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TBM tunnel construction in difficult ground

Construcción de túnel con TBM en un terreno difícil

Nick Barton
Nick Barton & Associates, Oslo Norway

Abs tract
Experiences with tunnelling problem s are addressed, with particular reference to fault zone and sheared zone
experiences in TBM tunnels in Italy, Greece, Kashm ir, Hong Kong and Taiwan, together with fault zone cases in
the QTBM data base. TBM achieve remarkable advance rates when conditions are favourable, out-perform ing drill-
and-blast tunnelling by a wide margin, but they suffer great problem s when conditions are very poor. The theo-
empirical reasons for this are illustrated, and QTBM prognosis examples are given.

Res um en
Las experiencias con problem as en la construcción de túneles se abordan haciendo referencia especial a lo s casos
con zonas de fallas y cizalla en túneles con TBM en Italia, Grecia, Cachem ira, Hong Kong y Taiwán, junto con
casos de zonas de fallas existentes en la base de datos QTBM . El TBM alcanza una velocidad de avance notable
cuando las condiciones son favorables, sobrepasando por lejos el rendim iento de construcción de túneles con
perforación y vola dura, sin em bargo, tienen grandes problemas cuando las condiciones son m uy precarias. Este
docum ento ilustra las razones teórico-empíricas de esto, junto con entregar ejemplos de la prognosis de QTBM .

p owered. Older cases of PR = 0.1 and 0.2 m/hr are
TBM tunnelling and drill-and-blast tunnellin g known, but rare (Barton, 2000).
show some initially confusing reversals of logic,
with best quality rock giv in g best advan ce rates in
the case of drill-and-blast, since supp ort needs
may be minimal, whereas TBM may be
penetrating at their slowest rates in similar
massive cond itions, due to rock-breakage
difficulties, cutter wear, and the need for too-
frequent cutter change, the latter affectin g the
advance rate AR. This ‘reversed’ trend for TBM
in best quality, highest velocity (VP ) rock is
demonstrated by the PR-VP data from some
Jap anese tunnels, rep roduced in Figure 1, fro m
Mitani et al., 1987.
At the low velocity , high PR end of this data
set, there will not be a n eed for frequ ent cutter
chan ge, but conversely there will be delay s for
much heavier sup p ort. If velocities reach as high Fig. 1 Declinin g TBM p enetration rate with
as about 5.5-6.5 km/s (i.e. Q > 100, and high elevated seismic velocity , due to lack of jointin g.
UCS) in excep tionally massive rock, this is also The actual advance rate will b e a function of
‘difficult ground’ for TBM , and in excep tional opp osite effects in the best rock, namely need for
cases PR may dip below 0.5 m/hr, if under- frequent cutter change, but little delay for supp ort.
M itani et al., 1987.
SURVEY OF 145 TBM TUNNELS Obviously, radically changed rock types and
ground conditions, and changes from two to three
As an indirect result of several seriously shifts (e.g. 110 to 160 hours p er week) will disturb
delay ed TBM p rojects, where the writer was the smooth trends shown in Figure 2, and also
eventually engaged as an outside consultant, a imp rove final comp letion, but not AR. The
wide-reach in g survey of case records was grad ients of deceleration (-m) giv en by the
undertaken (Barton, 2000), in order to try to find a negative slopes of the TBM p erformance trend
better basis for TBM advance rate p rognosis, that lines were found to be strongly related to Q-values
also included poor rock conditions. It app eared when the quality is very p oor (i.e. Q << 1.0) and
that ‘p oor conditions’ (as relating to faults) were so-called ‘unexp ected events’ occur. This is
usually treated as ‘sp ecial cases’ in the industry , illustrated in Figure 3. For Q-values above 1.0,
with concentration mostly on solvin g the there may be limited variation of this p reliminary
penetration rate PR and cutter life asp ects of TBM grad ient (-) m. Other factors in the Q TBM model
prognosis. As might be exp ected, a p rominent are used to ‘fine-tune’ this grad ient, thereby
prop onent of a well-known Norwegian method giv in g the progressively steep er gradients shown
was critical of this develop ment, due mainly to in Figure 2.
misunderstanding of the methods emp loy ed.
(Barton, 2005). While jointing effects may be
app roximately accounted for, the inclusion of
faulting delay s is usually avoided. The variable
strengths of rock masses (as opp osed to UCS),
comp ared to cutter thrust levels, seem also to be
absent in p ast and recent comp eting mod els of
The numerous (140) case records totallin g 100 0
km of TBM tunnelling showed many things,
includin g the following general ‘deceleration’
trends (equation 2, and Figure 2), when advance
rate was p lotted for various time periods. The
classic ‘TBM -equation’ linking advance rate to
penetration rate in fact needs to be modified to a
time-dependent form, to cap ture this reality, as
indicated below:
Fig. 2 A sy nthesis of the general trends from 145
AR = PR × U (1) TBM tunnellin g p rojects reviewed by Barton,
(where U= utilization for boring) 2000. (Note PR = p enetration rate, AR = actual
advance rate, U = utilization when boring, and T =
AR = PR × Tm (2) time in hours). The best p erformances, termed
(where m is a negative gradient, and T is actual WR (world record) are rep resented by the
hours) upp ermost line showing best shift, day , week, and
month. At the other extreme, and often
Equation 2 can accommod ate the fact that there is exp lain able by low Q-values, are the so-called
a general, inev itable slowin g-up for reasons of ‘unexp ected events’, where faultin g, extreme
logistics (extended services, extended conv ey or, water, or combinations of faultin g and water, or
rails etc.) p lus wear, and maintenance involvin g squeezing cond itions, or general lack of stand-up
rep lacement of certain TBM comp onents. This time, may block the mach ine for months, or even
stands in strong contrast to the ‘learnin g curv e’ involve drill-and- b last by -passing of a
speed-up, usually exp erienced in the first months p ermanently abandoned TBM.
of numerous p rojects. This deceleration is a ‘fact-
of-life’, however much it may be disliked. ARmean SOME CHAR ACTERISTIC PROBLE MS
(when exp ressed in m/hr) has to decline when (1 WITH TB M ‘STAND-STILL’
hour: for PR), 1 d ay , 1 month, 1 y ear are each
evaluated in turn for any giv en p roject, includin g The flat face of a large diameter TBM tunnel is
those recently utilised by Bieniawski and his not unlike a vertical ro ck slop e. When a TBM
colleagues. cutter-head gets stuck, and if it is able to be
withdrawn from a fault zone to (p ost) treat the
Fig. 3. Prelimin ary empirical estimation of deceleration gradient (-m) from the Q-value, is clearly of
relevan ce for fault zones, and sheared rock, as these are likely to have Q-values ≤ 0.1.

