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HANK ROBERTS ATL & NUT EXECUTIVE MEMBER ‘SCHOOL: COPLAND, A SPECIALIST SCIENCE COLLEGE, CECIL AVE, HOME: 27 RIDLEY ROAD, LONDON, NW10 SUB. "Grevicuely TENT CUTY, WEMBLEY PARK SPORTS GROUND, WEMBLEY, AADDX, HAY SIR) TELEPHONE: MOBILE 0776 273 7306 E-MAIL: Let’s Party! Another year without a brick being laid. On Saturday 8 March a group of determined campaigners against an academy being built on the Wembley Park Sports ground celebrated the first anniversary of their direct action when they occupied the site in tents for six months. Tents were erected on the concrete area where the proposed academy is to be built. Tables, chairs, a makeshift brazier meant those that gathered despite the rain enjoyed the party and raised a toast to their continued campaign*. The Council has ignored all ‘con’sulations, the overwhelming opposition of the residents, teachers and parents, as well as professional planners in their obscene rush to build the academy on the sports ground. Their latest ploy, causing many parents upset and disquiet, is to write** to all parents who have already chosen a reception class in a Brent school for their child (4/5 year olds) and ask them to reconsider. They are offering them places in proposed temporary portacabins, which have not even had planning permission, for September 2008. They also propose to build them on the sports field despite promising not to. Yet local schools are undermined and their reception places jeopardised by this action. * photos attached ** Letter atiached Ends ‘Communication & Student Support 6th Floor, Chesterfield House 9 Park Lane, Wembley Middlesex HAS 7RW o re, 0208997 3110 ° on Fax 020 8997 3028 un MAIL school admissions @brent CHILOREN & FAMILIES Wes waw.beent gov. uk/admissions Director: Jahn Christie 14-Feb-2008, RE: Opnartunity to make an application for September 2008 at the Academy at Wembley Park: ‘As you may know, Brent Council has been working with ARK Schools to open a new academy for three to 18 year olds at Wembley Park in September 2009. Recognising the immediate need for additional primary school places in the Wembley area, Brent Council has made arrangements to open two reception clesses at the academy a year early, in September 2008, subject to Secretary of State approval and planning consent. am writing to you as you have already submitted an application for reception school place for September 2008 to give you the opportunity to now make an acitonal preference for the Academy at Wembley Park if you wish to. All applicants who have submitted a reception application are being offered the same opportunity. Further details about the academy and about some information sessions where you can find out more are on the back of this letter. Your current preferences are listed below. Preference 1: Fryent Primary Schoo! Preference 2: Preston Park Primary School Preference 3: If you wish to apply for a place at the new academy at Wembley Park please complete and return the supplementary form attached to confirm your application. If you do not wish to be considered for a place at the academy you do not need to take any further action, your preferences will remain as stated above. Please return the supplementary application to me by 10 March 2008. Replies received after this date will be considered as late applications and will not be considered until after 9 May 2008. If you have any questions about this letter, please contact the Brent School Admissions Service on 020 8937 3110. eh Brent — building a better borough Yours sincerely Miss Rajeshree Parmar Head of Admissions The Academy at Wembley Park The new academy at Wembley Park will be a mxed, non-selective, non-denominational school for 3 to 18 year olds. The academy is pl:nned tc be opened in phases, with the first phase, two reception classes, opening in temporary accommodation on the site in September 2008. The main buildings will be completely by September 2010. The academy is being sponsored by ARK Schaols, an educational charity which runs a network of academies across London. tt is to be built on part of the Wembley Park sports ground, Bridge Road (please see map below) ius ane ge Ho TOWNHALL | If you would like to know more about the academy, please have a look at the enclosed prospectus. ARK Schools will also be holding several information sessions, where you can come and find out what the academy will be like and ask any questions you may have. These will be held towards the end of February and will be advertised locally once the dates are confirmed. Alternatively you can contact Catherine Pinder at 020 7395 2080 for details. Website links for further information www.arkschools.orgiwembleypark Brent - building a better borough

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