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Conflict management strategy is one aspect of the process of generating unsafe

behavior.There are cooperative, competitive and avoiding types of conflict management

Cooperative and collaborative conflict management approaches can undermine the
tendency towards unsafe behavior and avoiding conflict management techniques can lead to
unsafe behavioral patterns.
Experts in the field of psychological education, such as conflict management education,
security psychology education and safety behavior education, must be hired.Except for the
selection of conflict management strategies, there are many other factors in the mechanism of
generation of unsafe behavioral tendencies that need further study. (Impact of Conflict
Management Strategies on the Generation Mechanism of Miners' Unsafe Behavior Tendency, Ji-
Zu Li, CHINA, 2017)
However, where there are interpersonal conflicts between two or more individuals, it can
create an atmosphere of concealment and animosity that can potentially weaken the commitment
to work.
Conflicts can range from small disagreements to more significant alterations in the
workplace that lead to the denial of information, an invasion of people's privacy and fearful
antagonism. Conflicts in the workplace include interpersonal interactions in which an individual
or a team displays verbal aggression, inappropriate personality traits, irritations and other types
of adverse behavior intended to worsen relationships. It seems that someone who encounters
hostility and frustration arising from interpersonal conflicts with their supervisors and co-
workers is less likely to be happy at work than someone who does not have to contend with
interpersonal dissatisfaction. If the workplace works efficiently, the ability to manage disputes is
an essential prerequisite.
In resolving conflicts, especially in higher learning institutions, I agree that university
leaders in whatever capacity should stop expecting too much from their subordinates, but rather
they should sit with these workers and mutually set goals or targets as well as thresholds that will
not intensify conflicts to damaging proportions.
Knowledge emerging from these findings is the relationship between conflict
management and leadership.From the report, it is concluded that leaders displaying a style of
transformative leadership seemed inclined to a style of dispute managing grievances and making
concessions to harmonize competing claims.
Nonetheless, some participants took the view that the style of transactional leadership
made them dependent on the centralized directives of management on how internal disputes
should be resolved. (Impact of leadership styles on employee engagement and conflict
management practices in Nigerian universities,Babatunde Akanji Elizade University, Nigeria
Tonbara Mordi, Univerity of Worcester, United Kingdom, Hakeem Ajonbadi and Bashir
Mojeed-Sanni, Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates).
The conflict-the mechanism arising from the friction between the members of the team-
will have important implications for the processing of information. According to this information
processing perspective, cognitive load between participants increases when there are disputes
and these conflicts intensify, and information processing is impeded, which can interfere with
cognitive versatility and creative thinking. As a result, conflict has the potential to be linked to
the company's entrepreneurial strategy.
Usually, it interferes with the performance of the team, but that task conflict may improve
the performance of the team. Is because task dispute increases the tendency of members of the
team to scrutinize task problems and engage in deep and deliberate processing of task-relevant
information that encourages learning and new and creative insights to be developed.
Task conflict team members tend to make better decisions because the task conflict
encourages greater mental understanding of the issues being considered. By contrast, relationship
conflict restricts the team's ability to process information, as team members spend their time and
energy on each other rather than mission-related issues.
Conflict of tasks and conflict of relationships are equally disruptive for team
performance. When conflict becomes intense — regardless of conflict types — the processing of
information is impeded and also the performance of the team endures.
Efficient sharing and processing of information helps representatives minimize their
uncertainty about decision-making and improve their innovative and risk-taking activities. They
therefore recommend that affective or partnership conflict be negatively linked to the
development of entrepreneurship strategy and that mental or mission dispute be positively related
to the development of entrepreneurial strategy.
Nevertheless, both environmental conditions and group dynamics will change this
positive relationship. As noted above, some scholars argue that cognitive dispute may have a
double-edged sword effect on team performance in that it may also have a negative impact on
team performance, although it is generally functional. We argue in the context of Chinese new
ventures that cognitive conflict between members may have a positive relationship with the
development of entrepreneurial strategy.
Considerable work in cross-cultural leadership and psychology shows that Chinese
people tend to prefer negotiation to direct confrontation when in disagreement due to the high
importance they put on peace and social relations.(Top management team conflict and
entrepreneurial strategy making in China, Haiyang Li & Jun Li, 2007)