Fig. 4. Loosen ing of the rock mass in a fault zone was exaggerated by withdrawal of the TBM. Detail of
some of the recovery operations described by Grandori et al. 1995. Desp ite the sop histication of double-
shield operations (and their greater cost), hand-minin g op erations may be needed on occasion.

Fig. 5. Grap hic illustration of a by -p ass situation for one of the TBM at Pinglin. Shen et al. 1999.
Fig. 6. Geolo gical section alon g Pin glin Tunnel, and cross-sectional lay out of the three p arallel tunnels. In
very p oor rock conditions, the excav ation of the main runnin g tunnels actually caused inter-action across
the two-diameter wide pillar, causin g squeezing of the smaller diameter p ilot tunnel, some 20 m distant.

rock mass, there may be a loosen in g effect, durin g had to be by -p assed at least 12 times to release the
which time the already p oor rock mass conditions cutter-head.
deteriorate further, exaggerating the bad Fault zones will remain a serious threat,
conditions that have already been p enetrated. esp ecially to TBM tunnelling as we now know it,
Several cases will be illustrated here, in order to unless the extremely p oor rock mass qualities
focus on some of the p roblems. associated with fault zones can be imp roved by
The case of loosenin g in a fault zone in flysch, p rior knowledge of their location, followed by
shown in Figure 4 is from Grandori et al. 1995, pre-planned pre-grouting. This requires more than
from the Evinos-M ornos Tunnel in Greece. The normal attention to detailing of drillin g equip ment
case illustrated in Figure 5 is from a sheared zone on the TBM, and the location of this facility in
in quartzites and meta-sandstones, from the relation to drillin g at suitable ‘look-out’ angles.
Pinglin Tunnel in NE Taiwan shown in Figure 6. The lighter drill used for rock boltin g and sp ilin g
This tunnel was later renamed by the President of bolts has to be a separate unit, closer to the face.
Taiwan, before its completion after about 13 years M uch heavier-duty drills, and rod-handlin g
of remarkab le struggles and fatalities. facilities, are needed for p re-grouting, set further
One of the two large diameter TBM at Pinglin back on the TBM back-up , and using guide-tubes
(right-side, northern tunnel in Figure 6) was for p enetrating the rock closer to the cutter-head.
crushed in the first difficult kilometres, by
collap se of a major fault zone, that had been WHY DO FAULT ZONES DELAY TB M SO
‘successfully ’ passed by the cutter-head. The MUCH?
majority of the northern tunnel therefore had to be
excavated by drill-and-blast, also with great There are unfortunately very good ‘theo-
difficulties at times, includ in g a 7000 m inrush of emp irical’ reasons why fault zones are so difficult
clay , rock and water that buried a tunnel worker for TBM (with or without double-shields). We
and diverse equip ment, moving the tunnel ‘face’ need three basic equations to start with.
backwards by about 100 m. (Theoretical-empirical means that lack of belief
The Pinglin Tunnel is an examp le of a TBM will be p enalized).
tunnel (actually three p arallel tunnels) where
serious faults caused such large cumulative AR = PR × U (All TBM must follow this.)
delay s, that drill-and-blast ‘rescue’ from the other U = Tm
(western) end was essential for completion, after (Due to the reducin g utilization with time,
some 13 y ears of struggle to drive this 15km long advance rate decelerates, but to a lesser general
twin-road tunnel. The central p ilot tunnel TBM
extent with p ush-off liner double-shield TBM: see rock, which would sp eed a drill-and-blast tunnel,
later) but slows a TBM , where the strange p henomenon
of PR reducing with increased thrust often occurs
T = L / AR (see review in B arton, 2000). Insufficient thrust in
(obviously the time T needed for len gth L must be relation to very hard rock needs to be modelled,
equal to L/AR, for all tunnels and all TBM .) but seems not to be in a widely used TBM
Therefore we have the followin g p rognosis model, as thrust is not comp ared, as it
m should be, with estimates of the stren gth of the
T = L / (PR × T ) rock mass.
(from #1, #2 and #3). This can be rewritten as:
1 / (1+m)
T = (L / PR) (3)

