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Anemia is one of the most commonly encountered medical disorders during pregnancy. In
developing countries it is a cause of serious concern as, besides many other adverse
effects on the mother and the fetus it contributes significantly high maternal mortality.
According to United Nation declaration 1997, anemia is a major public health problem that
needs total elimination. It is estimated that globally two billion people suffer from anemia or
iron deficiency.

According to world Health Organization estimates, up to 56% of all women living In developing
countries are anemic.In India, National Family Health Survey in 1998 to 99 shows that 54% of
women in rural and 46% women in urban areas are anemic. The relative prevalence of mild,
moderate, and severe anemia are 13%, 57% and 12% respectively in India (ICMR data).
According to WHO, hemoglobin level below 11gm/dl in pregnant women constitutes
anemia and hemoglobin below 7gm/dl is severe anemia. The Center for Disease Control and
Prevention (1990) defines anemia as less than 11gm/dl in the first and third trimester and less
than 10.5 gm/dl in second trimester 4,16 Serum Ferritin of 15 micro gm/L is associated with
iron deficiency anemia.

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