt Is going tobe even mare mated nthe fate, 1s than of paramount impertanca 12 pserala and develop now knavledgo ia ‘ance nd lathnology for apolicaion ntonally tough cur dwn raaaarch eapabiy, A Is also necessary lo concanivale on tha rapid tarsiee and. aechange of proven technol For ahr naan e188 be bats oth gl Ken owl cur feconamle gronth tra way Dpeapn lve, connec, eermmunicate and transac, with profourd aflacts on economic ‘development, According to Lee Rey Chaty (2012), science and tachniciogy are kay ‘divers I development, because sciersfe and technalegica! revoktons underpin ‘economie advan, improvements in heath systeres, education and infrastructure. The technologies revelutons of te 21* century ate emerging for aniey new soctors, based on micro-processors, talecommunicalions, Ristactasiegy and aanc-sehnsiegy. Products. ere transforming business practices across sha economy, aa wall as the lives of all wn have toeis: fo their effcis. Tha most remarkable breakthraughs will ome trom the interaction of ineghts and applications ansing whan theaa teehnelogies converge, ‘Through breakihvoughs in heath services ard educason, hese tachndlogies have the power to improve ov Ives of pose neowe i caveoping eounstes. Eracieating malaria end cures for othar diseases which are endemic in developing cauninas era haw ROSS, dowing pEORiE With dedstaing consibens w tke hadny and productive ves. Grape Gerwn Cumapu anise storen 18 en Soon wu Teton na en Balog — Se | i “Tho aatent te-which developing evonomies emerge 88 economic powerhouses eFlecnion ‘éaponde on thei ably to grasp and spoly sights from sclonce and technology and ao 0 ham erably. Incvaton i he primary ever of tchrclogalprowt and eves Tie phat perv ara sear ie! ta ane mcer eat 4 higher ving stand o would ft scionon an ‘To promote technological advéricas, developing counties should invest in POOR Te acne EM aR Oe Sen ‘quality adueation for youth, continuous skis trabning for workers and mangers, and wB should ensure that nowledge is shared as widely as possibio across society, ‘Tho state of science and technology determines the saciocaromic: progress ‘of a county, is wall4nown fact that natenal progress Is hgh corelated 1 the ‘capacty of county ta produce loca Industral goods for domecte noede and thal ‘ndusbiaizaton is vary much espendant onthe seoicatien of aclones and technology & war Sarco actncon tas made yet co butts empec of cr and Guus has | 1, Farm & group ad exchange ideas on concrete manitestations of the tolnee and Wenmoogy pay in nation bute, Fup Te mae acagemic conversation, ‘Lacal Conirbuben | Benefit, Suteome ooo Beet oa cer cones a Haren Deere 7 11 Sonos, Tereegy Soy ain? Sesca rte ants omen Bu snp pD2D DDD DDD 2DD999D 2D 99 9DIBIIBIEE PEPE ‘Government Laws, Policies, Plans and Projects LESSON 3 Pertaining to Science and Technology Cee CEE LLL ELLE ELLE EEE REEL CE EEEEEEE, nei waniiauoon to Vie cevelapment of science ie €5 fotroduction “The mle that scence and toehaology has played ia ira use fhe PEP congilans ef people ® the word Ee wid county, Bie sistus of science and technoion} development in the CaUAlry Jogy Environment Frem 1986 to 2018 1 Cojuandee Aquina highiighted the importance of science and techsology in achieving ecotamie progress. She helped ebtablan tha Oepariment of ‘Scieage and Tecrmalogy (DOST} which formudated the Scienoe and Technology Master Pi 2000, At bist me, the Pslippines aimed fo be & Newly industrilized County F Succaeding presidents have nad the fair shore of polices guared towards imeeoving the seclar President Fidel V, Ramos introduced laws on invents" Incentives and scence aad lechnalogy seholorctips wile President Gieria Macapagat Arroyo adopled policies focusing an a eatanal innovstion 3ystem led technological ‘ealrepreneurship under tha Medium-Term Development Pian 2004-20%0. 