This is a very imp ortant equation for TBM, if

one accep ts that (-)m is strongly related to Q-
values in fault zones, as shown by the emp irical
data in Figure 3.
Equation 3 is imp ortant because very negative
(-)m values make the comp onent 1/(1+m) too large.
If the fault zone is wide (large L) and PR is low
(due to grip p er p roblems and collap ses etc.) then
L/PR gets too big to tolerate a big comp onent
in equation 3.
It is easy (too easy) to calculate an almost
‘infinite’ time for p assing throu gh a fau lt zone
using this ‘theo-emp irical’ equation. This also Fig. 7. The lon ger the tunnel, the more likely that
agrees with reality , in numerous, little-rep orted ‘extreme value’ statistics (of rock quality ) will
cases. app ly, due to a ‘large scale’ Weibull theory: i.e.
The writer knows of three permanently buried, larger ‘flaws’ the larger the ‘samp le’. Barton,
or fault-destroy ed TBM (Pont Ventoux, Dul Hasti, 2001.
Pinglin). There are certain ly many more, and the
causes are p robably related to equ ation 3 lo gic. So
far this equation seems to be absent from other
literature, as the fundamental importance of
deceleration (-m) has not been accep ted. TBM
must follow a negative m-value, ev en when
breakin g world records, like16 km in one y ear, or
2.5 km in on e month, even 100 m in 24 hours,
since even h ere, PR is sure to be greater than the
imp lied and remarkab le AR of ≈ 4.4 m/hr.



One should not blindly assume that long tunnels

are faster by TBM . The longer the tunnel, the Fig. 8. Comparin g TBM and drill-and-blast over a
more likely that ‘extreme valu e’ statistics (of rock full spectrum of rock classes. The TBM is much
quality and geo-hy drology ) will ap p ly , due to a faster over short distances, with the p roviso that
‘large scale’ Weibu ll theory : i.e. larger ‘flaws’ in rock mass qualities are not extreme. As tunnel
larger ‘samp les’ (just as found in laboratory len gth increases, the ‘central’ ro ck quality
testing of rock UCS). This effect of tunnel length becomes more imp ortant due to the deceleration
on a hy pothetical distribution of rock conditions is of advance rate with time, and therefore with
illustrated in Figure 7. tunnel len gth. Barton, 2000.
The ‘added’ rock conditions assumed here fo r
the long tunnel include 7 or 8 km of hard massive
Fig. 9. The tunnel was ap p arently ‘too deep ’ for satisfactory geolo gical investigations, judgin g by the
‘missed’ fault swarms shown here. In fact it was clearly not adequately investigated. BH =boreholes, and
SRP =seismic refraction.

In Figure 8, a comp arison of TBM p rognosis and sup erimp osed daily or weekly rep orts of
drill-and-b last prognosis is made, using Q-system conditions rep roduced in Figure 10. However, it
based estimates of quality versus cy cle time, and was the adverse water p ressures that were to p rove
QTBM based p rognoses for a similar size of TBM the biggest problem with resp ect to the cutter-head
tunnel. Case records will likely show that it is the getting stuck in these v arious fault zones at Pont
intermediate length tunnels that are faster by Ventoux.
TBM . This is because ‘extreme value statistics’ The loosened blocks fallin g from an erodin g
will tend to bring p arts of the longer tunnels more ‘natural shaft’ rep eatedly blocked the cutter-head.
frequently outside the central rock quality region Derailment of the train was also frequent behind
needed to maintain the obvious potential the back-up , due to build-up of a ‘delta’ of sand
advantages of TBM seen in Figure 8. and silt washed out of the various fau lt zones. The
‘delta’ could form in the stiller water behind the
EXAMPLE OF A LONG TUNNEL THAT DID constrictions of the long back-up rig.
NOT GO FASTER B Y TB M At another location, the ‘fault zone
p erformance’ was 7 months for only 20m of
The 7 km headrace tunnel for the Pont Ventoux advance, rep resenting an av erage AR =
HEP in the extreme north-west of Italy , not far 20/(7×720) = 0.004m/hr. This is almost off the
from the Alp s, was p arallel to a marked NW-SE bottom of the chart, in the ‘unp redicted events’
trending valley , and also p arallel to the foliation area of Figure 2, where various case record
and to (later discovered) fault zone swarms crosses (+) are p lotted.
parallel to the valley side. The structural geolo gy A drill-and-blast alternative of larger cross-
proved to be a disaster for the tunnel route, due to sections (to account for head loss) following the
its near-parallel orientation to the later discovered same route, or a revised route for continued TBM
faults. The extremely adverse situation is boring, or either tunnelling methods alon g a
illustrated in Figure 9. revised route, were three alternatives that were re-
A fault zone destroy s much of the familiar commend ed. (Barton, 1999, NGI contract rep ort).
tangential stress arch, and tunnel stability During 2004 the tunnel was completed by drill-
problems often arise as a result. High p ressure and-blast from the other end of the tunnel, by -
inflow and erosion of clay and loosenin g of ro ck p assing the rusting and abandoned TBM .
blocks are other factors. The headrace tunnel was
increasingly making a tan gent to numerous faults, DOUBLE-SHIELD TBM FOR MINIMISING
and suffered a series of delays of 6 months or MINOR GEOLOGICAL DEL AYS
more, as shown in a p articularly difficult ch ainage
in Figure 10. Use of double-shield TBM with PC-element p ush-
The adverse effect on tangential stress (archin g) off while re-setting the grip pers, can solve many
when crossing a fau lt at an acute angle for 50 minor stability p roblems without encountering
meters or more, is readily envisaged from the
Fig. 10. The Pont Ventoux TBM was stuck here for 6 months (due to blocked cutter head) from
intermittent falling b locks from the ‘fault shaft’, assisted by water and/or water p ressure. These sketches
are sup er-imp osed on one sheet, traced from the geologist’s daily logs. A fault like this one p roved
‘invisible’ in cross-hole seismic tomo grap hy performed between two boreholes ahead of the tunnel face,
due to the compaction effect of the 750 m cover. (Barton, 2006).

