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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Discuss the difference between physical and chemical change;
B. Appreciate the importance of the knowledge on physical and chemical
change in our lives through citing its applications in our community; and
C. Write at least 5 examples of chemical and physical changes of matter.
A. Topic : Changes of Matter
B. Materials : candle paper manila paper
matchstick pentel pen melting ice
rusting nail spoiling food dissolved sugar in a water
C. References:
* physical-and-
D. Science Concepts:
Physical Change - is a change which occurs in size, shape, color,
texture, state, magnetic or electrical condition but the
molecular composition remains totally unaltered.
Chemical Change - a change during which the molecular composition
gets totally altered, that is change in which a new
product is always formed.
E. Process Skills:
Defining, Differentiating, Appreciating, Observing, Comparing, Discussing,
Collaborating, Integrating
F. Value Integration:
Integration, cooperation and collaboration during the teaching-learning
G. Teaching Strategies:
Discussion, Demonstration, Cooperative Learning, Peer Teaching
A. Review
* What is matter?
* What are the three classifications of matter?
* What is the difference between solid, liquid and gas?
B. Motivation
* Ask two students to volunteer to do the activity. One will tear the paper into small
pieces and other one will light the candle through the matchstick.
* Let the remaining students observe as the two students perform the activity.
C. Lesson Proper
* Let the students think of the new lesson based on the activity.
* Pair the students and let them brainstorm their ideas.
* Let every pair share their ideas with other pairs.
* What is physical change?
* What is chemical change?
* Present a melting ice and a dissolved sugar in water.
* What changes are taking place in these two examples?
* How can you say that these two examples undergo physical change?
* Present a rusting nail and a spoiling food.
* What do these two examples undergo?
* Why these two examples undergo chemical change?
* Let the students turn to their seatmates and let them explain and compare the two
changes of matter.
D. Activity Proper
* Divide the class into two groups.
* Let every group select their leader, secretary and reporter.
* Provide every group an activity sheet.
* Let them brainstorm and discuss their work to the class afterwards.
E. Post Activity
* Students present their work to the class.
* As the reporter of the first group discusses their work, let the second group review
and critique their work by asking questions. Let also the first group critique the work of
the second group.
* Who can discuss the difference between physical and chemical change?
* Who can give other examples of physical and chemical changes that are happening
in the community?
* How important are these physical and chemical changes of matter in our
Instruction : Answer the following questions briefly. 1/2 CW
1. What is a physical change? Give at least 5 examples.
2. What is a chemical change? Give at least 5 examples.
3. Differentiate chemical from physical change?
Research on the phase changes of matter and differentiate one from the other.

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