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Research on Muslim Community Dispute Settlement in Bangalore City.

Interview Schedule

Muslim Community Dispute Settlement in Bangalore City.

1.Name & Address:

2.Age :1. 20-30 2. 30-40, 3. 40-50 4. 50 and above

3. Sex : 1. Male 2. Female

4. Educational Qualification :1. Below 10th 2. 10th –PUC 3. Degree and Above

5. Employment status : 1. Employed 2. Unemployed

6. Employed :1. Skilled 2. Unskilled

6. Domicile : 1. Rural 2. Urban

7. Community : 1. Shia 2. Sunni

8. Class : 1. Upper 2. Middle 3. Lower

9. Income of the Family per annum: 1. Less than 1 lakhs 2. 2-5 lakhs 3. 5-10 lakhs
4. 10 lakhs and above

10. Do you ever face any kind of dispute in your family: yes/No

11. If yes, what type of dispute?

12. Did you face any kind of dispute outside the family: Yes/No

13. If yes specify the type of disputes and its details

14.Do you know any of your family members faced any kind of disputes : Yes/No

15. If yes specify the type: 1. Simple type 2. Complex Type

16. How often do you come across the conflict with Partners/others?

17. How did they resolve the issues? 1. Settlement out side the court 2. With Court 3. Other means

18. If settlement outside the court, who took the responsibility in resolving the issue?

1. In-laws 2. Religious scholars 3. Other modes

Specify their role and effectiveness in the settlement processes.

19. Are you aware of civil or religious contracts? Yes /No

If yes which law you prefer to apply in your case? specify

20. Are you aware of the civil laws /family law in the dispute matters? Yes/No

21. Are you aware of the Islam regulations in the family dispute matters? Yes/No

22 . Which law do you prefer in your problem solving process? Civil/religious

23. How serious you have seen breach of contract in business agreement? Very Serious/Serious/Nutral

24. How do you sort disputes in partnership business with non Muslims. Rare/Offten

25. How often you observed the disputes in your community and specify the areas of disputes and the
mode of settlement processes.

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