significant delay s. The PC-elements supp ort ‘good’ p erformance, mean ing 4 × 14 km of TBM
ground that would receive more directly app ro- tunnellin g comp leted in about 32 months.
priate treatment (steel arches, bolting, mesh, shot-
crete) if a sin gle-shield op en machine were in use. TBM TUNNELLING IN TECTONIC ALLY
When significant fault zones are intersected, the DISTURBED ROCK IN KASH MIR
double-shield may however represent a hindrance
to rap id recovery , as p re-treatment of the ground An extreme water and pebble/sand blow-out
ahead is hind ered by the long shields. Examp les of marked the first major blow to an extremely
this p otential hindrance to rap id recovery were difficult TBM p roject at Dul Hasti, in Indian
shown in Figures 4 and 5. Kashmir. This HEP was started in the early
Desp ite hard massive granites and gn eisses at 1990’s. There were subsequent stand-up time
the Guadarama high-sp eed rail tunnels, driv en p roblems in inter-bedded sheared and talcy
between M adrid and Segovia, and the need for p hy llites, and variously jointed quartzites. PR
frequent cutter change on all four double-shield rates as low as 0.2m/hr were recorded in the first
TBM (two Wirth, two Hennenknecht), the overall kilometre of the tunnel where there was mostly
efficiency of the ‘continuous’ thrust abilities massive abrasiv e quartzites, in stark contrast to
described above, allowed for a very shallow ‘over-borin g’ and void formation around the
(excellent) gradient of deceleration (-m), with machin e, and later co llap se and squeezing and
reference to the various p erformance gradients burial for ever, where the cover and rock mass
drawn in Figure 2. Grad ients as low as (-) 0.10 resistance to excavation had become too adverse.
(about half those in TBM without p ush-off-liner The early blow-out consisted of about 4,000 m
facilities) were regularly achiev ed. A typ ical PR of sand and quartzite p ebbles (p artly rounded by
of only 2 m/hr suggesting ‘poor’ performance, sub-surface flow) that buried the 8 m diameter
was in practice elevated through ‘fair’ and into TBM, and an initial 60m /min water inrush, that
Fig. 11. Geolo gist’s recording of p ossible cause of the blow-out in the first 1.2 km of the Dul Hasti TBM
headrace tunnel. The TBM was withdrawn some meters when invert leakage increased. The blow-out
even displaced the heavy TBM. Deva et al., 1994.

Fig. 12. A subsequent location 400 m further into the mountain was reached many years later (!) under a
new contract. There followed a series of stand-up time p roblems in sheared, talcy p hy llites. The figure
shows a void of 3 to 4m depth developed in the left wall, due to ‘over-excavation’ by the TBM , caused by
the negligible stand-up time of this sheared rock mass. The 8 m diameter tunnel was locally increased to
about 12 m due to the over-excavation.