Team goal setting

Team goal setting may be affected by resistance emerging among team members. Some
of the factors that may lead to conflict and resistance include trust issues, differential perceptions
of cultural values, and low change tolerance.
Trust in group relationships emerges as a significant factor. The lack of trust can lead to
the results of team dysfunction. Confidence is associated with conflict in that the perception of
confidence or lack of confidence can allow conflict.
Simply stated, the less trust the higher the potential for conflict and the greater the trust
the lower the potential for conflict.
Communications and teamwork are key components of team's performance, and these
tasks are more likely and simpler for smaller teams. Larger teams limit the time necessary for
group maintenance work due to the time expended on extra teamwork.
For smaller teams, the ability to monitor actions can also improve alignment with team
goals, and small teams can find it easier to collaborate and share data and tasks. This debate
suggests that smaller teams may be involved in setting targets more often than larger teams and
may set targets that are more challenging.
From a cognitive point of view, the importance of group norms on setting goals can not
be overestimated. To a large extent, they set limits on what the team believes can and can not
achieve and serve as norms that guide the actions of members.
Cultural values can affect the actions of the team member. In particular, the criteria set
the level of output that is acceptable and feasible.
The relative performance of the group expectations that set the upper limits of the group
performance to the achievement of the target and the lower limits, including the deliberate
restriction of the team effort. (A STUDY OF CONFLICT IN TOP MANAGEMENT DECISION
University Purdue University Columbus Kevin J. Jones, Indiana University Purdue University

The conflict management strategies

Conflict management techniques can be split into three categories, along with strategy for
cooperative conflict management, competitive conflict management tactic, and conflict
management strategy avoidance.
Among them, the strategy of cooperative conflict management means that team members
take the form of mutual cooperation in order to achieve a win - win situation by meeting the
interests of all parties.
Competitive conflict management method refers to team members who, in the face of
conflict with others, only seek to satisfy self-interest without taking into account the impact of
conflict on others.
And the strategy of avoiding conflict management indicates that the team members
realized that there was a conflict, but chose to avoid or suppress the practice. Dispute has many
dimensions, such as being able to split the conflict into cognitive dispute and emotional conflict.
Cognitive conflict and emotional conflict have been strongly correlated with each other in
these dimensions, which means that cognitive conflict can be transformed into emotional
Some scholars have therefore pointed out that the conflict is essentially an emotional
response. And there was a substantial correlation between negative emotions and psychology of
insecurity. There is therefore some link between psychology of confrontation and vulnerability.
Because if the strength of interpersonal conflict expressed mainly in people's attitudes
towards conflict and conflict management strategies preferences, interpersonal conflict
management styles and anxiety psychology are somewhat associated.

The following hypotheses may be asserted on the basis of empirical evidence:

 Collective conflict management approach is counterproductive to the psychology of
 Strategic strategy for conflict management is negatively related to psychology of
 The strategy of avoiding conflict management is positively intertwined with the
psychology of insecurity.
(Impact of Conflict Management Strategies on the Generation Mechanism of Miners' Unsafe
Behavior Tendency, Ji-Zu Li, Taiyuan University of Technology, CHINA, 2017)

Conflict management climate

Climate conflict management is an important organizational tool theorized to avoid
interpersonal tension from developing into serious interpersonal conflicts and even harassment in
the workplace.
Conflict management environment relates to employee perceptions of the organization's
conflict management processes and strategies and how realistic and consistent in this regard are
considered to be the relationships between leaders and followers.
Recent years have seen increasing interest in the concept of conflict management climate
as a promising mechanism, explaining why and when bullying occurs in a work environment.
Bullying researchers it has suggested and substantiated that the climate of conflict
management is an important organizational resource that could prevent interpersonal frustration
due to stressful working conditions from escalating into workplace bullying.
Since the definition of organizational environment has been described as shared
perceptions of a workplace phenomenon by organizational participants, we will apply a multi-
level design with team-level perceptions of the climate of conflict management, thus addressing
the general demand for more multi-level workplace bullying studies. (Job Demands as Risk
Factors of Exposure to Bullying at Work: The Moderating Role of Team-Level Conflict
Management Climate, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, Erasmus
University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands)
The diverse teams must deal with their own internal conflicts. Conflicts between
members of the team arise because they have different characteristics of diversity, for example
based on social categories of diversity and informational/functional diversity. Consequently, it
implies that conflict is inevitable when various team members work in a group together. Conflict
can be harmful or beneficial to the performance of individuals and teams.Previous studies have
proposed three types of conflicts related to conflicts of relationships, tasks, and processes.
Transformational leaders ' intellectual stimulation can lead to different team members '
viewpoints to solve a problem and potentially increase the possibility of mission disagreement
within a community.