4B Sexe Tecouyyatidocety ‘The most recent National Science and Technology Plan 2002-2020 is largely {ocused on building technalogical selireliance. Meanwhile, the Harmonized Agesds fot scionce and technoiogy presented to President Benigna Aquina in 2014 highlighted to ential issues: inclusive growth and disaster risk eduction, Criical technologies to address these issues have toen developed and ths Include LIGAR processing. remote sensing end microsatellites (CNNATA-t). ‘Government Policies and Laws Pertaining to Science and Technology To improva and -stngihen science and technology including research ‘development, it is necessary thet govemment enact laws, Several lawe have bean ‘enacled by Congress since 1958. to prazent They are a flows: RA. 2067 ~ “Sclance Act ef 1956" An Act To Integrate, Goocnale and Intansity Scienite and Techasiogcal Research end Devslosment and To Fogter Invention To Provide Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes + RA, 3569 — An Act Amanding RA 2087 Modiying te Natons! Science Development Board, Nallonal Insitute of Science end Technology, aad te ng Tex Exemption, Privileges end 17 ~ An Aet Providing forthe Licensing and Regulation of Atamis Eneay ‘and Materials. Esleblishing tre Rules of Llsllty for Nuclear Oamage 1868 to encourage. promote, and assist fie for peecaful purposes a5 a means fo improve 'o caniituse and ral progress. Geophysical anc Aetronomicat Services (PAGASA). Is function was lo erode environmental protection end to ube écisae knowtedge 9 ensue the safety of hie pease + Presigentist Oscroe No. 334, «1973. created the Phiiorine National Oi Compary to promote industrial and economic develapenént tnraugh afeetve and efficient use of energy resources, +) RA. B74 — The Philippine Clean A Act of 1999 was enacted by Congress fn June 23, 1899 to protect ané preserve the environment ard ensure the sustainable development of is natural resources. + RA. A792 — An Aet Previting for the Recognition and Use of Electronic ‘Commetelal and Nor-Commarcal Transactons and Documents, Penolis for Unlawful Usa Thereof snd For Other Purposes passed in June 18, 2000, “This Act aims to faciRele domesic and international deatngs, transactions, slgnment, agreements. contsels and exchanges and storage of informalon through the lization of electronic, optcal and similar madum mode, insrumenislly ond technoiogy to recognize the Width and relay of electronic documents related fo such fsetiues nc to promote the universal use of electron transactions inthe govesnment and the general public. uct rar Camas orcvestDtiarae 19 son: Gramma Lig Pb, Pana rec Pwriog SOKA THIS Sa + RAL G367 ~ “Biofuels Act of 2006" - An Act to Direct the Use of Biofueds, Establishing for this Purpose the Biofuel Program, Anpropriating Funds Therefore, And For Other Purposes: ‘This Act was enacted by Congress on June 12, 2007 10 develop and uelize indigenous and sustainable sources, clean energy sources to reduce dependence an imported oi. + RA. S513 ~ ‘The Renewable Act of 2008" was pasted by Congress to accolerate tie development of the counlry’s renewable energy resources by providing fiscal and nomfseal incentives to private investors and equipment rmanulacturersabricatorssuppliers. + RA. 10175 = Philippine Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 passed Sentember 12, 2012. An fect Defining Cybercrime, Providing for te Prevention, Invesugation, Suppression and the impasiion of Peneities Therelore and For Other Purposes” + RA. 10692 ~ An Act Expanding the Coverage of the Sclanee and Technology Program and Stiengthening the Teaching of Sience end Mathematics in Secondary Schools. and For Other Pusposes. This Act shall be known as the Fast-Tracked Science and Technsiogy Senotrship heme regions. + RA 10844 — An Act Creating the Deparment of Communication Tachnelogy (DICT) which was signed into law on tn accerdance wih the law, the Department af Information and Cory ns ‘Tachnology (DICT) shall Be the primary policy planaing. coordnation, implemening, ané administrative entiy of tie Execubive branch of the goverment that wit ples, develop, ‘and promots the national IGT development agenda, * Science and Technology Agenda for National Development (STANI ' 0 Priippioes 2000. The pon was ited can tre tere ot froseard Resor ture, 2020, fe developed « wite range of giobaly combetiva pducts and services which have a high lechnelegial eon ‘The 12 priority areas for S&T development are: 2) Agricultura, foresty & natural reseutees: |). Natural disaster mitigation; 1) Energy: and |) Mamufactunng and eeevce ergineesrg. ui :omecspeapancstctDemtonars 24 eso Genet Les Pi Pa Poel Pihog Sees re = A Discamtior Coasters wi me Te nas Se vote nome oe ee Te Seecomert anc Lncions ogame er eereoT 2 toma poe St meres ee eo evev we @ cies are er sree wre erry Fat ice Sracty atc ee EEroom agers Sclow Pew sac 2 Faowestor 52 masios 9c Soe Eee Bee we te oe @- : . 