required the construction of a sep arate drainage quite massive p hy llites. Figure 13 shows a p hoto-
tunnel to the valley -side, 1 km distant. The grap h of the convey or, as a reminder of the
fractured quartzite ‘aquifer’ (Figure 11), imp ortance of a convey or-monitoring sy stem (e.g.
sandwiched between imp ermeable p hy llites, had laser p rofiling) in case of over-excavation. This
its surface exp osure more than 1½ km above, and could then be sp otted before the extra sp oil
distant from, the river valley . The connection of reached the sp oil-dump .
this ‘aquifer’ to the tunnel was by a minor shear Borrowing the ‘stand-up ’ time and ‘roof sp an’
zone, not even a significant fault. data of Bieniawski 1989, shown in Figure 14, we
The sheared, talcy p hy llite was difficult to walk find that the p redicted stand-up time for an
on, behavin g somewhat like ‘dry bars of soap ’, unsupp orted sp an (measured from last supp ort)
and not much stronger. B locks continued to fall can be much too short. The estimates below
from the sheared left wall, while the arch was in exp lain why this TBM cutter-head was able to
‘over-excav ate’. Even an op en-TBM shield of 5 m As a p oint of curiosity , a deep borehole drilled in
len gth was too long in this case. The on-site Q- the buried valley next to this p lanned headrace
parameter loggin g reproduced in Figure 15, tunnel, drilled to help decide on the safest route
provided an estimate of Qmean = 0.07 in the for the tunnel, had encountered wood (no t
sheared phy llite. fossilized wood !) at a drilled depth of 537 m,
Assume RM R ≈ 15 lo g Q + 50 (Barton, 1995). resulting from a huge landslide in the not so
Then, from Figure 14 we obtain: distant p ast.
• 1m (without supp ort) ≈ 1 hour stand-up
• 5m (no sup port until finger shield) ≈ 0.1 hr

Fig. 13. The TBM had been excavatin g more

material than (π R ) x len gth of advance, du e to
the stand-up time limitations of the sheared
phy llites ahead and to the left-side of the cutter-

Eventually this unsuitable, inherited TBM became

permanently buried, and was subsequently by -
passed from the p ower house end of the tunnel
many y ears later, using drill-and-blast tunnellin g.
Fig. 15. Q-p arameter record in gs in histogram
format, for the sheared talcy p hy llites illustrated
p reviously . Due to contract re-negotiation, this
TBM (abandoned by the origin al contractor) had
p rogressed only 400m in about 4 y ears.



Fault related problems at SSDS Tunnel F in

Hong Kong
The Tunnel F p roblems at the sub-sea sewage
p roject in Hong Kong were mostly related with
fault zones, and with the difficulty of p re-injection
Fig. 14. Stand-up time data p lotted by Bieniawski, in a small-diameter TBM tunnel (Figure 16). This
1989, with RM R to Q conversion with the p articular contract was completed by Skanska
equation RM R ≈ 50 + 15 log Q, from Barton, International, followin g Owner re-negotiation of
1995. all the contracts after the withdrawal of the origi-
nal contractor. This particular 3km lon g tunnel ran
Fig. 16. The confin ed conditions for p erforming p re-injection (Skanska p hotos).

Fig. 17. The remainin g 887 m of TBM -driven tunnel included the unexp lored Tolo Channel fau lt zone.
Only a few meters of this could be cored from the exit-shaft location, y et the TBM later managed to
penetrate the fault zone due to the p re-grouting effect on the rock mass. (NB sketch of situation in 1999).

from Tsing Yi Island to the (much reclaimed) of Kowloon. A rough sketch of the situation is
Stone Cutters Island, and underneath the world’s giv en in Figure 17.
second largest container p ort close to Hong Kong. Only 481m of the tunnel was co mp leted in a
Unfortunately, the tunnellin g contract p revious p roject. Some 3098m remained for the
consultants failed to detect and locate a major new contractor (Skanska International). The
regional fault zone: the Tolo Chann el fault zone, Owner/Consultant expected 96m/week,
due in p art to the difficulty of performing the sub- 204m/week and 228 m/week (in p oor, fair and
sea seismic p rofiling exactly as had been p lanned. good rock conditions – with a less than ideal TBM
Due to intense shipping activity close to the inherited from the p revious contractor). The
container p ort, the seismic velocity p rofiles could conformin g contract demand ed 1 y ear for
not be extended sufficiently to p enetrate what completion (of 3098m).
proved to be a wide and very low velocity area. During 29 months, 2221m of new tunnel was
Knowledge of this fault zone had seemin gly been driven by Skanska, with great difficu lty , includin g
‘lost’ beneath the intense buildin g dev elop ments a fault by -p ass and TBM p ull-through, and
enormous quantities of cement grout in numerous
locations. This overall result represented an AR of
17m/week (or AR = 0.1m/hour) – which was 1/10
of the Owner/Consultant general exp ectation (and
1/3 of the conformin g contract).
Chainage 744-759 (15m) had taken 8 months
due to the need for h and-min ing a by-p ass round
the stuck TBM in the first major fault zone (this
rep resents a major ‘unexp ected event’ with AR =
0.003m/hour – and a map p ed Q-value of about
Ch. 2622-2702 (80m) took 4 months and
750,000kg of grout (average AR= 0.03m/hr, i.e.
also lik e an ‘un exp ected event’, as p lotted in
Figure 2). Approximately 887m of tunnellin g
remain ed when the author started advising
Skanska in 1999.
There was a major regional (Tolo Channel)
fault zone ahead, which had not been drilled or
seismically p rofiled, due to heavy shipp ing traffic,
and lack of access for the seismic-survey ship .
Skanska d ecided to drill a long horizontal ‘pilot
hole’ backwards from the exit-shaft on
Stonecutter’s Island (see sketch in Figure 17), to Fig. 18. Photograp hs of the five selected rock
try to samp le the remaining ground. However, classes which, when Q-p arameter logged, gav e the
they were almost unable to recover any core from app roximate statistical frequencies of these five
the back-side of this major regional fault zone. classes.
The hole went only 731m, as it was stopp ed by the
Tolo Channel fault zone – despite three successful
attempts at hole deviation in the last few meters of
drillin g, before enterin g the zone.
Desp ite the fact that only a few meters of this
zone could be cored from the shaft location, the
TBM later managed to p enetrate the wide fault
zone from the other side, due to the positive pre-
grouting-cloud effect on the rock mass, many
meters ahead of the TBM . This is quite p ositive
‘proof’ that rock mass prop erties are imp roved by
groutin g, as of course known from seismic
measurements at dam sites (Barton, 2006), and
from p ositive tunnelling exp eriences through
systematically pre-injected rock.

