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Program 1: to display your name

Program 2: To calculate distance from miles to km

Program 3: to calculate biggest number

Program 4: to find out greatest of 3 numbers
Program 5: To calculate leap year

Program 6: to calculate sum and average of 10 numbers

Program 7 : to enter input values 3, 7 and &, result in the output




Program 8: to enter elements into array

Program 9: Linear search

Program 10: Bubble sort

Program 11: 2D-array

Program 12: to generate 20 random numbers in the range 1 to 10 inclusive
Program 13: To guess secret number

Program 14: to display today’s, tomarrow and yesterday date

Program 15: ounces to gram

Program 16: write a program to accept an input string userID. The program is to test the userID
format. A valid format userID consists of three uppercase letters and four digits. The program is to
output a message whether userID is valid or not.

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