Task conflict
Project dispute applies to disputes over asset distribution, processes and policies, as well
as assumptions and truth interpretation. Mission conflict as a condition where group members
disagree on task issues, including goals, key areas of decision, procedures, and appropriate action
Team members may disclose the sum of work conflict within their group to assess task
LEARDERSHIP AS A MODERATOR VARIABLE, Winarto, Universitas Methodist Indonesia
(UMI) – Medan)
Objectives can sometimes conflict with each other as the goals of the different
departments can sometimes clash. Each department believes its objectives are more important.
For example, the production objective of low unit costs achieved through mass
production may conflict with the sales objective of offering high quality goods. Such conflicts
must be solved in a friendly manner.
The concepts of line and staff denote the nature of authority-the relationship of
responsibility between people working in organizations. Although the concepts have been in the
literature of management for many years, conflict and confusion still remain to cloud them. In
terms of line and staff relationships, the viewpoints of different authors differ widely.
The partnership between line and workers ensures that both are complementary in
essence. There are, moreover, numerous incidents of tension in the organisations between line
and workers, contributing to friction.
The different factors leading to conflict between line-staff can be grouped into three
categories: line-manager apprehensions, staff apprehensions, and the nature of line-staff
relationships. Let us discuss how tension is created by these apprehensions.
There is a role conflict when people are faced with competing demands. Inter-role
conflict exists when there are two conflicting roles for employees to play. For instance, people in
organizations' supervisory frameworks face this kind of conflict as they have to meet
management expectations on the one hand and workers' expectations on the other.
There is also a role conflict when an employee receives contradictory messages from two
superiors on how to perform a task or work with organizational values and work obligations that
are incompatible with their personal values. Working women also face contrasting positions
regarding their duties to work and family commitments. (Management Concepts &
Organisational Behaviour)
The existing research has also reported empowerment, work engagement, and trust as
important predictors of innovative work behaviour, along with the consequences of
transformation leadership. Engagement is a positive management result which holds workers
involved with their jobs and encourages promoting disruptive behaviour. Similarly, confidence
leads to organizational progress by enabling employee interdependence in the execution of
dynamic organizational activities and conflict resolution.
Of example, in order to foster innovative work activity among workers, corporate leaders
need to recognize leadership confidence and job commitment as the most important factors
connecting transformational leadership and innovative work behavior. (Influence of
Transformational Leadership on Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior in Sustainable
Organizations: Test of Mediation and Moderation Processes, Asadullah Muhammad Ali, 2019)

A tactic for minimizing destructive conflict

Some executives believe they can reduce conflict by focusing on just one or two
alternatives, thereby minimizing the dimensions that people might disagree with. But in fact, the
opposite is done by teams with low incidences of interpersonal conflict.
They develop multiple alternatives deliberately, often considering at once four or five
options. By contrast, conflict often turns out to be personal in teams that vigorously debate just
one or two options. A strategy to mitigate disruptive confrontation requires portraying strategic
choices as tasks that are cooperative rather than competitive.
Within any management team, elements of collaboration and competition coexist:
executives share a stake in the performance of the company, but their personal ambitions can
make them rivals for power.
Conflict-hobbled teams lack common goals. Team members see themselves as competing
with each other and as reactions to threats, surprisingly, tend to frame decisions negatively. All
low-person conflict teams described how they used humor on the job.
Teams that deal well with conflict make explicit and often even artificial attempts to
relieve tension while at the same time promoting a collaborative spirit by making their business
fun. The excitement of fast-paced competition is emphasized, not the stress of competing in
brutally tough and uncertain markets. (How MANAGEMENT TEAMS CAN HAVE A GOOD
FIGHT, The absence of conflict is not harmony, it's apathy, Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, Jean L,

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