Analys is of pilot borehole (LH 01) core

qualities for input to QTBM model
The 731 m of core recovered from the p ilot hole
sketched in Figure 17, provided Q-value inp ut for
much of the remain in g tunnellin g. The core was
divided into five classes for convenience of
descrip tion, with examp les shown in Figure 18,
and with some loggin g results (0 to 201 m) shown
in Figure 19. Fig. 19. Q-p arameter histogram lo ggin g of
frequency of occurrence and ratin gs for the five
M = massive Z = zone (weathered) rock classes, in the first 200m of hole LH 01 (i.e.
S = slightly jointed F = fault the last 200m of the tunnel).(Note numbers 1 to 5
J = jointed in each h istogram, corresp onding to rock class).
and Q-versus-time curves are steep est (about


Fig. 21. Relative time for tunnellin g as a fun ction

of Q-value. After Roald, in Barton et al. 2001.

Assumed imp rovements in the rock mass

p rop erties caused by the planned p re-grouting of
(also) the remain in g 800 m of the Hong Kon g
TBM sewage Tunnel F, were based on the
followin g types of arguments for each p articular
rock class: Barton and Quadros, 2003.
Fig. 20. Essentially all the Q-p arameter character- RQD increases e.g. 30 to 50%
istics of the faulted rock (all that could be samp led J n reduces e.g. 9 to 6
of the fault zone) p lot ‘to the left’ in the Q-histo- J r increases e.g. 1 to 2 (due to sealin g of most of
gram method of collectin g site data. Q mean = set #1)
0.004, i.e. needs imp rovement by p re-grouting if J a reduces e.g. 2 to 1 (due to sealin g of most of set
TBM p enetration should be achieved. #1)
J w increases e.g. 0.5 to 1
As s umptions concerning rock m ass SRF unchan ged e.g.1.0 to 1.0
improvement by pre-injection
Three scenarios were modelled with the core data Before p re-grouting:
obtained from Q-lo gging of the horizontal core: Q= 30/9 × 1/2 × 0.5/1 = 0.8
• First with no pre-grouting imp rovement
• Secondly , with the pre-grouting improved rock After p re-g routing:
mass Q = 50/6 × 2/1 × 1/1 = 17
• Thirdly , with the p re-grouting cy cle time
app roximately included With similar imp rovements in the different rock
Roald (in Barton et al. 2001) has shown that classes, due to ap p rop riate assump tions, following
time and cost (Figure 21) of tunnelling are recommendations in Barton, 2002, there is a
strongly, and similarly correlated to Q-values reasonable exp ectation of improving rock mass
when the Q-value is less than about 1.0, in fact properties through the pre-grouting that was an
just the same area of sensitivity to Q shown by almost standard and necessary p rocedure ahead of
TBM deceleration gradients (-m) (see Figure 3). this TBM.
The sensitivity to Q actually begins at about The availability of horizontal core data i.e.
Q<10, where supp ort increases begin. So if the parallel to the tunnelling direction, as used in this
effective Q-value can be imp roved by p re- (and other) Hong Kong p rojects, is actually
groutin g – in the case of both drill-and-b last and fundamental to a good TBM p rognosis, esp ecially
TBM tunnelling, the greatest benefit will when there is a marked anisotropy of structure.
obviously be achieved where the Q-versus-cost Use of vertical holes when there is dominant
Fig. 22. The Q TBM scale of TBM tunnelling d ifficu lty , showing its derivation from Q-p arameter and
machin e-rock interaction p arameters.