1 We yer pesca te ty mahi Da ‘adminiavalion on its plan for development. Atiach clippings from newspapers or ‘magazines to Suppor your views, “Chapter I]. | Science, Technology and Saciety si and the Human Condition [ru [pags mang par. Q= vary Iiing creature is meant to become what it is meant fo a be, The caterpilar is meant to Decome 2 beautiful butted, a smal ‘mature person, the parson “Who is uly aiva, the glory of God” in the words of St lrenseus. (Corpuz, 2015). ‘AS we grew and develop there are diferent factors that aflect Us, there are siferent queslions that need to ba answered and there are steps and sctons that need to be undartaken, Plounshing {i the highest good of human attamat to achiove higher gaat. Its ‘suceaes as. human bolng when ha/the: achieved it far the betterment af hisher ie. The best Ife is one of excellent human activi. “Eusaimonis’, Inerally “good spirted” is 4 torn connected by renownad Greek Philosopher Arsiale (388-8238.C.) to describe the poak of human's happiness that ¢an be atlined. The big question i “Haw”. How wil yau achive your Nourishing? (ap STS nt Pe Maran Connon 25 asia 1 Tra acum eu Test ance Tay Ges ‘activiTy #4 “ARISTOTLE ASKS” ‘Asstote tes to begin with carmen sea, He does just want to but thearias le-thin oi thal have no ceaneetin to realty. He just elects clferent opinions from Giferent people about a certain topic. For yur Activity you will 3sk the opinions of 20 erent pacgle about the fellowing question: ‘A. Wit i happiness? , What sfare your goals in ile? + ©. Mow ean you achieve your goalis? 1. Wha ara the peapla you need to achiave your goalls wih? ‘Gather ell ha answers af te reepondett, What are the top 3 most Fequsni ansmer? A Visti happiness? 1 2. 3 B. What iefare your goals in iis? 1 2 3 C, Hourcan you achieve your goals? 4 1D. Who are tie people you need io achieve your goals wih? ‘het happtias tom he daa ave geen ii tent apenas 26 Sean etonugy nt Sy ‘Aistetes humen flourishing arises a & product of diferent factors such Bs Phronecs, fiendship, west ang power, The Ancient Graek socley Letaved that forthe People io achiows tho true meaning of Reppiiess these quasees shauld be acquired, which In etiect alow them to oin inthe greater notion of what we eallthe Good. For Avstote, the good le what ie good foc purpaselll and gosldiracted eniies. SScnclve cap ratoralty au twlehe angagen scent he ogee appopeata to the parson in he contet of hisher own idenbly as 2 human boing. 38 a means of survival Ras Become quicates; Ceoperalon end coorcination among ‘neseauats are the neve ren. “There Is a difference benween easiem and western idess regarding society ‘and tuiman Sourshing, The Wester Sociaty whore Aristotle is included tends to apart S13 mene Maran Conaten 27 asa: The Manan Pussy omact Semon oe Benoa | bbe more foeuted on the individual, while those fram the East are more community: | Sa eet Bing ak tm Be Sy soe te een ' EVALUATION” given babies! ‘agard and that the Ind oud eats Hinsl ake ot j ‘Do the following 10 ensure mastery of the big ideas presentac in this module. 