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Very few people talk about the Deep Web, and there are many less people
who know what it is about, or who have ever been in that wonderful virtual
world. Many people think that everything is here, on the public Internet, that
everything can be found thanks to Google, even many say that "if it is not in
Google, it does not exist". But the truth is that they are deeply mistaken,
what we see every day is "the cute side" of the Internet, the dark side of the
network of networks is far beyond their vision ... or rather the knowledge of
the majority.
There you can find all the evil that a human being is capable of, the Deep
web is all that content that can’t be accessed by popular search engines like
Google, Yahoo!, Safari, Bing, and the others. It is a space where you can
find all the amount of illegal material, and it hides 80% of the real content of
the Internet, where classified information lives, forgotten pages and even
criminal activities.
. What are we missing? To understand what is left in the background, it is
best to imagine that only in 2001 (where personal sites such as blogs and
similar had not exploded at all) the information that could be found on the
Deep Web was 500 times greater than in the superficial, having the first
about 91,000 Terabytes against 197.
In the Deep web you can find weapons sale, pedophilia, violent videos,
government files that have been stolen, all kinds of child pornography,
bestiality, assassins, photos of people gutted, all kinds of videos of people
raped and dead, snuff porn, sale of drugs, hit men and many things you
can’t imagine. But there are also interesting things like gigantic directories of
information on meteorology, astronomy or any of the main areas in which
governments maintain constant research until libraries of millions of
volumes, dictionaries, anonymous news sites, financial data, newspaper
archives, sites of people and companies, digital publications of books, and a
fauna of copies of laws, albums of historical photography, directories with
information of people and their emails or numbers.
telephone, reports like those of WikiLeaks, forums of anonymous groupings,
comments of social networks, social markers, discussions in forums.
As popular search engines do not access this there is a server called TOR
that is recommended for people who have no experience by which you enter
the web anonymously hiding your IP, when entering this server in addition to
discovering information that may be good and interesting and also
information that can leave you amazed can be dangerous if you get into the
dark side of these as there are specialized hackers and can damage your
machine from far away and can be submitted to the authorities because this
page is "illegal".

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