horizontal structure, produces artificially low be included. The need and develop ment of
RQD and Q-values, which do not match the emp irical machin e-rock linkages for the Q TBM
TBM ’s relatively increased difficu lty with calcu lation are fully exp lained in Barton, 2000,
structure p arallel to the tunnel axis. and the model itself is described in Barton and
Abrahão, 2003.
Table 1. Examp le of rock mass and tunnellin g Figure 22 summarizes the main co mp onent of
imp rovements that might be achiev ed by p re- the method, namely the emp irical estimation of
injection. In p oorer quality rock masses there the QTBM value which was designed for d irect,
could be greater imp rovements, in better quality simp le correlation with PR: (Barton 1999, 2000):
rock masses it may be unnecessary to pre-grout.
After Barton, 2002. RQDo J r J SIGMA 20 q σθ (4)
QTB M = × × w × 10 9 × × ×
Before pre-grouting After pre-grouting Jn ( )
J a SRF F 20 CLI 20 5
Q = 0.8 (v ery poor) Q = 17 (good)
Qc = 0.4 Qc = 8.3 Equation 4 includ es a comparison of the app lied
Vp = 3.1 km/s Vp = 4.4 km/s cutter force F (e.g. a 1000 tnf TBM thrust
E mass = 7 GPa E mass = 20 GPa averaged over 40 cutters, giv es F = 25 tnf), and
the estimated rock mass strength SIGM A. Crudely
B 1.6m c/c B 2.4m c/c estimated, we assume SIGM A (the estimated
S(fr) 10 cm none strength of the rock mass), is given by the
followin g equation (exp ressed in MPa).
where the Q-value has been normalized by σc
The objective of the Q TBM model is to p redict both /100 (increased or decreased for rock stren gths
PR (p enetration rate) and AR (actual advance
more or less than 100 MPa), and (γ) is the density
rate) for the various domains, rock ty pes, or tunnel
of the rock. Cutter life index (CLI), quartz
len gths in a given p roject. Naturally, there are
imp ortant machine-rock interactions that need to
Table 2. PR, AR and U and their interpretation with time p eriod, for the case of a somewhat under-
powered TBM. Gradient m = −0.20, which is quite common, is assumed.
Period PR 1 shift 1 day 1 w eek 1 month 3 months 1 y ear
Hours 1 hr 8 hrs 24 hrs 168 hrs 720 hrs 2160 hrs 8760 hrs
U 100% 66% 53% 36% 27% 22% 16%
AR m/hr 3.0 2.0 1.6 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.5

percentage (q), and the ap p roximate biaxial stress increases. In the case shown, the numb ers imp ly a
state (σθ) at the face of the tunnel (i.e. 5 M Pa at completed tunnelling len gth of 8760 × 0.5 ≈ 4380
100m depth) comp lete the terms in this equation. metres, after 1 y ear of fairly difficu lt TBM
Note the normalization of cutter force F by 20 tunnellin g with m ≈ −0.20. The assumed PR = 3
tnf. The p ower term is designed to give a m/hr rep resents a somewhat underpowered
quadratic relation between p enetration rate (PR) machin e in hard m assive rock, an examp le that is
measured in m/hr and F, using the emp irical not so uncommon, for the p urp ose of illustrating
app roximation (Barton, 2000). p otential difficulties.
When on the other hand, conditions are very
PR ≈ 5QTBM−1 / 5 (6) favourable and PR is as high as say 6 m/hr, and m
is as low as –0.15, we can evaluate AR at the end
Due to the comp lexities of TBM operation, the of 1 year of tunnelling by combining equ ations 3,
actual advan ce rate (AR) over lon ger p eriods of 4 and 5.
tunnel borin g is a fr action of the “instantaneous”
value PR. This fraction is the utilisation U (the AR ≈ 5 QTBM−1 / 5 × T m (7)
time when boring is actually occurrin g). The
classic TBM (equation 1: AR = PR × U) was A value of PR = 6 m /hr imp lies QT BM = (5 /PR)5
modified to a time-dependent form in equ ation 2 = 0.40, and the average AR for 1 y ear (= 8760
(AR = PR × T ), shown earlier in this pap er. hours) will then be 1.54 m/hr or almost 13.5 km in
The four lines and three curves shown earlier in the year, which is an excep tionally good result
Figure 2 hav e negative grad ients that may range (though even this is below the TBM world record
from –0.15 for best p erformance, to –0.5 or ev en that at least by the year 2000 was about 16km in
steep er in the worst rock conditions (the one year: see Barton, 2000 for descr ip tion and
“unexp ected events” shown with low Q-values in analysis of numerous case records).
Figure 2. However, there is the likelihood of The Q T BM model, develop ed by Ricardo
deceleration gradients only as low as (-)0.10 when Abrahão in Sao Paulo, has an inp ut data sheet and
using modern double shield machin es with PC- giv es zone-by -zone estimates of performance, as
elem ent liner p ush-off, due to con tinued advance illustrated in Figure 23. The delay ing effect of
while resetting the grippers. Note the lo g scales of fault-zones is shown by the steep ly inclined lines,
PR, AR and time in this figure, which wer e which can if desired, contain the cumulative
derived from analy sis of the 145 TBM case delays of faults in a giv en rock-typ e domain.
records totallin g some 1000 k m, as mentioned in
the introduction. This significant data base and its Application of QTBM m odel to Hong Kong
message, needs to be criticised with greater car e Tunnel F pre-grouting effects
by those who do not like the develop ment of a
case-record b ased p rognosis model. App lication to the Hong Kon g Tunnel F p re-
The general, lon g term, slowly deceleratin g groutin g estimation is illustrated in Figur e 24a and
tunnelling sp eed, that usually follows the 24b, showing b efore-and-after p rognoses. Note
contractor’s learnin g curve in the first weeks or the steep est gradient (-) m in the fault zone (r ed),
months of a TBM tunnel p roject, is what makes which p revents tunnel comp letion without
drill-and-b last and TBM tunnelling an interestin g imp rovement by p re-grouting. The p ost-injection
field for comp arison, when significant lengths of estimates p roved to be slightly conservative, due
tunnel are involved. to the better than modelled imp rovements to rock
The examp le given in Table 2 shows how conditions, actually caused by the sy stematic p re-
advance rate may decline as the tunnel length groutin g p erformed by Skanska.

