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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Morning guys

First of all, let us thanks to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to come
here, to join in this English meeting.The Honorable person my lecturer Miss Imelda Yose S.Pd, M.Pd
and all of my beloved friend
Secondly, shalawat and salam also deliver to our prophet (prafit), Muhammad SAW, who has guided
us from the darkness into the brightness.
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Presentation to day is about Storage Device in this presentation we will
discuss what is storage devices and what types of storage devices

Before we show our presentation, let me introduce our team, I’m Fachri Miftahul as Moderator
Dimas Yudha as the presenter
Syafi'i as the programmer
Mardiana, Luthfi, Ryval and Dicky as the Questioner
And now, let’s open our meeting by saying basmallah together: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim"

Thank you, the next agenda is presentation session, for the first turn will be given by the presenter,
please welcome Dimas Yudha
(Presentation Time)

Now, we come to Question and Answer Session. Don’t forget to mention your name. Any questions?
(QnA session)

Ladies and gentlemen! Finally, We come to the end part of our presentation. We would like to say
thanks again to audience for active participation. Hopefully the presentation will be beneficial for you
all. Thank you for your attention.


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