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Music is an expression of transcendence

Music plays an important role in our lives. I, myself, would even manifest how great
music is. And it always makes us feel the presence of the Divine when we hear music
from a concert or choral concert that gave us goosebumps. I think, for me, music gave us
goosebumps because we felt the transcendence. Transcendence is a state in which we are
able to be in a blissful situation. Who among us does not have any experience of this in
which we were touched? Whether listening to our favorite songs, whether attending a
concert or listening to the radio, there is always something about music that can fill us
with emotion, from joy to sadness.

Music always gives us an impact in so many ways or it depends on the person who
receives it. Scientists have been wondering why. Even though they can justify or explain
what is happening when we play music or we play an instrument. There will be a portion
that would make music unexplainable. I am referring to the efficacy of music, not the
theory or how it is made. It still giving us a clouded mind but have in hand the mystery
behind the music. Now, using fMRI technology, they are researching and discovering
why music can make us motivated into such strong feelings and binds us together with
our love ones.

According to Valorie Salimpoor, a neuroscientist at McGill University who studies the

brain on music. She said, " A music single sound tone is not really pleasurable in itself;
but if this sound is organized over time in some sort of arrangement, it is amazingly

How powerful music is?

In one of her studies, she organized a study when she and her colleagues invited
participants to an fMRI machine and recorded their brain activity as they listen to a
favorite piece of music. They found out that dopamine was released in the nucleus
accumbens, a structure deep within the older part of our human brain. From these facts, it
tells us how music makes us into a state of strong feelings and make our feelings attach
unto us. Salimpoor describes it as a rollercoaster ride, where you know what is going to
happen, but you can still be pleasantly surprised and enjoy it."

When you hear music, it can give us all the feeling that we have. It bridges us to the one
who created it. It made us realized that this is an experience of the beauty that we have
here on earth. From the music that we hear, from the instruments that we are playing, and
from the songs that we know and that contributed in our being, it enables us to open
ourselves in an expressive desire for life and experience. The fact that we have all these
senses, we need to be grateful because these are our medium of expressions that would
connect us to the divine and to the world. May we always make use of senses for the
beauty of all the earth.

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