M ajor, and sometimes seemin gly minor fault

zones rep resent the ‘Achilles heel’ of TBM
because, if sufficiently serious, they p resent the
contractor with a situation where the TBM itself is
actually ‘in the way’ of the most efficient p re-
treatment or recovery methods that are usually
available to a cr eative contractor.
Fault zones are a form of ‘extreme value’ in
terms of characterization or classification of the
z ne 1

z ne 2
degr ee of d ifficu lty (and supp ort needs) that they
z ne 3

z ne 4
rep resent. They therefore lie far outside the ideal
z ne 5

z ne 6
‘central’ qualities where TBM give advance rates
z ne 7

z ne 8
that are much sup erior to those of drill-and-blast
z ne 9 tunnellin g.
Because TBM slowly decelerate as time an d
z ne 10

z ne 11


tunnel length increase, it is even more imp ortant

that the rockmass has mostly ‘central’ qualities.
Fig. 23. An examp le of the Q T BM ‘inp ut data’ So when a TBM is chosen ‘because the tunnel is
screen and zone-by -zone p rogress p redictions, very long and needs to be driven f ast’, the
includin g f ault zones. Part of the p rognosis of a opp osite may actually occur, as extreme valu e
TBM tunnel about to start in S. America, where a statistics of rock quality are more likely to be
lot of deep coring was availab le from miner al encountered in a long tunnel, which p ossibly has
exp loration holes. Barton, 2007, contract rep ort. high over-burden and reduced p re-investigation as
a result. There are many of these, and they ‘all’
have various p roblems.
Extrem e values of rock qu ality, that may be
‘enhanced’ by the tunnel length bein g too lon g for
the choice of TBM, include lar ger f ault zones,
high er water p ressures, massive (h igh Q-valu e)
rock which may also be harder or more abrasiv e,
and squeezing (or erodin g) conditions in fault
zones, because of h igh over-burd en (or h igh water
p ressures).
Double-shield machines, with PC-elements for
both supp ort and thrust (while re-setting grip p ers),
have been claimed by some as the answer to ‘all’
variable rock conditions. Such a solution, often at
a signif icant extra cost p er meter of tunnel, due to
all the concr ete rin gs required, mostly p roduces a
minimal d eceleration gradient, of about half the
value when thrust is only available from gr ip p ers.
A p oor PR can then recover to a good final AP
result by ‘curve-jump ing’ in Figure 2.
This may be sufficiently attractive from a
b schedulin g point of view, to make the probable
Fig. 24 a and b. App lication of the Q T BM model to extra cost of supp ort acceptable, in relation to the
Hong Kong Tunnel F p re-groutin g p redictions. In supp ort that the tunnel might actually need from a
the first screen, no p re-grouting imp rovements stability p oint of view. This is especially true for
were assumed, and mor e than 1 y ear was p re- high-sp eed rail tunnels, p rovided that p re-injection
dicted for comp letion of some 800 m. Grouting control of water inf lows is not a stringent
made regional f ault p enetration p ossible, instead requirem ent, because this is more difficult to
of imp ossible. achieve ahead of TBM .
The ‘p ush-off-liner’ double-shield solution Barton, N. 2005. Comments on ‘A critique of QTBM’.
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Deva, Y., Dayal, H.M. & Mehrotra, A. 1994. Artesian
of the (double) shield.
blowout in a T BM driven water conductor tunnel in
TBM tend to get stuck when several Northwest Himalaya, India. Proc. 7th IAEG
‘predictable’ events combine into an unp redictable congress, Lisbon. Oliveira et al. (eds) 4347-4354.
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extrem ely low Q-values. It is in avoidan ce of such Mitani, S., Iwai, T . and Isahai, H. 1987. Relations
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A degree of prep aredness for app roaching ‘no- T he methodology through adverse geology ahead of
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injection, which is b elieved to eff ectively improve
many (or all) of the six Q-parameters, thereby
makin g adv ance both p ossible, and less
The effect of rock mass comp action due to
tunnel dep th, causes an increase in the seismic
velocity , if seismic p rofiling ahead of a (TBM )
tunnel is bein g used to p robe conditions. The
recordin g of a reasonable velocity of say 4km/s
may mask actual fault zone qualities, which might
reveal a 2 to 2.5 km/s velocity , if encountered
nearer the surface.

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