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At the end of the session, the students are able:

1. To review one’s personal mission statement,

2. To identify areas of self-improvement,
3. To develop means of personal means of self-appraisal, and
4. To commit one’s self for continuous development.


This session serves as an evaluation and review of the whole course. The participants will be
introduced to different means of constant self-examination. Furthermore, they are invited to a
lifetime task of continuous personal development.


1. Personal development is the person’s conscious efforts to improve himself. It is a plan of life
that is guided by his personal mission statement and attained through his effective personal
 conscious efforts. It means conscious decision.
 You have to work hard and work wisely to make decisions for what?
 We all want and dream for self-improvement, but not all have that hunger for self-
 What are you willing to take or sacrifice for self improvement.
 Hunger for success in achieving self-improvement takes patience(instant), determination,
perseverance, humility, elimination of ego and self entitlement, priority management not
time management.
 You can never achieve something by just dreaming and doing nothing.

2. Self-appraisal is the task of identifying and detecting aspects of our personality which need
improvement. There are different ways of doing this appraisal. It could be General Self-
Appraisal and Particular Self Appraisal.
 We do need to pursue self improvement because it was determined by our purpose in life
and passion.
 Purpose comes first, passion comes second, self improvement comes third.
 We attain self improvement by having self appraisal.
 Socrates believed that living a life where you live under the rules of
others, in a continuous routine without examining what you actually
want out of it is not worth living. This illustration of a lifestyle is
what Socrates would describe an unexamined life. The theory that

all lives that are unexamined don’t have a purpose and should not
be lived because it is unreasonable.
 People are born innate inquisitive but not innate rational.
 In order for you to learn, first put doubt in your brain to challenge your belief
 a question opens your mind. a statement closes your mind.
 “If you wanted to start a campfire with passion and purpose, you’d start with a
foundation of wood (your purpose), and start the flame with a match (your
 “Passion is your compelling emotions behind your dreams. Your feelings drive
your passion. Purpose is the why behind it all. Purpose is the deep reason for your
existence,” says wellness entrepreneur Jessica Lauren DeBry.

3. General self-appraisal deals with general notions which serve as guidelines for our everyday
work. It pertains to a broad panorama of questions we could address ourselves, which have
direct consequence on our work and life as a whole. It is advisable to do it daily in order to
monitor our progress closely.

Below is a list of suggested general questions for self-appraisal for workers.

1. Do I realize that my work is the best means I have of doing service to myself, to my
loved ones, and to my fellowmen?
-It is important that your work fulfills your purpose in serving yourself, love ones and to
the society.
You do not belong to you. You belong to the
universe. The significance of you will remain
forever obscure to you, but you may assume
you are fulfilling your significance if you apply
yourself to converting all you experience to
highest advantage to others. 
2. Am I aware that to do my work well is a personal obligation which I have towards my
fellow workers and to my family?

3. Do I sincerely do my work following the instructions and advice of my superiors?

4. Do I do my work with greater love each day, knowing that my own advancement in
life, as well as of those who rely on me for support depend greatly on it?

5. Do I make the habit of waking up at a fixed time everyday, to arrived at my place of

work on time as a sign that I truly love my work? Do I realize that by doing so, I also
give good example to others?

6. Am I conscious that the product of my labor contributes to the common good of


7. Am I doing my job with all the diligence and honesty required of me, so that after a
long and faithful service, I can leave behind a good name in the company?

8. Do I know all the rules and regulations of the company that may affect me and my
job? Am I doing all I can in order not to violate them?

9. Am I trying to expand my personal development so that when the opportunity comes I

will be prepared to assume bigger responsibilities?

10. Do I put order in my work, make proper use of my time, and see to it that my job is
completed to the last detail, so that at the end of each day, I can honestly say, it was a job
well done?

4. In the particular self-appraisal, we concern ourselves with concrete details. This allows us to
concentrate on specific areas which need more attention. These areas could be focused on order,
good use of time, punctuality, obedience, cleanliness, etc. The particular self-appraisal involves
having identify one particular concern or problem area which needs most care and attention at a
given time. After identifying it, we then set-up the strategy which would enable us to uproot that
particular defect, or when dealing with the acquisition of a particular virtue, upgrade our
ego, comes in many disguises
1. blame ego
lame people blame people
it's not my fault, it's the government fault, it's the economy, it's my co workers, it's my parents.
I came from a dysfunctional family that's why i will never become rich.
blame ego always says it's someone elses fault
do you blame other people, do you make excuses
then maybe the one that's one holding you back.
2. Know it all ego
keeping doing the same thing again and again and again and expect a different result.
that's very definition of insanity.
3. fearful ego
-what holds alot of people back is fear
-fear of success, fear of failure, fear of making a mistake
-what if it doesn't work
-what if I lose money
-what if I make a mistake
-then what happens what if I don't know what to do.
-what if, what if, what if
-what if it does work.
-false evidence appearing real
-it's nothing more than a made up thoughts in your mind. People start to be feraful on something
why? because they don't understand, they can't see it from the right angle.
4. comfort zone ego
im happy where I am, I'm contented of what I have right now.

-when you become comfortable, you're not growing

-remember when you;re not growing you are dying.
5. Judgemental ego
Those who judge will never understand, and those who understand will never judge.
Stop explaining.
6. excuses ego
-you can achieve something or you can make excuses.
-I can't. that's too hard.
-you could have million excuses why you cannot do something.
-you only need one damn good reason why you must do it.
7. The people pleasing ego.
sometimes in life you have to put yourself before you help others first.
-you have to be alittle bit of selfish before you can be generous
8. Justification ego
I'm too young
-I don't have enough experience
- I don't have money.
-I can't
- I can't
-Don't use your failures or weakness as an excuse. Use them as fuel as your motivation why you
must do something not why you can't do something.
-Replace I can't to how can I. People love to make excuse and not a way.
9. THe jealous ego
10 fake ego
-be genuine
-you're very good that in one circumstance you can be this one person, and in other scenario you
become another person. After doing this in so many years, you dont know who you are anymore
-you don;t know which one is the real you.
-be yourself.
-rather been hate by people for who I am than be loved me for who I am not.
11. Shy ego
-if you want something you have to get out of your comfort zone
-don't use your personality to hold you back
12. The other people's opinion ego
-do you worry how people perceive you?
-you know you wanna do something but
-what will people will think of that, what will people think of my action
-even deep down you know that's the right thing to do, but yo don't do it because you have other
people's opinion ego
-you let other people's opinion stop you from doing what you know is the right thing to do.
- they could be your family. They be your friends, relative, friends.
-POsting social media, someone comment as hater. and you stop
-People don;t care about you. Haters and trolls who add no value in your life. that hurls my
feeling you stop doing what is right.
13. Do it yourself.
- if you want something done you gotta do it yourself.
- they will never do it as good as the way that I do it.
- I don't trust him

-what you really saying is I don't trust other people.


5. Self-appraisal is only the first step. The process of personal development proceeds by having
employed specific strategies and plans for set periods of time until such a moment comes when
we could assure ourselves of having improved in specific areas.

6. A final note on continuous development. It is very difficult to implement personal change all
by one self. It is important to have somebody who is more matured and has personal integrity to
help you out. Or, one could engaged with a group of people who are also wanting to improve

7. The process of development is a long one, it really takes a lifetime to perfect it. There will
always be a room for improvement.


Jacob Kliatchko's book Proper Attitude to Work listed down the questions presented above. It is
always better to read from the original. The idea of continuous change is very difficult because it
requires self-discipline and self-motivation to do so. Going to Confession regularly and
receiving spiritual direction are the best way to proceed with it.

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