11. Meaning of human flourishing @ ver: iia Think af ane fssuniprobiem in your field that reeds to'be resolves by Me unique ingevidual enaracterstic's of each member of the group, 4, Diflerertiate Eastern and Westem Ptlosophy in tarms of human teurshing. © 4, How wil you sohlave hin fourihing? Checcieinee 7 Seance, Teoma stl, atom Tu Haran athe amet enca ne Quem ‘Atha ent of is lesson the fearves shoud bs sechnslogy. (aaa wie ner eaar shel Pe ee = & ton ‘Science i: a voyage of exploration just to find cut how things wort and its really interesting because iti an angoing and endless placass, People tore Yo look for tho, ‘30 Sean Tete anes | Som GROUP PRESENTATION For exch group, sie the reason that brought about the Invention, the advaniage, disadvantage ond inventor Reason for the Invention ‘Advaragee | Dsaoraragets | vento ‘What are the Steps of Selontifie Method? SCIENCE AS METHOD . Science i an organized way’ of studying things ard fading answers fo questions. Scentfc mathed is an oproeeh to seeking Krawecge that Involves forming end teeing a hypothesis. This methodology is used lo anewer questars in © wide varity of dieblines, In school, Gis method is teught in the earter grede level, Thaugh the umber of steps is diferent, I presents a general view of haw fo solve problems: 41. Observe and identity using your Senses the unexpininable aocurenens around you. 2 Identify the problem and iensty the possible facirs invived, 3. Farmale hypothesis that coulé explain fre said occurences. Ideaty, the goal fe to twject the nul hypothesis and accept the altemative hypothesis for the 4. Conduct experiment by seting up dependent and inéependent variables end ‘sap how tha independent vaviabe affects the dapandark varable, is comple. Collect yout “measurements and analyze Cem fo soe # thay support your hypobnests er pot. cextand arc broaden the study you have conducted, ‘Tho scieniic mathod I 8 logical process far expedmantation thal Is used to hope STS ants tmunceneten 34 esen: Heroty ena Miy oPaseleg ‘ebserve and answer questions: Does this man that all scienfiss follow exactly the ‘scenic mth? fo. Some areas of scarce can bo moro eatiy tested than cer. the scientfte method. In fact there are probably ax many versons.of the seentfie ‘method as long #8 the gost remains the same. hard werk accardng to Albert Einstein Why are Diversity and Collaboration in the Scientific Community important towards Human Flourishing? false in casbocating Selentiie work algo mentoring graduate sisappearing inio a windaeless tab and Scientists from such diverse backgrounds bring many points of view that have bearing ‘on sclentiic problems, The following are the impartance of diversity and collaboration in tha scientific community iowards human flourishing, 4. Collaboration and aivertity batanes possible biases. ‘Scirtis! benests from ether scientists ard practoners wih étferent sats of betiets, cultural backgrounds, and values to balance eut the possible biases that might happen if science wore practiced by a smal gioup of humanity. Scientists ‘Rou nat be impart those occasional cases in which persanal bases steak in, thay ere kept in cheek by 3 verse sciettic community. 82 Sctom Tesraogy an sacey 2. Diversity and collaboration stimulate prablam solving, Two twads are betier than ‘one, Science benefis greatly from s community, Prebloms arise from diferent cectors of society. A diverse community fs beter able to gererete new research methods, explanations and ideas, which ‘can help science over chatenging Ccbstacies and shed naw light on problems for the betterment of the ferent interests. people fram diferent backgrounds choose to investigate tiffarent anprosehes in the sara question @eartain apie. They may have diferent esis. They have cTorent methods that ara based ‘ifferant questans, ‘They may have diferent resportéens to waldabe thei ‘on thalr interests. are competing against others, Soertsts are not tiemplod Some sienists are motivated by the sense of corpeition offered by the cammunty. Licewise, the community offers scientists the prospect of raeagnton rem the ciber wel-kaown scien. In lence, achievement is usialy measured, ot toms of money oF Hees, bul Yanna ef respoct and ectaar irom ealeagues. 5. Diversity and coltahoration divide labor. ce is 100 wide for an incwviusl on his er her gum to hand. Collaboratans ‘and division of labor are increasingly important today. as cur scienfc understanding, lechaiques, and technologies expand. Thare Is simaly mere to know than ever before ‘and as'wo lasm more absut the weld, mare resesrch is performed atthe intersections of eiforon fits, ‘tage STS HimanCondion 33 Leasend Tc au Worl Renatng

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